Interstitial Lung Disease and Autoimmune Diseases

Posted by spiritnsoul @spiritnsoul, Jul 18, 2021

Hi, im trying to connect with other people dealing with Interstitial Lung Disease, and Rheumatoid arthritis auto immune diseases

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I have UIP, a type of interstitial lung disease and pulmonologist put me on OFEV to help slow the progression of the disease. My hair has started falling out and I think it is this medication. When I spoke to the pharmacist, they said it was a very rare reaction and suggested I get my thyroid checked. Is anyone else taking this medication and if so, any reactions?


I was diagnosed with Interstitial lung disease, they found Rheumatoid Arthritis in one of the tests stating it was linked to my lung disease. I was seeing a specialist who referred me to the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. After my initial consultation the lung specialist asked if I had ever smoked and I answered that I had but had given up 5 years prior, he then basically said I will see you in three months. He continued to do the same thing for about three appointments but put me on Prednisolone and Mycophenolate. The last appointment I had with him he did the same old thing denying the fact I had no right to be there and instructed me to do a beep test in order to assess me for a lung transplant. The minimum oxygen saturation to do the test was 85% and I was at 81% so he sent me home. That night I woke up sat on the side of the bed (I cannot remember this, my wife explained this to me), I was unresponsive, so she called an ambulance. As soon as the ambulance put an oxygen mask on me, I was combative and resisted any attempts to move me (again I have no recollection of this). I became conscious 5 weeks later in Intensive care oblivious to what had happened and drifting in and out of fever dreams. My condition deteriorated rapidly over approximately three months going from nasal probes with oxygen to high flow oxygen, any attempt to exert myself left my saturation dropping to as low as 51%. I had a persistent bacteria Psuedomonas Commenalis or something like that that was causing fluid build up in my lungs and was even moved to another hospital to do physiotherapy. The hospital was terrible and had no idea how to care for someone in my state. I had three codes in four days and they moved me back to the Alfred. I mentioned the lack of care from the specialist I was seeing there to one of the lung specialists and eventually was asked what I wanted, I said I wanted a Lung Transplant. I could barely lift my arms to eat. The doctor that asked me then told me I would be assessed for a transplant, they let a few things go because there was no way I could pass them. Doctors from all over the hospital had to see me and explain I had a low chance of survival from my weak state (mainly being negative and trying their best to talk me out of it), the only team pushing for me to get it was the Physiotherapists because I never said no to their sessions and kept trying. Someone up there was looking out for me because I got approval to have a lung transplant, six hours later I was signing a form to receive new lungs the next day. I awoke 4 weeks later in Intensive care and was moved back to the respiratory unit and worked my arse off for around 3 months to regain the ability to walk. This all happened during the big COVID scare and I was unable to see my family. I am sitting here now writing this and was released in September 2021. I am not going to lie there are times I wish I didn't have the transplant, but when I think back to how I felt I didn't do it for just me it was for my kids and wife. The main issue I have now is my mental health, I left the hospital with severe PTSD and panic disorder. I have been to Japan, Thailand and the Philippines with my family, we have travelled to Queensland, Australia stooping by in Canberra (some things you just can't undo). And also Sydney all together. I take my son to Jiu Jitsu twice a week and have been able to watch my oldest son become a Police Officer and will soon watch him be married. I guess I am trying to say if you want to get through this it is a rough ride whether it is worth it depends on you, but if that is the path you want you have to push for it, don't sit there and waste away like my Mother did. Nothing ever scared me in life but not being able to breath even with the slightest bit of exertion having a panic attack scared me. I sincerely hope you find your path.


I was diagnosed with Interstitial Lung Disease and was hospitalised with hypoxia. Awoke 5 weeks later in Intensive Care, spent 1 and a bit months slowly dying in the Respiratory Ward. I was assessed for a lung transplant and got a double lung transplant. I now live with PTSD and Panic Disorder, severe depression, suicidal ideations along with neuropathy and type 2 diabetes. I was days away from dying now I am waiting for something to pop up because as my lung specialists so bluntly put it, "It is a palliative procedure". I don't recall hearing that prior to getting the transplant.

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