Fibromyalgia pain: Let's connect

Posted by clownscrytoo @clownscrytoo, Oct 22, 2016

Is there anyone here that suffers from fibro? I had the 'tender spot test' several years ago and I had 17 out of the 18. I try my hardest to get through the pain with my 4 hydrocodone/acetaminaphine pills a day, Tiger Balm rubbed into areas that are the worst, light exercises, and distracting myself with hobbies or chores, etc; but there are many occasions where none of that helps and I spend most of the day holding down the couch, getting up about 30-45 minutes after that, walking/standing around the house for 15-20 minutes, or sitting for about 15-30 min. I do not drive and my husband works 6 days a week, overtime almost every day, so I'm alone a lot. my wonderful husband is very supportive and I am very grateful for that, but my only other friends are online, out of state, and I will probably never even get to meet them. when extreme pain takes over, my depression takes over and it is so difficult to find hope. does anyone have tips for fibro, whether diet or over-the-counter meds (I've tried them all, I think), or anything, besides hobbies and such? I've tried every over-the-counter med, and the Tiger Balm does cover some of what the pain pill doesn't help, but I'm hoping one of our members might have some knowledge that could help. I'd really appreciate it.

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Age doesn\'t matter pain is the pain. Support for a loved one is so important. I just reunited 2 yrs ago with my former boyfriend apart for 30 yrs. Love him to pieces but makes me feel sad. I wanted to get a book to read, send articles. Every time there is an issue he gets pissy. So i can relate to you. You say you are looking for assisted living. If $$ is an issue and we all know what that is about. If you are on Social sec disability or your state insurance. You can call the local chapter of adult social services. They will assist you or call 211 and tell them you need resources. Instead of senior living look into subsidized living. There will be a list but take only 30% of your income. Grant, it it is not the tosh mahal but maybe that can help. I to go on the computer keeps my mind busy love my games lol and two dogs a Pomeranian and a 50 %beagle, 37 Boston terrier and 13 bulldog had her DNA done 🙂

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I will check it out. Born my daughter will. She lives in Naples. Thank you


Does anyone know if Medicare has a cap they will pay?

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I am way over that. My infusion is expensive is twice that amt already. Well if my secondary insurance along with Medicare dies not cover I will soon be on our license assistant. I pay almost ,300 a month for my secondary to back up my medicare.


Don't know if there is a cap?.right now Medicare premium in San Diego is $134 month but some income levels pay more based on incomes over a certain level..suggest you look/read the annual Medicare booklet published and mailed to those enrolled in Medicare . I believe you can request this publication from Medicare.

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My medicare book probably got thrown in trash. My suppliment is nearly 300 a month. I pray I can keep that up


I know we pay that for our Medicare. AND, I have suppliment insurance which runs me nearly 250.00 a month now. Goes up every year. They would love to get rid of me. But, before I would give up my suppliment, I would skip one meal a day. I never pay a dime out in medical bills. But, I wondered if there is a cap that Medicare will pay? Like lifetime max $300,000 or something like that. I will go on line and see. I was self employed. I feel like my whole life, I worked just to keep my husband and I in good health insurance.

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Also self employed pay two sides of social security. Employer side ME and enployee side Me. Should get double medicare right WRONG


Yes, you work hard at your employment giving your all only to retire and realize, there is NO money going into the bank, just out of the bank. The kids today are different. They saw how we struggled after retirement. They now demand retirement benefits from their employers plus vacation, sick leave you name it. When you are self employed your your employee get the day off. Not you. I made a good living. I make too much to get help, and to little to survive. When my husband became ill, and died, I lost his SS. and his Navy benefit. I went from comfortable to poverty overnight. I am very fortunate. A friend of mine had no one to leave his home to. He left it to me. I lived there two years after he died. But, medical was NILL where I lived in the middle of nowhere. So, sold house and moved to Texas. Best medical I could ask for. I guess I just dont know the games you can play to get this and that from the County. I know a friend of mine lives very comfortable while the County pays her rent and drives her two hours to the doctor and back. I pay my rent and I pay my ride over and back. Does not seem fair.

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I did drop my SS and took his. But together we had his and mine and his VA benefits


My word,your story mimics mine to a T and probably many other members too. You are so not alone. I take the same meds, am 70 years old and my spinal stenosis issues add to my pain. I too am a bed potato while I wait for the meds to kick in, and I lay on a heating pad for my lower back stenosis pain. Good thing you have an understanding do I and that so helps. I take life one day at a time, cannot volunteer or do the hobbies I like. I stand on God's promises that He will come along side of me. I get physical therapy when a fibro knot or a degenerated spinal disc goes way out of whack. Sometimes I log into the "just want to talk" section of Mayo Connect because I need to vent. I notice that if I have a busy day, the next day is a total wash out. I try to run only one or two errands a day, and the next day I'm down for the count. I no longer feel ashamed. Trying to maintain good posture helps. Computer chair sitting can aggrevate. Drink plenty of fluids. Move when you can. When you can't, rest. May God bless you, show you favor and plenty of friends who understand. Sending you a basketful of love.
Victorious69 (Dori)

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What a beautiful email victoreous. I too rely on my Lord. My husband has gone home. Just think today he could see Jesus and Billy Graham . Wow! We will make it. God allowed this fir some reason. I think mine because he CD never get me to slow down and read His Word.


So true parts Time marches on be glad for we,'ll be out of pain soon.

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Yes. We are headed to a place where no illness can touch us.

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Praise God. And all the side thing that I have because of my infusions and my once a week self inflicted shots. But without these treatments I WD not be walking around. I also have this stupid rash on my body which is almost gone and my mouth rash.


Well all of you people living in fibro land encouraging you to do your best and what is in your comfort zone. It may mean a fairly lonely existence, but certainly (speaking for myself) better than flares. I do not even ask for pain medication as where I am it is viewed as drug seeking. I stay with the same primary care person as too much changing around or any at all now is viewed as drug seeking. Take an OTC is what they recommend. No need as if it does not help why take it-even as prescribed. In the area I live in prescribing of opioids is rare. Depression and PTSD are in my chart for all to see-it is the first thing in my chart. How far does anyone trying to get help for pain get taken seriously I am told to talk to a therapist. I have a UTI and still trying to see the PCP. Still waiting on a cancellation. So yes, in a fibro flare. There are times when I go to bed and hope not to awaken to another day. As you can see I have and hoping to get some help for the UTI. I don't even mention fibro as bels and whistles go off in the doctor's head that spell out drug-seeker when I have not once asked for them. They are firing patients now for even asking. I do see a pain specialist for trigger point injections which help for a few days. Insurance will only pay for every 6 months even though they only last a week or so. I am allergic to steroids and get shots of a numbing agent that help the muscles relax. So yes, I am rather discouraged right now. 🙁

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Good Rumie best choice. Be careful. I stayed with my primary and he was dangerous to my illnes. My Ra got worse as it was not treated.


I wish they did pay for homeopathic but not even herbal medicine.It is a shame but the pharmaceutical companies are in for profits not holistic medicines

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Same with marijuana. They put on a campaine calling it a drug. Now people are afraid of it. In Oregon it's everywhere. I CD get it when I needed it. Not in Texas
My doctor can authorize my use. She looked me almost angry when I asked for it

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