Persistent Chest Pain - Please help

Posted by juliar19 @juliar19, Oct 20, 2022


I am a 28 y/o female and I started experiencing chest pains on September 23rd so about a month ago. I went to the ER had had several blood tests including troponin that came back fine. I had an EKG that also looked good. I continued to experience the chest pains and had a stress echo done. The stress echo showed an incomplete RBBB but otherwise normal. At this point, my primary does not think this is heart related. I do have a follow-up in December with a cardiologist. The pain comes and goes and feels like an electric shock type pain right underneath my left breast. I also get some chest pains that feel like a stabbing/cramping feeling in the middle. OTC meds do not help. Starting to consider autoimmune issues or stress/anxiety. I have been extremely anxious due to the chest pains and worrying about my heart. Other possibly relevant info: I had a baby in July, used to be a long distance runner, history of family heart disease. Any idea what this could be?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.


Hello, posting this here as I posted in the wrong group. I’m a 28 y/o female who has been experiencing electrical shock like sensations for over two months near my heart. I feel the sensations on the left side, center and even the right side occasionally. It feels like electricity is running through me and jolts me. I have been to the doctor for an ekg, stress echo, chest x ray, blood work. All look ok. My question is, has anyone ever experienced this and does it sound cardiac to you?

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Hi @juliar19, I moved your recent posts into the original discussion your started and have added it to the Heart Rhythm Conditions support group (

I did this so you can continue to connect with members in both groups and so that members can see your full story.


Hello, posting this here as I posted in the wrong group. I’m a 28 y/o female who has been experiencing electrical shock like sensations for over two months near my heart. I feel the sensations on the left side, center and even the right side occasionally. It feels like electricity is running through me and jolts me. I have been to the doctor for an ekg, stress echo, chest x ray, blood work. All look ok. My question is, has anyone ever experienced this and does it sound cardiac to you?

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Hello @juliar19 - this may be helpful to you. For a number of years I had stabbing pains in my chest. There was not a large area of my chest that was painful. The pains were like flashes of lightening along a line. They never occurred during exercise - so I never bothered to get them checked out. A few years ago, after I had been having them for some time, a doctor told me I had a heart mumur (I'd gone in for carpal tunnel syndrome). I had an echocardiagram and the results were a leaky mitral valve with severe regurgitation (blood flows back into the heart). Before this one doctor heard the murmur, no one ever mentioned hearing it. The cardiologist told me my condition developed gradually over time. I elected to have my mitral valve repaired before I went into congestive hear failure. I hope this helps you out. You are smarter than I was, getting it checked out now. Take care.


Hello @juliar19, welcome to Connect. The type of electric shocks you describe are scary as you know what. Thankfully, your heart tests proved negative. I have not had a baby for 21 years, but do remember the stress and anxiety that accompanies the life changes.

Although we are not medical professionals here on Connect and help through our own personal experiences, I agree with @sueinmn that reducing anxiety is a healthy focus and easily could be a culprit.

My chest pain and electric shocks happened as you describe, under the breast almost in the rib cage area, and center of the chest. They often happened while I was at work and came out of nowhere. Life was super busy then, having 2 kids a job and all that comes with it. I remember thinking the pain and discomfort may not have been normal, but I was always able to slowly breath my way out of them. Then I'd commence on feeling a short-lived dull ache where they happened. For me, it was all nerve pain. Stress induced, no doubt.

I'm glad you have a follow-up with the cardiologist, and hopefully you'll stay connected with your PCP and see what they have to offer. In the meantime stress-management tools such as progressive muscle relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, mindful meditation can all help. Here is a quick easy way to get started -

Stop Practice: A Mindfulness Technique-

How are your nights going? Are you getting adequate sleep yet? Sleep can also be a contributing factor as can poor diet. How do you feel you are doing overall with self-care?

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Hi there! Quick question - do you remember how often you'd get the shocks and how long this went on for? I appreciate the response. Really hoping this is just stress.


Oh, and to answer your questions. No, we are not quite getting good sleep yet. Baby is up every 2-4 hours so getting about 4/5 hours per night atm.


Hi there! Quick question - do you remember how often you'd get the shocks and how long this went on for? I appreciate the response. Really hoping this is just stress.

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Hello! I'd say for a few years on and off and now every so often. I ended up having neuropathy from B12 deficiency and later diagnosed with Central Sensitization Syndrome. CSS is a hypersensitivity where it takes less to hurt and you feel more intensely. Its caused by an upregulation of the central nervous system where louder messages are received in the brain via spinal cord. Outside of possibly nerve medication helping, the best management is lifestyle change and calming the CNS. So stress for me was definitely a pain enhancer.

Baby, baby, baby... do I remember the days of getting minimal sleep when my kids were born. It takes time and routine and luck!

Have you tried to brainstorm ideas of how to reduce stress at this time? Do you have a partner or family members to step in and help?


Hello and thank you for sharing, I am very sympathetic about the pain you are experiencing, especially at such a young age. I have had, and continue to have, the type of pain you have described, with one big difference: much of mine started randomly moving from the left side of my chest, sometimes right in the middle, and now on the right side. I have gone to the ER several times and it is not a cardiovascular problem. This last ER visit I was diagnosed with PLEURODYNIA. If you look it up on Google there is very little information except a description of the pain as well as the common name DEVIL'S CLAWS because the pain can be so excruciating. It usually lasts 3-4, days when it is contagious, but can last up to three weeks and then it just disappears. Essentially, this is a virus that finds a home on the outside of your lungs; it can cause epidemics but there is very little research beyond that. I thought I would reach under by breast and tear it out - know what I mean! Certainly the stresses of life can be causal for pain and need attention. But when I opened Google and saw a picture of a young woman doubled over and clutching her breast I felt an enormous sense of relief that what I have was a medical condition! Now I can be accepting of the pain and give myself a break from self stress blame and being a medical detective! Wishing you a healthy life, Theres Gifford


Sounds like it could be esophageal spasms which can mimic cardiac symptoms.
Ask to have a modified barium swallow and/or esophageal manometry.


@juliar19 That must really be scary. But you took the right precaution, getting your heart checked out.
Now, it sounds like you would like to figure out the real cause. Here is a helpful article that outlines a number of possible reasons:
Given your age, and the times we live in, do you think the stress in your life could be the cause? How often does it happen?
I think with a little exploration based on what you read above, you migh be able to pinpoint the trigger(s)

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I had the same experience a couple of years ago after I dislocated my left shoulder and broke my humerus in a strange accident at the gym. In an process of relocating my shoulder and the incidental nerve stretching of the injury, I think the muscles/tendons were stretched and traumatized. I had a lot of sleep disturbance from this injury because I couldn't sleep in my normal position and of course the nerve pain was sometimes excruciating. Sleep deprivation and anxiety will absolutely create the "symptoms" that you have described, at least I felt the same sensations. I could feel every beat pounding in my chest at night! Doctors often underestimate what sleep depravation can do to a person--mentally and physically! My neurologist finally ordered Amitriptyline for the nerve pain (off label use) and I finally got relief with only 10 mg at night!


Oh, and to answer your questions. No, we are not quite getting good sleep yet. Baby is up every 2-4 hours so getting about 4/5 hours per night atm.

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Did you ever figure out what was wrong? I had a baby in August and am dealing with exactly what you described.


@juliar19 - I'm sorry you aren't getting a firm answer to your issue, and I can sympathize, having gone through something similar in my 40's.
After a lot of tests (and a lot of "why are you here?" from cardiac staff) the cardiologist was left to conclude I had vasospasms, resulting from stresses with job, teenager & family illness. (I also have a right bundle branch block which is hereditary, possibly congential and has changed little in 10 years of monitoring.) Due to my family history we were also concerned. When I told one sibling what had happened, she reported that she & two of my brothers had been treated for the same... So for 25 years, we have been watching, and my heart is now, in my 70's, showing some changes but still strong. Even though my Dad & most of his family had serious heart disease, and my Mom and maternal Grandfather died from serious heart issues, I guess our vigilance about about diet, weight & exercise is paying off - only a few of my 60+ cousins & siblings in this generation (aged 62-94) have serious heart disease.

Think of the stress you have been under for this year with pregnancy, childbirth & all the life changes. In your situation, I would be inclined to conclude that my heart is okay and that I need to focus on reducing anxiety. Perhaps start with your primary or OB to find that assistance.

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I have been told I have bradycardia which is a low heart rate. I also have all the symptoms including chest pains like electrical pains. I’ve been to emergency room 4 times. But heart is fine. Had a cath done no blockages. But heart rate runs in 30’s while sleeping & in 40’s while awake. Oxygen also drops in 80’s while sleeping. My family doctor said I need a pacemaker but my heart specialist said I don’t qualify for one yet. Because I’ve not started fainting yet. I believe it’s because of insurance. I live in fear every moment of everyday. Afraid my heart will stop especially at night while sleeping. I know I need help but have no idea what to do.

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