Resulting symptoms of sudden stoppage of 50 years of diazepam usage?
I was prescribed and ingested 15 mg/day of Valium (diazepam) continuously over a 50 year period. It was discontinued abruptly 1-1/2 years ago and I still have the following withdrawal symptoms: extreme anxiety, intermittent confusion, body jerks, tremors, blurred vision, lose of taste (candle mouth), ringing in ears, etc. Is there anyway to relieve or mitigate these resultant conditions? I am desperate!
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There really is not anything that truly helps with anxiety other than benzodiazepines and doctors are slowly but surely getting away from prescribing them. If you have an old doctor you may get them for a while. If your doctor dies or retires and all you can find is a younger doctor you’ll probably be out of luck. The doctors are prescribing antipsychotics off label, antidepressants exclusively or beta blockers off label. There really isn’t anything else out there.
I’m not finding that to be true. Both my primary physician and my psychiatrist who are both relatively young (40’s) are happy to prescribe me anything that is medically necessary. This includes Ativan. I think that rgtaylor shouldn’t give up. There’s someone out there who will be willing to prescribe you whatever is medically necessary. And I think some kind of Benzodiazepine is for you.
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