Can Gabapentin make neuropathy pain worse?
I started getting peripheral neuropathy pain about nine months ago in my feet and hands right after I received a cervical steroid injection. I started taking gabapentin about 7 months ago. I have gradually increased my dose from 100 mg a day to 1500 mg. I can't say that it has decreased my pain at all. In fact, my pain has gotten steadily worse. I was just wondering if it is possible that gabapentin can sometimes make neuropathy pain worse. My EMG and biopsy results are negative for short fiber neuropathy so far.
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My experiemce with Gabapentin is different than many on this Blog. I fought for a few years using drugs until it was not worth it. I have been on gaba 300 mg 3x and it makes a hige differemce in my idiopathic PN symptoms. So far after a few years no issues other than positive relief from nasty Idiopathic PN.
Hopefully you have a substitute to take. I took Gabapentin without any symptoms but everyone is different. Good luck.
Have you tried Pregabalin ( Lyrica?). It's been great for me. Just a thought.
Dear @lwisely
That med I have the 1500, 3 times a day. Not pain, but anti-sezure (sp?).
Greg D. @greg1956