Any tips for LC dizziness?

Posted by shashig @shashig, Oct 15, 2024

Looking for any advice on LC dizziness...this and fatigue were my primary Covid symptoms, never respiratory issues. As others have said, it gets better, then worse. Last week, I felt so great I ending up walking 7.5 miles, easy to do in NYC, but crashed the next day. I'm in the NYU LC program. They offered only a short course of vestibular exercises. The dizziness seems to recur along with sinusitis, my longtime problem. Anyone? I will be ever grateful!!

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I have had hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s for over 2 decades, and had first symptoms of vertigo( and even seizures) 45 years ago…had never really linked the two together although it is well known carpel tunnel syndrome, while again I had for a while, is a known link. A recent paper by Indian researchers has just been published, unfortunately only based on 5 men, but very interesting link to neck/ shoulders/ vertebrae and compression on nerves there…thus my definite link to early dizziness. Hope I’ve got the right photo of paper details, sorry not direct link.


Hello, I am a long covid survivor hanging on. On April 13, 2020 Easter Sunday, I could not get up out of bed. I had vertigo, dizzy spells and vomiting every time I tried to lift my body up from a laying down position. I laid there until about noon. Then I had to call the paramedics to take me to the hospital. Covid testing was not available then. They ran a lot of blood work and a CAT SCAN. Everything came back normal. I had to stay overnight because the vertigo would not go away. Finally, the vertigo calmed down a little. But, I was still so dizzy and sick to my stomach.
My PCP came to the hospital and told me that I have meniere's disease. I went to an ears, nose, and throat doctor. Everything came back fine.
It is now October 21, 2024 and I still have vertigo, dizzy spells, vestibular migraines and chronic fatigue. I went to all the doctors and they said everything is fine. I now just cope with my symptoms daily. So, some days are good and some days are bad. When I am taking all my vitamins, protein drinks, smoothies, enzymes, etc. and eating healthier foods, no salt, no sugar and drinking a lot of water those are my best days. I have got a lot of help on this Mayo Clinic talking with others with long covid like myself and used some of their vitamins, supplements and enzymes suggestions.
I take Vitamin B complex, B8 inositol, Nattokinase and serrapeptase enzymes, and I make myself protein drinks and smoothies. I also do Probiotics and Prebiotics.
The B8 Inositol really helped me with energy and took away the fatigue.
Before you take any of these vitamins, B8 inositol, supplements, enzymes and etc., check with your medicine interactions if you on any medications. And/Or talk with your doctors or pharmacy.
I hope we all get well and back to our old selves. I miss the old me!


Hello, I am a long covid survivor hanging on. On April 13, 2020 Easter Sunday, I could not get up out of bed. I had vertigo, dizzy spells and vomiting every time I tried to lift my body up from a laying down position. I laid there until about noon. Then I had to call the paramedics to take me to the hospital. Covid testing was not available then. They ran a lot of blood work and a CAT SCAN. Everything came back normal. I had to stay overnight because the vertigo would not go away. Finally, the vertigo calmed down a little. But, I was still so dizzy and sick to my stomach.
My PCP came to the hospital and told me that I have meniere's disease. I went to an ears, nose, and throat doctor. Everything came back fine.
It is now October 21, 2024 and I still have vertigo, dizzy spells, vestibular migraines and chronic fatigue. I went to all the doctors and they said everything is fine. I now just cope with my symptoms daily. So, some days are good and some days are bad. When I am taking all my vitamins, protein drinks, smoothies, enzymes, etc. and eating healthier foods, no salt, no sugar and drinking a lot of water those are my best days. I have got a lot of help on this Mayo Clinic talking with others with long covid like myself and used some of their vitamins, supplements and enzymes suggestions.
I take Vitamin B complex, B8 inositol, Nattokinase and serrapeptase enzymes, and I make myself protein drinks and smoothies. I also do Probiotics and Prebiotics.
The B8 Inositol really helped me with energy and took away the fatigue.
Before you take any of these vitamins, B8 inositol, supplements, enzymes and etc., check with your medicine interactions if you on any medications. And/Or talk with your doctors or pharmacy.
I hope we all get well and back to our old selves. I miss the old me!

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Thanks a million, missbeverly! Not that I wish this syndrome on anyone, but it is a comfort to know one is not alone -- or crazy. While it's great that all your tests come back normal, it also makes you acknowledge medicine's limitations. Your regular use of supplements is encouraging. Inositol is new to me. Don't you feel you alone are keeping Amazon afloat? My gut, pun intended, tells me probiotics ARE really, really important. Health starting in the gut microbiome and all. It's so logical. I truly hope you start feeling better soon. Sending hugs....shashig


I have had hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s for over 2 decades, and had first symptoms of vertigo( and even seizures) 45 years ago…had never really linked the two together although it is well known carpel tunnel syndrome, while again I had for a while, is a known link. A recent paper by Indian researchers has just been published, unfortunately only based on 5 men, but very interesting link to neck/ shoulders/ vertebrae and compression on nerves there…thus my definite link to early dizziness. Hope I’ve got the right photo of paper details, sorry not direct link.

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Not the right link. :(. Can you try again? The photo is of a recipe-looks good however. 🙂


Forced excersize. Ignore or override the fatigue response. Work up a sweat. It helps me enormously. On all fronts including the weird fuzzy spells.


Like someone else on this post, I suffer from Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism. I lost my taste and smell with Covid in December of 2022 5 and also had 18” of my colon removed in April of 2022 due to severe diverticulitis. After my surgery, I began to feel unbalanced and mentally off and started to gain weight. Not normal weight gain, bug patches of fat in certain areas of my body, like my stomach, butt, triceps and it was a different kind of fat that was being deposited in my body. Saw my doctor and we did a blood panel on my Thyroid. To his surprise, my Thyroid Antibodies were off the charts, almost at 600 when they’re suppose to be 0! I began taking 112 mcg of Synthroid and that began to work, until I still needed more medication. He then put me on Cytomel, 5 mcg and the weight began to come off and it’s now staying off. I eventually had to go off the Cytomel, as it was too much medication and I was beginning to feel jittery. My doctor then changed my Synthroid to 100 mcg.’s which is what I am currently taking. I also changed my diet and have eliminated gluten, dairy (all dairy) and soy. I don’t eat processed foods and I do feel much better. I do also drink LMNT Electrolyte Drink Mix which has 1000 mg. Sodium, 200 mg. Potassium and 60 mg. Of magnesium. This drink really helps the unbalanced feeling. I order it from Amazon. I do also take Prebiotics and Probiotics and other supplements that people with Hashimoto’s need. I would suggest that you have your Thyroid levels checked. It’s a simple place to start and it’s done through a simple blood draw. I wish you well on your health journey.


Not the right link. :(. Can you try again? The photo is of a recipe-looks good however. 🙂

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Let’s hope this is right…iPad sometimes goes very sensitive and has its own mind which one I have chosen to send…yesterday was refusing not to send 8 photos, so gave up!


I had dizziness and found out my lungs were badly scarred. I am now on oxygen and it has helped a lot.


Like someone else on this post, I suffer from Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism. I lost my taste and smell with Covid in December of 2022 5 and also had 18” of my colon removed in April of 2022 due to severe diverticulitis. After my surgery, I began to feel unbalanced and mentally off and started to gain weight. Not normal weight gain, bug patches of fat in certain areas of my body, like my stomach, butt, triceps and it was a different kind of fat that was being deposited in my body. Saw my doctor and we did a blood panel on my Thyroid. To his surprise, my Thyroid Antibodies were off the charts, almost at 600 when they’re suppose to be 0! I began taking 112 mcg of Synthroid and that began to work, until I still needed more medication. He then put me on Cytomel, 5 mcg and the weight began to come off and it’s now staying off. I eventually had to go off the Cytomel, as it was too much medication and I was beginning to feel jittery. My doctor then changed my Synthroid to 100 mcg.’s which is what I am currently taking. I also changed my diet and have eliminated gluten, dairy (all dairy) and soy. I don’t eat processed foods and I do feel much better. I do also drink LMNT Electrolyte Drink Mix which has 1000 mg. Sodium, 200 mg. Potassium and 60 mg. Of magnesium. This drink really helps the unbalanced feeling. I order it from Amazon. I do also take Prebiotics and Probiotics and other supplements that people with Hashimoto’s need. I would suggest that you have your Thyroid levels checked. It’s a simple place to start and it’s done through a simple blood draw. I wish you well on your health journey.

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With my ET I had what docs thought was Long Covid.
I then saw a cardiologist who diagnosed me with POTS, not Long Covid…
I’m not suggesting you have POTS, but see a specialist in a different field who may help diagnose you.
So many symptoms apply to different syndromes.
If you’re not feeling right don’t give up! Docs are so specialized you may need to see several for care….

I was so happy to get a POTS diagnosis - not a great diagnosis but ANY diagnosis and the correct meds is better than no diagnosis!
I wanted to hug my doc but restrained myself…

Good luck and hope you find a doc who can help.
We’re all here for each other.


Hi, I have had dizziness, fatigue and Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia as my main symptoms of long covid for almost a year. Recently my doctor suggested that I may have MCAS. I have cleaned up my diet to virtually avoid all food possible that is high in histamines. I have seen dramatic decrease in dizziness. From several episodes a day and not being able to be on a computer or look at any screen for more than 1/2 hour with dizziness and sometimes nausea, to being able to work 3 hours at a time with little to no symptoms. I ate fish the other day that I did not know was usually very high in histamines and had a terrible bout of dizziness. Covid or any infection can bring this on or increase symptoms if someone already has it. I also started seeing a chiropractor who, along with the adjustments, does laser therapy for the frontal lobe and some vestibular work. Hard to say whether all of the above has brought about such dramatic improvement or one or the other. A lot of trial and with this, just thought it would be something to share since it's worked for me quite well. Wish you the best, truly hope you get some relief.

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