Has anyone used a Reliefband to help with nausea?
A friend suggested this to me - supposedly due to pulsed currents to the median nerve it helps control nausea while undergoing immunotherapy and/or chemotherapy. It sounds a little suspect to me but I'm open to hearing what results it's had on anyone who may have used it during treatment as I embark upon my own immunotherapy.
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lol. I’m a proud mom of three and delighted grandmom of another three: a grandson of 13 who lives nearby in AZ, a 7 year I’d granddaughter and youngest grandson who’s 4 in California. I’ve had several skin cancers in my life, all detected and treated due to proper surveillance. Fair warning: this is much more than that.
We’d rented a house this past summer to be near the two little ones and train a new puppy - it was a delightful two months except for the fact I developed what I believed was a flare of diverticulitis that persisted until after we returned home in September when I requested my nurse practitioner order a CT scan to confirm the diagnosis.
When I downloaded the report the next day, I saw the scan revealed an incidental finding of a new 9mm lung nodule that had not been there on a scan performed a year earlier when I’d been hospitalized for an unrelated issue. My nursing background alerted me to this cause for concern, especially based on my history nearly 5 years earlier of an unusual melanoma (as it didn’t meet the normal presentation) on my cheek that required a wide resection - even though it I’d been assured all margins were clear.
That prompted me to immediately apply for evaluation at Mayo’s Lung Nodules Clinic where I submitted all my pertinent medical records. I underwent a consultation, had some basic diagnostics, then had a robotic biopsy to confirm the diagnosis: metastatic melanoma - still surprising, upsetting, sobering. Thankfully further diagnostics revealed no further spread. I met with an oncologist, explored my options and ready to embark on treatment.
The short answer to your question: I was totally asymptomatic! Like many of these lung nodules, it was found by chance. I consider myself very fortunate, I start immunotherapy with Keytruda today and remain confident I’ll be spending many more joyful years as a grammato3!
I realize I replied to an inquiry that was not intended for me as I read the entries early this morning before leaving for my first treatment and I *may* have been somewhat nervous! But now my history is out there and hopefully it can help alert others to follow up on any suspicious findings.
Cancer is diff for e/one it's very helpful to hear other people's stories, they/we might learn thgs to watch for? expect? etc.. I wish u all the luck on ur upcoming chemo, I pray ur not too ill, enjoy ur family and always ask/except help if needed. Sounds like u hv a good support group of family and that's awesome! good luck and God bless
I use Ondansetron when needed as it works very well for occasional nausea. Due to the after effects of radiation and having SIBO Ondansetron is a wonder for me.
That must have been uncomfortable For those unfamiliar, SIBO is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, similar to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
So far, for me, after my first Keytruda infusion, I've only had a mild headache the first two days that responded to Tylenol.
The great thing about under the tongue Zofran is that you use it only when you feel nausea coming on. The effect , for me, was rapid. So I wasn't medicating without the need for the medication.
Wristbands were not effective for me, but I wouldn't rule them out without a try.
Were you were given any tips on surviving chemo with SIBO condition? I have chronic SIBO and am worried that chemo treatments will totally destroy my digestion. Hopefully there are supplements that protect the digestive tract, any tips you can share would be appreciated:)