My friend had a stroke she was CG to her hubby she wants me to do it
Where do I start.? My best friend had a stroke came from out of the blue or maybe because she catered and was her husband main caregiver she will never be the same she will not be able to take care of him anymore. She will need Care herself. The last thing she said to me before they carded her off in the ambulance was don’t let nothing happen to her husband, that was a lot to put on me. It’s been three weeks now her condition hasn’t changed much. She is still in the hospital however, his diabetes he doesn’t take his insulin. He doesn’t eat. He fires his regular caregivers. I just oversee what they don’t and I can’t do it anymore. He just lays on the couch because he wants her to come home and I tried to tell him she will never be the same and will not be able to cater to you like she used too. This was a lot for her to ask of me, but I just can’t do it anymore. Now he’s complaining of a toothache. The caregivers really try and help him remind him to do his medicine and what not plus he’s hooked up to a bag that he never changes it overflows all the time. Disgusting I’m not a caregiver. I’m a retired special-needs school bus driver. Tell her that he’s not being taken care of, and I can’t do it no more have my family. I have a sick husband , as it is left with no phone because she has it he hasn’t been to doctors appointments because she’s the one that made all of them and got him there via transportation. I don’t know what to do anymore when I go here I tell her please we need to do something about him she says, but then they won’t let him come out when she does. I can’t do this anymore , he left alone after the caregiver leave at 5:30. I can’t keep running down there and checking on him my work the graveyard shift since I retired from the school district. I asked him if he wanted to go stay where she was until she got a little better, he said no , I can’t just lay there doing nothing. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know who to call. I don’t know I have my mouth. I have permissions to take care of things, but I do not what I do. can he shouldn’t be there alone anymore. Who can I call? What do I do please any suggestions? Thank you very much.
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@dlroberts Does your friend have children or siblings? If so, contact them ASAP and tell them the situation, but don't be surprised if they brush you off. Next call his physician and relate exactly what is going on. He is a mandated reporter, and obligated to take action to protect his patient. The other, maybe best choice, is her county or state Adult Protective Services through their Crisis Line. They have the legal authority to do what is best for him regardless of his wishes, and you need to honestly tell them that you are unable to continue. If he is a veteran, the VA may also have services.
Please remind your friend that she will not be able to be his caregiver in the future, so arrangements need to be made NOW to do what is best for both of them. after a stroke, her perceptions may be off, and she may still be thinking this is temporary, or not realize the amount of time that has passed already.
Bless you for being a great friend, and for realizing your limits and being honest about it.
If you feel timid or uncertain what to say to strangers, you can write things down much like you did here so you can communicate it clearly. Also, have his vital info, Medicare, insurance and physician info in hand when you make your call.
Hugs to you - be sure to take care of yourself.
You are not responsible for your friend's husband's care. It sounds like he needs professionals. His wife had a stroke and you're filling her shoes and your own. Please don't jeopardize your health. If the caregivers work for an agency have them contact their social worker and let them take it from here. If you don't know how to contact his doctor call your doctor's office for guidance. Or ask the social worker at the hospital to help. This is too much to ask of a friend. It could be a very long time before she returns home.
I hope you find a way to step out of this caregiver role soon.