
Posted by gigiv @gigiv, Sep 21, 2024

Does anyone take a Coq10 supplement? Is it helpful?
I have found some positive info about its effect on the lungs. I wonder if I should try it.

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@gigiv I hear all the time about CoQ10 - along with many other supplements, and tend to let it "go in one ear and out the other." But just this week, I began taking 3 new meds for my heart & cholesterol, and the nurse mentioned that the cardiologist recommends it with these.
Since I also have Bronchiectasis and Asthma, I decided to take a look and see what Mayo says...
Hmm, sounds like a good idea with those new meds, but what about my lungs? Well, with a deep dive into Google Scholar, I can see where the research is headed:
So a few things seem to say CoQ10 is good for asthmatic lungs because it has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, especially for people on long-term inhaled corticosteroids. But, there have been no specific measurable studies reported yet.

And a couple of studies say the "ubiquinol" (CoQ2) version is more bio-available than ubiquinone (CoQ10). So another deep dive led to this review of hundreds of studies reported in scientific literature over 20 years:
Their conclusions? "...In contrast to CoQ10, no CoQH2 study could clearly demonstrate a reduced cardiovascular mortality; (III) the used concentrations are much higher in studies investigating CoQH2.

According to these results, we conclude that based on the medical data available, CoQ10 is the more promising supplement to prevent cardiovascular diseases and to treat patients with heart failure. Further arguments for CoQ10 are the additive effect in combination with selenium [30, 31••] and the reduction of adverse effects of statin therapy by supplementation with CoQ10 [44,45,46]. Additionally, in all clinical trials included in this study, patients proceeded with their previous medication (statins, antihypertensives and others) and no interactions between CoQ10 and medicines could be observed..."

So, after all of this, what do I plan to do? Follow my cardiologist's advice and add a CoQ10+selenium supplement to my diet. I'll probably try 100mg first since I am a small person. And I'll take it with a meal containing some fat or a snack of nuts since it needs fat to be absorbed.

I'll see if it helps my asthma as well.


@gigiv I hear all the time about CoQ10 - along with many other supplements, and tend to let it "go in one ear and out the other." But just this week, I began taking 3 new meds for my heart & cholesterol, and the nurse mentioned that the cardiologist recommends it with these.
Since I also have Bronchiectasis and Asthma, I decided to take a look and see what Mayo says...
Hmm, sounds like a good idea with those new meds, but what about my lungs? Well, with a deep dive into Google Scholar, I can see where the research is headed:
So a few things seem to say CoQ10 is good for asthmatic lungs because it has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, especially for people on long-term inhaled corticosteroids. But, there have been no specific measurable studies reported yet.

And a couple of studies say the "ubiquinol" (CoQ2) version is more bio-available than ubiquinone (CoQ10). So another deep dive led to this review of hundreds of studies reported in scientific literature over 20 years:
Their conclusions? "...In contrast to CoQ10, no CoQH2 study could clearly demonstrate a reduced cardiovascular mortality; (III) the used concentrations are much higher in studies investigating CoQH2.

According to these results, we conclude that based on the medical data available, CoQ10 is the more promising supplement to prevent cardiovascular diseases and to treat patients with heart failure. Further arguments for CoQ10 are the additive effect in combination with selenium [30, 31••] and the reduction of adverse effects of statin therapy by supplementation with CoQ10 [44,45,46]. Additionally, in all clinical trials included in this study, patients proceeded with their previous medication (statins, antihypertensives and others) and no interactions between CoQ10 and medicines could be observed..."

So, after all of this, what do I plan to do? Follow my cardiologist's advice and add a CoQ10+selenium supplement to my diet. I'll probably try 100mg first since I am a small person. And I'll take it with a meal containing some fat or a snack of nuts since it needs fat to be absorbed.

I'll see if it helps my asthma as well.

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thank you @sueinmn for your detailed answer. I saw some conflicting (it seems to me) info on COPD and coQ10, so that threw me off a little, but maybe I did not understand it correctly. I will investigate further. Please let us know if it helps your asthma.
best wishes of great health!


@gigiv I hear all the time about CoQ10 - along with many other supplements, and tend to let it "go in one ear and out the other." But just this week, I began taking 3 new meds for my heart & cholesterol, and the nurse mentioned that the cardiologist recommends it with these.
Since I also have Bronchiectasis and Asthma, I decided to take a look and see what Mayo says...
Hmm, sounds like a good idea with those new meds, but what about my lungs? Well, with a deep dive into Google Scholar, I can see where the research is headed:
So a few things seem to say CoQ10 is good for asthmatic lungs because it has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, especially for people on long-term inhaled corticosteroids. But, there have been no specific measurable studies reported yet.

And a couple of studies say the "ubiquinol" (CoQ2) version is more bio-available than ubiquinone (CoQ10). So another deep dive led to this review of hundreds of studies reported in scientific literature over 20 years:
Their conclusions? "...In contrast to CoQ10, no CoQH2 study could clearly demonstrate a reduced cardiovascular mortality; (III) the used concentrations are much higher in studies investigating CoQH2.

According to these results, we conclude that based on the medical data available, CoQ10 is the more promising supplement to prevent cardiovascular diseases and to treat patients with heart failure. Further arguments for CoQ10 are the additive effect in combination with selenium [30, 31••] and the reduction of adverse effects of statin therapy by supplementation with CoQ10 [44,45,46]. Additionally, in all clinical trials included in this study, patients proceeded with their previous medication (statins, antihypertensives and others) and no interactions between CoQ10 and medicines could be observed..."

So, after all of this, what do I plan to do? Follow my cardiologist's advice and add a CoQ10+selenium supplement to my diet. I'll probably try 100mg first since I am a small person. And I'll take it with a meal containing some fat or a snack of nuts since it needs fat to be absorbed.

I'll see if it helps my asthma as well.

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God bless you Sue. You are always such a wealth of information. Irene5


@gigiv I hear all the time about CoQ10 - along with many other supplements, and tend to let it "go in one ear and out the other." But just this week, I began taking 3 new meds for my heart & cholesterol, and the nurse mentioned that the cardiologist recommends it with these.
Since I also have Bronchiectasis and Asthma, I decided to take a look and see what Mayo says...
Hmm, sounds like a good idea with those new meds, but what about my lungs? Well, with a deep dive into Google Scholar, I can see where the research is headed:
So a few things seem to say CoQ10 is good for asthmatic lungs because it has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, especially for people on long-term inhaled corticosteroids. But, there have been no specific measurable studies reported yet.

And a couple of studies say the "ubiquinol" (CoQ2) version is more bio-available than ubiquinone (CoQ10). So another deep dive led to this review of hundreds of studies reported in scientific literature over 20 years:
Their conclusions? "...In contrast to CoQ10, no CoQH2 study could clearly demonstrate a reduced cardiovascular mortality; (III) the used concentrations are much higher in studies investigating CoQH2.

According to these results, we conclude that based on the medical data available, CoQ10 is the more promising supplement to prevent cardiovascular diseases and to treat patients with heart failure. Further arguments for CoQ10 are the additive effect in combination with selenium [30, 31••] and the reduction of adverse effects of statin therapy by supplementation with CoQ10 [44,45,46]. Additionally, in all clinical trials included in this study, patients proceeded with their previous medication (statins, antihypertensives and others) and no interactions between CoQ10 and medicines could be observed..."

So, after all of this, what do I plan to do? Follow my cardiologist's advice and add a CoQ10+selenium supplement to my diet. I'll probably try 100mg first since I am a small person. And I'll take it with a meal containing some fat or a snack of nuts since it needs fat to be absorbed.

I'll see if it helps my asthma as well.

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I just looked CoQ10 up to understand if it is a naturally ocurring element in the body..... and so it is. I have been familiar with it for years and did take it some years ago but not recently. I do take selenium at least once a week. I will probably start the CoQ10 again along with the other supplements that I take either daily or at least each once a week. With being older and the bodies systems not as strong as they were years ago in my youth I try to supplement my diet with the supplements in hopes of keeping the immune system strong.
Glad to have had the question asked and Sue's information and answer. Thanks


@gigiv I hear all the time about CoQ10 - along with many other supplements, and tend to let it "go in one ear and out the other." But just this week, I began taking 3 new meds for my heart & cholesterol, and the nurse mentioned that the cardiologist recommends it with these.
Since I also have Bronchiectasis and Asthma, I decided to take a look and see what Mayo says...
Hmm, sounds like a good idea with those new meds, but what about my lungs? Well, with a deep dive into Google Scholar, I can see where the research is headed:
So a few things seem to say CoQ10 is good for asthmatic lungs because it has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, especially for people on long-term inhaled corticosteroids. But, there have been no specific measurable studies reported yet.

And a couple of studies say the "ubiquinol" (CoQ2) version is more bio-available than ubiquinone (CoQ10). So another deep dive led to this review of hundreds of studies reported in scientific literature over 20 years:
Their conclusions? "...In contrast to CoQ10, no CoQH2 study could clearly demonstrate a reduced cardiovascular mortality; (III) the used concentrations are much higher in studies investigating CoQH2.

According to these results, we conclude that based on the medical data available, CoQ10 is the more promising supplement to prevent cardiovascular diseases and to treat patients with heart failure. Further arguments for CoQ10 are the additive effect in combination with selenium [30, 31••] and the reduction of adverse effects of statin therapy by supplementation with CoQ10 [44,45,46]. Additionally, in all clinical trials included in this study, patients proceeded with their previous medication (statins, antihypertensives and others) and no interactions between CoQ10 and medicines could be observed..."

So, after all of this, what do I plan to do? Follow my cardiologist's advice and add a CoQ10+selenium supplement to my diet. I'll probably try 100mg first since I am a small person. And I'll take it with a meal containing some fat or a snack of nuts since it needs fat to be absorbed.

I'll see if it helps my asthma as well.

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Thank you Sue—- you are a treasure!
I am going to try the combo of CoQ10+selenium, and see if there is an effect on my lung and heart issues.
I’ll be watching for your report.
Thanks Sue.


I take CO-Q10 daily mainly for my heart. I have Afib plus MAC. I have had Mac for two years. Mainly I Nebulize, exercise, drink lots of liquids and eat well and able to manage both very well to date.


"The Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements" (C) 1996 has a whole chapter on CoQ10 with more than 20
references. There is more CoQ10 in the heart muscle than anywhere else. There are studies that say
it does help your heart. There are studies that say if you take statins, it depletes the CoQ10 in your body.
Had a heart attack in 1992, have had a defibrillator for 10+ years now. Two years ago, my ejection fraction
was 31%. So for six months I took Entresto, CoQ10, L-Carnitine, and 26 sessions of cardiac rehab.
Got my EF up to 42%. Who's to say which of the four gave me the most benefit?
I've been taking CoQ10 for years.


"The Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements" (C) 1996 has a whole chapter on CoQ10 with more than 20
references. There is more CoQ10 in the heart muscle than anywhere else. There are studies that say
it does help your heart. There are studies that say if you take statins, it depletes the CoQ10 in your body.
Had a heart attack in 1992, have had a defibrillator for 10+ years now. Two years ago, my ejection fraction
was 31%. So for six months I took Entresto, CoQ10, L-Carnitine, and 26 sessions of cardiac rehab.
Got my EF up to 42%. Who's to say which of the four gave me the most benefit?
I've been taking CoQ10 for years.

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My last blood test (Oct 2023) showed
total Cholesterol 152
LDL 74
HDL 63
So my ratio was 2.4; anything below 3.5 is good.


@gigiv I hear all the time about CoQ10 - along with many other supplements, and tend to let it "go in one ear and out the other." But just this week, I began taking 3 new meds for my heart & cholesterol, and the nurse mentioned that the cardiologist recommends it with these.
Since I also have Bronchiectasis and Asthma, I decided to take a look and see what Mayo says...
Hmm, sounds like a good idea with those new meds, but what about my lungs? Well, with a deep dive into Google Scholar, I can see where the research is headed:
So a few things seem to say CoQ10 is good for asthmatic lungs because it has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, especially for people on long-term inhaled corticosteroids. But, there have been no specific measurable studies reported yet.

And a couple of studies say the "ubiquinol" (CoQ2) version is more bio-available than ubiquinone (CoQ10). So another deep dive led to this review of hundreds of studies reported in scientific literature over 20 years:
Their conclusions? "...In contrast to CoQ10, no CoQH2 study could clearly demonstrate a reduced cardiovascular mortality; (III) the used concentrations are much higher in studies investigating CoQH2.

According to these results, we conclude that based on the medical data available, CoQ10 is the more promising supplement to prevent cardiovascular diseases and to treat patients with heart failure. Further arguments for CoQ10 are the additive effect in combination with selenium [30, 31••] and the reduction of adverse effects of statin therapy by supplementation with CoQ10 [44,45,46]. Additionally, in all clinical trials included in this study, patients proceeded with their previous medication (statins, antihypertensives and others) and no interactions between CoQ10 and medicines could be observed..."

So, after all of this, what do I plan to do? Follow my cardiologist's advice and add a CoQ10+selenium supplement to my diet. I'll probably try 100mg first since I am a small person. And I'll take it with a meal containing some fat or a snack of nuts since it needs fat to be absorbed.

I'll see if it helps my asthma as well.

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What about
1) One should not take selenium without talking to doctor if: You have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) You have had skin cancer. You are at risk for skin cancer.
2) CoQ10 might make blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin (Jantoven), less effective. This could increase the risk of a blood clot.


What about
1) One should not take selenium without talking to doctor if: You have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) You have had skin cancer. You are at risk for skin cancer.
2) CoQ10 might make blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin (Jantoven), less effective. This could increase the risk of a blood clot.

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Thanks for that update - Cardio says it is ok to take with Plavix, but I'll do a little more research.
Oops, additional research says no - I'll talk to my trusted PharmD before taking this.

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