Chest pain, Bradycardia and PVC

Posted by izzylizzy1998 @izzylizzy1998, Jan 14, 2024

Chest pain, PVC and Bradycardia?

Hello! Just looking for some insight on what I may be dealing with.

30 year old female, moderate alcohol use (weekends 5 ish drinks), previously vaped nicotine for 3 years and quit 2 weeks ago.

Two weeks ago I went to the ER with chest pain on my left side. They ran an EKG, chest X-rays, and Troponin bloodwork. Everything came back completely normal.

I then started Prozac (20mg) for ongoing general anxiety - I took it for five days before I started experiencing Bradycardia with a resting heart rate of 32-49. I went to emergency again and the doctor told me to get off ASAP. They took bloodwork to look at my electrolytes, thyroid function and hormones and everything was perfect. The EKG showed that I have Trigeminy. My blood pressure was 120/89.

I’m still having the chest pain which also moves to my back (between shoulder blade and spine) on my left side. The pain feels internal, almost like a quick muscle cramp (sharp squeeze) that happens for about a second and then goes away. This happens intermittently all day. Nothing seems to make it better or worse. I’ve tried Asprin, Aleve, Advil, and Tylenol and none seem to cut the pain. It doesn’t feel muscular or like a nerve because movement and positional changes don’t seem to affect it. Deep breathing doesn’t make it worse.

I did see a chiropractor last week and the pain went away for a few days but it back again. He took X-rays and said everything looked fine with my spine and hips.

I just don’t know what to do about the pain. Both emergency room doctors had no answers for me and it’s making my health anxiety skyrocket.

I have an appointment with my GP Tuesday, is there anything I should ask her to check that can help me get some answers?

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You may have to take another look at dealing with depression/anxiety/mood disorder and at least try something else to help with that. Once your mental health is in more control, you'll feel immeasurably better in jig time. There are options, including finding another medical team who will take a fresh look at you. Your current team sounds.............tired.
Apart from that, the trigeminy might be a sign of things to come if it changes, and you suspect as much. Its symptoms, the way it makes you feel, is arousing your FoF response, and if it becomes chronic, or sustained, it leads to other problems due to the increased cortisol. I would recommend that you seek out a highly sought, and busy, electrophysiologist and have a consultation, ideally with a copy of that EKG in hand.


You may have to take another look at dealing with depression/anxiety/mood disorder and at least try something else to help with that. Once your mental health is in more control, you'll feel immeasurably better in jig time. There are options, including finding another medical team who will take a fresh look at you. Your current team sounds.............tired.
Apart from that, the trigeminy might be a sign of things to come if it changes, and you suspect as much. Its symptoms, the way it makes you feel, is arousing your FoF response, and if it becomes chronic, or sustained, it leads to other problems due to the increased cortisol. I would recommend that you seek out a highly sought, and busy, electrophysiologist and have a consultation, ideally with a copy of that EKG in hand.

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Unfortunately I’m in Canada and were unable to switch doctors or health teams. We’re extremely short in doctors and specialists and wait lists can be very long for any type of imaging or appointment.


Sounds like maybe gallbladder or maybe ask to have a cat scan or MRI. X-rays don’t show everything with your spine. It sounds like gas pains which can be unbearable.

What’s with the Prozac ur having physical pain and probably causing u anxiety. Don’t let these doctors write u off. I suffered with horrible pain in my chest back between my shoulder blades. Kept going to the hospital. This went on for a year finally at the last emergency room visit I said get me a surgeon I want him to go in there..And guess what…I had three small bowel adhesions causing partial blockages. Didn’t even show on a cat scan.


I have gone to the er several times with chest pains and have been dismissed and even told it may be heart burn! Returning 30 days with a heart attack. I hear it happens a lot to women.


Interesting your symptoms. I am a 63-year-old female who was diagnosed with PVCs, mild mitral valve agitation approximately three years ago during Covid. I have no idea if this was Covid related or just coincidental. urgent care 12/23/24, 12/24/24 four heart flutter, intermittent chest pain, stabbing pain between scapula and spine on the left side. I am just concerned this is possible MI? Anyone experiencing this?


Regurgitation that is:)

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