UTI and age

Posted by milocase @milocase, Oct 31, 2024

Is there a Best relief for uti
Dr says test indicates no infection

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I'm unclear of the purpose, or nature, of your question. The two statements you posted are contradictory.

About the only home remedy I know of for simple UTI is cranberry juice. Not a blend, the real McCoy. In some markets you can get the Ocean Spray concentrated version, unsweetened. It's like Buckley's Cough Syrup in terms of how yummy it is, but it should do the trick if you have only a minor problem.

Note, though, that the acid in the juice might make things worse for you if you have some kind of inflammation or irritation that is not an infection.

This is where you seek help from maybe a urologist?

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I definitely have inflammation !
There is no urologist in the little town I live in !
Bummer !!!!!!
Cranberry juice seems to have acid that I do not need !
I tried cranberry for months !
And realize it is not helping me !


Maybe you need an anti-inflammatory drug, maybe antibiotics, or some other drug or remedy. You must see a urologist. Yesterday would have been great.


I. Have. Been fighting th
UTI since August ! Off and on! I was prescribed two different. RX! Both made me ill! I
Only took one of. Each ! They. We’re a Antibodic
‘. Helps some!
All otc have same
Ingredients look like. !
UTI is a miserable thing to have !
Changes your entire personality
Hurting ! Pain !! Burning etc ! Makes one grouchy !

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I suggest you look for a different urologist. You need to have a PCR test rather than a standard urine culture. You need to find out what organisms are causing the problem. Our bladders are not sterile. We normally have a whole host of organisms living in them naturally and normally.
It is when the balance of organisms gets out of whack or another different organism, not normally growing there, starts growing and overwhelms the system the naturally occuring organisms that things get out of whack. Good luck.

Also find a good quality cranberry-mannose capsule and take them according to your urologist's instructions.


I just checked out my Walmart I see they have it in the store !
I need something to stop the burning !
I think the lining of my bladder is inflamed ! Seems like it !!!!

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They do have you taking twice a day if you have an active UTI for a few days to jump start. So hoping this helps you. I hate that pain!!!


The same keeps happening to me. (71). All UTI symptoms but urine tests show negative for bacteria. They occur like every 6 months or so. I bought over the counter cystex and it helped.

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Vaginal dryness acts like UTI. Might want to ask your doctor about using an estrogen cream.


Vaginal dryness acts like UTI. Might want to ask your doctor about using an estrogen cream.

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That's actually what they told me. I'll use coconut oil instead


Does coconut oil have estrogen in it? 🙂 It might help with 'dryness', but it won't do anything for the cause of it.


Vaginal dryness acts like UTI. Might want to ask your doctor about using an estrogen cream.

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Instead of saying "doctor", I'd suggest that you see a female urologist, if you have one within a reasonable distance and you don't have to wait too long to see her.


Instead of saying "doctor", I'd suggest that you see a female urologist, if you have one within a reasonable distance and you don't have to wait too long to see her.

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No female urologist close !!
Make Urologist about a hours drive to another town !
A city would be about a 4 hour. Drive !
Not sure about a Female there !
Thanks for the reply and caring !!


That's actually what they told me. I'll use coconut oil instead

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When I used to get chronic UTIs 3-4x a year I used OC Pyridium. It's the only thing that stopped the pain for me. I agree with using estrogen cream. You don't have to use it in the vagina although it would keep your bladder healthy because the vagina and bladder share the same wall. You can use the local non-systemic estradiol cream the size of a pea in the vulva (outer area) and urethra. That whole area has estrogen receptors. Coconut oil isn't going to stop any vulva, or urethra atrophy (goggle, urogenital atrophy). Lack of estrogen weakens the muscles of your urethra. This makes it easier for bacteria to enter your urethra and move up to your bladder. Estrogen keeps the thinning vulva and urethra at the correct pH. Estrogen helps vulva tissues and urethra stay elastic and moist. Please reconsider. There is a whole host of disabling unpleasant things that can happen with a lack of estrogen in this area. When I started using estrogen around the vulva my UTIs stopped. I am 74 and haven't had a UTI in 13 years or anything that feels like a UTI.

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