Does anyone have any tips for pre and post op TURP procedure?

Posted by dbee @dbee, Jun 30, 2024

I’m thinking about catheter pain, pants to wear post procedure, and any other tips to make the process as comfortable as possible. I’m a bit terrified.

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Just received this diagnosis. I'm scared and have no idea what should be next. Any thoughts ...?
There is a large (2.7 x 1.7 x 2.5 cm) homogeneously T2 hypointense lesion in the posterolateral left
peripheral zone extending
from base of gland apex with marked diffusion restriction and associated hyperenhancement on
postcontrast sequences. PI-RADS 5.
Lesion broadly abuts the outer prostatic margin. Presence or absence of extraprostatic extension
cannot be determined due to the
extent of motion artifact.

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I had a PI-Rads 5 lesion that resolved itself over a 6 month period.


I had a PI-Rads 5 lesion that resolved itself over a 6 month period.

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Wow, And you did nothing?

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