Panic attacks and depression

Posted by giacamosgirl58 @giacamosgirl58, May 27, 2018

I've taken antidepressants for most of my life. Was recently on mirtazipine, but it wasn't helping. My doctor tried Zoloft and prozac, but each caused severe panic attacks. Anxiety is nothing new, but this has been debilitating. Just started taking Seroquel to help me sleep. Also taking clonazipam 0.5 twice a day. I did sleep, but wake up feeling like my skin is going to crawl off of my body. I've never felt this bad before. For the record, the SSRI's have worked in the past, but for some reason my body isn't tolerating them this time. I'm 59, employed, and scared to leave my house. I go to work, but when I get home I just sit in a chair and stare and wait for the tingling in my arms, hands, and feet to stop. Can someone tell me how to get a handle on this? My doctor has started the Seroquel at 25-50mg per night.

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@giacomosgirl58, Hi, I am Gary, another volunteer mentor, like Teresa. Welcome to Connect and I have experienced what you describe as far as waking up feeling like you are in the middle of a panic attack and I have read in a number of journals that we are, in fact, having a panic attack during sleep. There may be other things, as Teresa suggested, that are happening, but I believe mine are sleeping panic attacks. I try to take an ativan (same class as your klonopin) and lay down until the shaking/tremors go away. I do not work, so this approach may not be easy for you to take, but I can't imagine that you can actually function when this is happening. I pray the meds you are on will provide you even greater relief when they have reached their maximum effectiveness.
Best wishes, Gary

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Dear Gary,
This is my very first experience on this site. Just joined. I can't believe all I read! I didn't even know other people woke up with Panic, like I do. I am at wits end. I wake up every single morning in terror. Sometimes, I am stuck to my bed, so scared, but can't get up to even retrieve my Klonipin and take. I NEVER remember the nightmares or dreams at all for about 15 years. All I know is I am scared, really scared when I am trying to get up. I get my Klonipin and just wait for it to work and for the terror and Panic to subside. I wake up dreading the day, with this Anxiety. After I snap out of it, I am happy. Yes, ups and downs. Happy because I am no longer scared and the Anxiety has subsided. I don't want another morning like it, then it happens again and again and again. I have brought this up to my regular Primary Physician, my Therapists, my Psychiatrists and even a sleep doctor. NO ONE addresses it. Like it's no big deal!!! I really struggle HARD waking up. Klonipin is a fast acting medication, however not nearly fast enough when you are Panicking that hard. Also, I am being taking off Klonipin, very slowly. The State, Washington for me, is taking EVERYBODY off of Klonipin. That's a whole other issue. Just sayin' soon, I won't even have that. What can I do? Anything, big and small??? Thank you so much, I need some relief.


Has anyone had symptoms of burning legs and feet after taking zoloft


Hello Teresa, have you ever had panic attacks in dream form?

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@anne777 the kind of dream in which you are n a situation but can’t s wake up …? Oh yes I have had those dreams - but they were more frequent in childhood. Now I have them rarely. They are horrible!


Dear Gary,
This is my very first experience on this site. Just joined. I can't believe all I read! I didn't even know other people woke up with Panic, like I do. I am at wits end. I wake up every single morning in terror. Sometimes, I am stuck to my bed, so scared, but can't get up to even retrieve my Klonipin and take. I NEVER remember the nightmares or dreams at all for about 15 years. All I know is I am scared, really scared when I am trying to get up. I get my Klonipin and just wait for it to work and for the terror and Panic to subside. I wake up dreading the day, with this Anxiety. After I snap out of it, I am happy. Yes, ups and downs. Happy because I am no longer scared and the Anxiety has subsided. I don't want another morning like it, then it happens again and again and again. I have brought this up to my regular Primary Physician, my Therapists, my Psychiatrists and even a sleep doctor. NO ONE addresses it. Like it's no big deal!!! I really struggle HARD waking up. Klonipin is a fast acting medication, however not nearly fast enough when you are Panicking that hard. Also, I am being taking off Klonipin, very slowly. The State, Washington for me, is taking EVERYBODY off of Klonipin. That's a whole other issue. Just sayin' soon, I won't even have that. What can I do? Anything, big and small??? Thank you so much, I need some relief.

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This has been happening the last 2 years. Feel so lousy from not sleeping that I do not want to get up to experience this lousy feeling.

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