Body making too much Vitamin B6
I had many labs done this week in an attempt to figure out why I am dealing with chronic muscle and joint pain, and severe exhaustion and weakness. The results came back showing that my B6 (normal range is 2-20) is 116. I do take one supplement each evening, and my doctor said it’s far less than she even takes, and in no way would account for such a number. She is completely confused, saying she has never seen such a thing, and couldn’t even come up with any info on it. She will spend some time meeting with other doctors this weekend to brain storm.
I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this, or has any info. I am googling like a mad woman, and the only info I can find is about people taking too much B6 in supplement form, and the dangers of it in their system. Nothing whatsoever about a person’s body making too much. Ideas?
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I have an ascending aortic aneurysm, so I’m kind of doubting my cardiologist and thoracic surgeon will agree to keep me on just a basic blood pressure med. A girl can dream!!
B6 too high, be careful with energy drinks, i had B6 level at 1200. it can lead to polyneuropathy.
It’s been a very long time since you posted this, but I am wondering if you ever found the reason for your excess B6? My blood work just came back the same and my doctors are totally stumped as I don’t take supplements or drink energy drinks
it was the redbull and high consume of beans lentils etc.
Don’t eat or drink either of those things. Beans are kind of limited for me, which is unfortunate because I really like them, but I like baked beans and barbecue beans and basically any bean that has some sort of sauciness to it. Because I avoid sugar now, those are not in my diet. I eat a minimal amount of black beans when I make a rice bowl, but that’s it. I’ve checked out the list of foods with B6 and really have none of them in my diet on a regular basis. Just can’t figure this out!
Mine was elevated 3x high level. Was told to stop my multivitamin and it returned to normal. Also of note my B1 level was low. Took a supplement for a couple of months and it skyrocketed. Stopped that as well.
check long covid
I am making far to much B6 and way to little Alk Phos. This was discovered in earlier 2020 right before the pandemic, I was told then I had an adult form of HPP. Hypophasphotasia, Since then I more recently had additional bone scans blood work and a DEXA scan done, It is puzzling to the specialists and frustrating for me, My bones don't act or appear to have the "typical" reactions to the soft bone disease HPP, however, my metabolic system does, No one has been able to figure out how to lower my B6 and raise my Alk Phos, I can tell you this much, I haven't been able to either, and almost everything has B6 either fortified in it or naturally occurring in it, My brain has been haywire and last year I was diagnosed with Pseudo Dementia, had again happened this summer, my brain can't cope with any level of high stress, they said... I feel like it is related to however long, and it's been many years, and only 4.4 years diagnosed with elevated B6 levels and low Alk Phos, This has got to do some damage to the brain body, and organs. Have you figured anything out for this since your post in 2019? They told me that since it's a variant now of the genes for HPP, and it is "mild form" adult-onset there are no qualifications for me to receive the missing enzyme replacement therapy. I feel like if it is an enzyme needing to be replaced at all, should I still qualify? it is maddening, by the way, I am almost 49 now and female. Hope you're doing well.
I’ve recently been told by my neurologist I need to not take B6 because there’s high levels in bloodwork. I’ve been taking Men’s Centrum multi vitamins. Is there any multivitamin that doesn’t contain B6?
I can relate to much of what you shared. A couple of years ago, I traced symptoms of nausea, acid reflux, imbalance walking , neuropathy symptoms, to a high B6 level of 72. I refused to start Gabapentin for same concerns as yours. So I’ve tolerated discomfort. It took 4 months of adjusting, changing multi, diet( cut gluten, did low FOD diet. Trick was foods higher in B6 were those easiest on the gut. Cut red meat.
Gut finally settled, but PN has remained. Docs fluff it off. Say it’s unusual and don’t seem to offer much insight. Clearly body isn’t processing B6 properly and ridding itself of it. . Looking for reasons that might cause it. Have you found any answers?