Coughing in public

Posted by brian93 @brian93, Oct 1, 2024

No matter how often I use airway clearance, I still cough continuously. Out of respect for other people, I no longer go to movies, concerts, shows etc. It's hard even going to dinner or to friend's house.
Today I was in the grocery store coughing and the woman approaching me from the other end of the aisle put a hand over her mouth and nose and wouldn't even look at me. Last month, as I was waiting for my deli order, I stood at least 10 ft behind someone stifling a cough, but started clearing my throat. She turned around angrily and said if I had wanted her to move, I should have asked her. My reply was, "I wasn't coughing to get you to move, I was coughing because I'm sick.. but don't worry, lung cancer is not contagious."
Has anyone else encountered rude people like this? I certainly understand people are afraid of catching something in this day and age, but it makes me feel like nobody wants to be near me.

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It probably would benefit me. I am just changing over my health insurance. A lot depends on that. I have had two pulmonologists so far. The first one retired and he discovered my conditions. I am seeing a new one the end of the month. Thank you for the advice. Have you had a workup at Mayo?

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No, I haven't needed to, there is an excellent MAC/Bronchiectasis Pulmonologist in my Medical Group who works well with our primary care providers and knows my full history.
If I did not have her, I would definitely call Mayo.


I am new to this group and interested in a multi-disciplinary workup. I have had two pulmonologists so far as well. How can I find out more about the treatment options at Mayo Clinic?

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You can request a referral from one of your pulmonologists to the Mayo Clinic most convenient to you - Rochester, MN, Scottsdale, AZ or Jacksonville, FL. Or you may contact them directly to self-refer using this link:

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