Severe Tortuous & Redundant Colon

Posted by julsnealey @julsnealey, Apr 10, 2024

I had a colonoscopy for symptoms of unexpected weight loss, severe pain, bloating, early satiety and chronic vomiting with bowel movements. I have had these symptoms for years (15), but they have increased in frequency and severity. The doctor discovered severe tortuosity and redundant colon. He said he had to get help in moving the scope through manually the very tight turns and twists. My question is: What medications have proven successful to management? Best diet? Doctor said it was so bad that surgery may be the best course of action, but they try and avoid that for obvious reasons. Anyone have a success story?

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Does anyone have endometriosis with a tortuous colon? I used to have that and it might be back. The pain is very familiar. It essentially glued my colon to my spine and elsewhere. Thinking about having a laparoscopy for them to visualize and remove any of it if they find it.


Does anyone have endometriosis with a tortuous colon? I used to have that and it might be back. The pain is very familiar. It essentially glued my colon to my spine and elsewhere. Thinking about having a laparoscopy for them to visualize and remove any of it if they find it.

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Yes, I had to have my hysterectomy due to terrible endometriosis. I had to have laproscopy twice because the first time they did not get it all. Something to think about.


I am so sorry you suffer so bad, and I can't imagine vomiting with each bowel movement. I too have a tortuous/redundant colon and have non-stop symptoms like gas pain, cramping, bloating, and extreme constipation. The pain only allows me to sleep about 5 hours per night, and I can't hardly eat anything. I have to OD on Magnesium 07 (cleanse) and glycerin suppositories to get only a little stool out at a time each day. I always feel like I have to go more. My grandma had this really bad too and would go to the hospital with impacted colon, and her cousin died of his tortuous colon tying in a knot. I still can't imagine vomiting with each bowel movement. That is terrible! I've been told to go on a liquid diet, but I am so thin as it is and can't image how hard that would be. I don't know what to tell you except Mag 07 is pretty good for helping to have a BM or at least a small one. I will pray for you! Hang in there!


Dear Lord, please help this poor woman with her severe tortuous colon and all of her horrid symptoms. These horrible problems do get worse with time, and I ask that you would stop the vomiting for her and give her some solution. I thank You for Your sustaining grace, because I would not have been able to handle this at all for 25 years. It has been so hard. Please comfort this sweet gal because chronic suffering takes an emotional toll as well, as she needs to know You love her and sense Your presence. Please lead her to the right GI docs, and if surgery is her (or my solution) please make it so clear and give her the best surgeon out there so there is no issues with scar tissue. Please bless her. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Lastly, I just wanted to share the most important and precious message with you. It explains how grace is opposite of all religion. Please read it, for God loves you so much and one day all suffering can go away....for the believer in Heaven. 🙂

Here is God’s message on repentance and salvation--taken entirely from His Word, the Bible--which America was founded upon. Please embrace this message, for it is the opposite of religion. Religions are man-made attempts to “reach” God by good works/morals and rituals, while salvation is God loving us enough to “reach” down to us by coming to earth. His reaching down to us is the only way we can go to Heaven. We cannot work or earn our way to Heaven because it requires perfection, and none of us are perfect. Ever told a lie? Ever hated or been angry with anyone in your heart? These are breaches of God’s holy law, the Ten Commandments, which we have ALL broken. (Romans 3:23: “For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”) We all deserve Hell because of this. Still, many ask: “Why would a loving God send people to Hell?” The Bible answers in Habakkuk 1:13, “God’s eyes are too pure to approve evil, and God cannot look on wickedness with favor.” He is the holy, perfect, and just God, and because of His justice, He cannot ignore our sin. However, because He abundantly loves us and wants to save us from Hell, He came in human form to die on the cross for our sins. Furthermore, His love is SO great that He wants to have a relationship with us and allow us a home in Heaven with Him too, by way of the cross! (Romans 5:8: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”) By substitution He became sin for us so we can be seen as “perfect” by God’s grace. (Grace refers to God’s unmerited favor toward us—we do not deserve this substitution.) We can go to Heaven by believing Jesus is the perfect Son of God/God in human-form who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead three days after His death to give us eternal life. Again, we cannot earn Heaven by any good deeds. (Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”) Again, this is the message of salvation that the Bible talks about and is the ONLY way to Heaven. Acts 4:12 says, “There is no salvation in any other than Jesus Christ, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Ephesians 2:8 also says, “For by grace you’ve been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Again, to accept this beautiful gift, we must believe that we are sinners against the One and Only, Holy God, and that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for sin. In other words, we must repent, and that means we change our minds about sin and who Christ is. We change from not seeing the sin as sin and enjoying it, to seeing it as sin and having a desire to be free from it. It’s a humble desire to do what God wants, knowing that both eliminating sin and growing in holiness will only occur by relying on Christ and yielding to Him daily. Mark 1:15 tells us to “repent and believe in the gospel.”
God is waiting for your response to His free and precious offer. Romans 10:9 states: “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” If you want to accept His free gift of salvation, just talk to Him in prayer and say (confess) something like: “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner separated from You and deserve to spend eternity in Hell (the penalty for sin). I trust, though, that You paid the penalty of sin for me instead, and forgave me of all of my sins by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. I believe that faith in the precious gift of the cross of Christ is the only way to be saved (have a relationship with You and go to Heaven). I now place my faith, alone, in Your wondrous gift of grace. Thank-You for saving me. As Your child now, I want You to grow me to be like Jesus, as I seek You in prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers at a biblically sound church. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
(Personal P.S. If the Creator of the universe loved us enough to come to earth to relate to our sufferings, weaknesses, and temptations, and show perfect, unconditional love by dying a death for us that He didn’t deserve, wouldn’t you want a relationship with Him? Wouldn’t you want to love Him in return by repenting and surrendering yourself to Him? Wouldn’t you want to see in your own life more of that love He can show and the growth He can do? I’ve seen Him do some beautiful and awesome things in my own life. I don’t know how I’d live a single day without communicating with Him, praising Him, and seeking His help. God loves you more than any human could ever love you! Please don’t reject Him today! This is all straight from the Bible, God’s voice. If you own one, please read Romans and John in the New Testament, and you’ll see that this is all from there!)


Lastly, I just wanted to share the most important and precious message with you. It explains how grace is opposite of all religion. Please read it, for God loves you so much and one day all suffering can go away....for the believer in Heaven. 🙂

Here is God’s message on repentance and salvation--taken entirely from His Word, the Bible--which America was founded upon. Please embrace this message, for it is the opposite of religion. Religions are man-made attempts to “reach” God by good works/morals and rituals, while salvation is God loving us enough to “reach” down to us by coming to earth. His reaching down to us is the only way we can go to Heaven. We cannot work or earn our way to Heaven because it requires perfection, and none of us are perfect. Ever told a lie? Ever hated or been angry with anyone in your heart? These are breaches of God’s holy law, the Ten Commandments, which we have ALL broken. (Romans 3:23: “For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”) We all deserve Hell because of this. Still, many ask: “Why would a loving God send people to Hell?” The Bible answers in Habakkuk 1:13, “God’s eyes are too pure to approve evil, and God cannot look on wickedness with favor.” He is the holy, perfect, and just God, and because of His justice, He cannot ignore our sin. However, because He abundantly loves us and wants to save us from Hell, He came in human form to die on the cross for our sins. Furthermore, His love is SO great that He wants to have a relationship with us and allow us a home in Heaven with Him too, by way of the cross! (Romans 5:8: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”) By substitution He became sin for us so we can be seen as “perfect” by God’s grace. (Grace refers to God’s unmerited favor toward us—we do not deserve this substitution.) We can go to Heaven by believing Jesus is the perfect Son of God/God in human-form who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead three days after His death to give us eternal life. Again, we cannot earn Heaven by any good deeds. (Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”) Again, this is the message of salvation that the Bible talks about and is the ONLY way to Heaven. Acts 4:12 says, “There is no salvation in any other than Jesus Christ, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Ephesians 2:8 also says, “For by grace you’ve been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Again, to accept this beautiful gift, we must believe that we are sinners against the One and Only, Holy God, and that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for sin. In other words, we must repent, and that means we change our minds about sin and who Christ is. We change from not seeing the sin as sin and enjoying it, to seeing it as sin and having a desire to be free from it. It’s a humble desire to do what God wants, knowing that both eliminating sin and growing in holiness will only occur by relying on Christ and yielding to Him daily. Mark 1:15 tells us to “repent and believe in the gospel.”
God is waiting for your response to His free and precious offer. Romans 10:9 states: “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” If you want to accept His free gift of salvation, just talk to Him in prayer and say (confess) something like: “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner separated from You and deserve to spend eternity in Hell (the penalty for sin). I trust, though, that You paid the penalty of sin for me instead, and forgave me of all of my sins by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. I believe that faith in the precious gift of the cross of Christ is the only way to be saved (have a relationship with You and go to Heaven). I now place my faith, alone, in Your wondrous gift of grace. Thank-You for saving me. As Your child now, I want You to grow me to be like Jesus, as I seek You in prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers at a biblically sound church. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
(Personal P.S. If the Creator of the universe loved us enough to come to earth to relate to our sufferings, weaknesses, and temptations, and show perfect, unconditional love by dying a death for us that He didn’t deserve, wouldn’t you want a relationship with Him? Wouldn’t you want to love Him in return by repenting and surrendering yourself to Him? Wouldn’t you want to see in your own life more of that love He can show and the growth He can do? I’ve seen Him do some beautiful and awesome things in my own life. I don’t know how I’d live a single day without communicating with Him, praising Him, and seeking His help. God loves you more than any human could ever love you! Please don’t reject Him today! This is all straight from the Bible, God’s voice. If you own one, please read Romans and John in the New Testament, and you’ll see that this is all from there!)

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I have tortuous and redundant splenic flexure, congenital. I have been under the direct care of the same GI for 17 years, I left him now. 17 years of CIC💩💩 and the fear/terror of obstructions and gastric tubes and digital removal (done by me) has left me half dead from exhaustion.
I read your post and I am absolutely at a loss as to what the Bible and God have to do with this. Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote, but it left me feeling like I am a sinner and I am basically being punished with 💩💩for not going to church. I hope I read it wrong. I may have missed the part, do you suffer from CIC💩💩 and related problems? ShelleyW


I have tortuous and redundant splenic flexure, congenital. I have been under the direct care of the same GI for 17 years, I left him now. 17 years of CIC💩💩 and the fear/terror of obstructions and gastric tubes and digital removal (done by me) has left me half dead from exhaustion.
I read your post and I am absolutely at a loss as to what the Bible and God have to do with this. Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote, but it left me feeling like I am a sinner and I am basically being punished with 💩💩for not going to church. I hope I read it wrong. I may have missed the part, do you suffer from CIC💩💩 and related problems? ShelleyW

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Oh my dear!!! I suffer from GI issues (all my life.. tho not as bad as you..bless your heart) and I was recently diagnosed with the tortuous colon too.. AND I have not been going to church.. been watching on TV ..I mostly have to stay home as I'm soo sick.. but let me tell you this.. and it is merely my opinion... I battle fear daily.. what to eat.. what will it do to me.. when will I have to go to the hospital.. been under some undesirable doctors care now for 5 years and finally found a good one.. here's the "deal" GOD LOVES YOU!!!! He loves you just as you are!! Please do not let anyone make you feel condemned!! I am currently battling quiting smoking (I'm 70 and have smoked since I was molested at 14).. I feel guilty every time I light up (only once a week now.. I'm telling you this.. none of us are perfect..I struggled that perhaps it was not God's will for me to be healed.. standing in faith for so long.. but I have seen miracles ..have experienced miracles and will continued to stand..what you need is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ..(if I may be so bold) and you can do that in your house.. so not let the devil use anyone to make you feel bad about yourself.. if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.. you are a beautiful child of the Most High God.. and he wants you healed.. there are alot of healing scriptures available.. here's one 1Peter2:24 By His stripes we were healed.. remember.. everything GOOD comes from God everything bad does not.. it's really a spiritual attack on our bodies..I hope I have made you feel better..I'll pray for you!! You're not being punished for not going to church ...please forgive me if I have overstepped in any made me so sad to see how you feel and are suffering so.. big hugs ...


Oh my dear!!! I suffer from GI issues (all my life.. tho not as bad as you..bless your heart) and I was recently diagnosed with the tortuous colon too.. AND I have not been going to church.. been watching on TV ..I mostly have to stay home as I'm soo sick.. but let me tell you this.. and it is merely my opinion... I battle fear daily.. what to eat.. what will it do to me.. when will I have to go to the hospital.. been under some undesirable doctors care now for 5 years and finally found a good one.. here's the "deal" GOD LOVES YOU!!!! He loves you just as you are!! Please do not let anyone make you feel condemned!! I am currently battling quiting smoking (I'm 70 and have smoked since I was molested at 14).. I feel guilty every time I light up (only once a week now.. I'm telling you this.. none of us are perfect..I struggled that perhaps it was not God's will for me to be healed.. standing in faith for so long.. but I have seen miracles ..have experienced miracles and will continued to stand..what you need is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ..(if I may be so bold) and you can do that in your house.. so not let the devil use anyone to make you feel bad about yourself.. if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.. you are a beautiful child of the Most High God.. and he wants you healed.. there are alot of healing scriptures available.. here's one 1Peter2:24 By His stripes we were healed.. remember.. everything GOOD comes from God everything bad does not.. it's really a spiritual attack on our bodies..I hope I have made you feel better..I'll pray for you!! You're not being punished for not going to church ...please forgive me if I have overstepped in any made me so sad to see how you feel and are suffering so.. big hugs ...

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standinginfaith, I appreciate your input. On torturous/redundant flexures... I have come to believe that the idiots we were all raised to "trust, because they are so smart ", actually have a class in med school titled DO NOT EVER, EVER TELL PATIENTS ABOUT TORTUOUS/REDUNDANT FLEXURES, YOU ALWAYS WAIT UNTIL THE PATIENT ASKS WHAT IS THIS ON MY CT SCAN?
I have learned that 99.9% of redundant flexures(extra long, loopy large colon) we are born with. The twists may not always be congenital, but definitely can be. This one singular issue has GIGANTIC PROBLEMS in the movement of our 💩💩💩.
Regarding the biblical part, I have no problem with those who get relief from prayer, that God/Jesus loves us all, but we must repent and strive to not be sinners. I was raised in a very loving religious family, it was great for me then. God never gives us more than we can handle....what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger (there are songs about this). Well, I don't feel that way. 17 years ago I was in 2 recreational accidents; ocean and snow. Between the injuries not being taken seriously enough by many drs., because the damage is not easily seen or fixed. This under treatment, for years, has triggered avalanches of problems, the kind you don't connect with injuries. I don't really believe this, but I constantly feel like God must be punishing me for not being good enough for anyone's help.
I have to lie on the dam PHQ-9 form that lots of non mental health professionals insist upon using the form. A GI dr does not need to know that I think of suicide every single day, because of the pain, the pain, and more pain. He doesn't need to know that my cognitive impairment, that I try to hide, got so bad that I had my employee tell my hubby that I was making more and more mistakes than I did after the accidents. That it was getting harder to keep my clients from knowing that I was making mistakes and my employees were fixing them for me and them. I owed an accounting and tax firm, that we had to sell, because I was too stupid to do it correctly anymore. No amount of believing in God is going to give me my smart brain back. I am of no use in anything and reading that I need to repent....for what?? I still appreciate your kindness in trying to help me understand the prior comment. The big hugs are nice too. ShelleyW


I have tortuous and redundant splenic flexure, congenital. I have been under the direct care of the same GI for 17 years, I left him now. 17 years of CIC💩💩 and the fear/terror of obstructions and gastric tubes and digital removal (done by me) has left me half dead from exhaustion.
I read your post and I am absolutely at a loss as to what the Bible and God have to do with this. Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote, but it left me feeling like I am a sinner and I am basically being punished with 💩💩for not going to church. I hope I read it wrong. I may have missed the part, do you suffer from CIC💩💩 and related problems? ShelleyW

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Yes, I have suffered w horrible redundant colon symptoms all my life. I in no way was trying to say you suffer because you are a sinner and don’t go to church. We are all sinners and need to believe Christ died for our sins but that has nothing to w going to church. Going to church doesn’t save anyone. I am sorry you suffer so bad and will continue to pray for you.


Oh my dear!!! I suffer from GI issues (all my life.. tho not as bad as you..bless your heart) and I was recently diagnosed with the tortuous colon too.. AND I have not been going to church.. been watching on TV ..I mostly have to stay home as I'm soo sick.. but let me tell you this.. and it is merely my opinion... I battle fear daily.. what to eat.. what will it do to me.. when will I have to go to the hospital.. been under some undesirable doctors care now for 5 years and finally found a good one.. here's the "deal" GOD LOVES YOU!!!! He loves you just as you are!! Please do not let anyone make you feel condemned!! I am currently battling quiting smoking (I'm 70 and have smoked since I was molested at 14).. I feel guilty every time I light up (only once a week now.. I'm telling you this.. none of us are perfect..I struggled that perhaps it was not God's will for me to be healed.. standing in faith for so long.. but I have seen miracles ..have experienced miracles and will continued to stand..what you need is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ..(if I may be so bold) and you can do that in your house.. so not let the devil use anyone to make you feel bad about yourself.. if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.. you are a beautiful child of the Most High God.. and he wants you healed.. there are alot of healing scriptures available.. here's one 1Peter2:24 By His stripes we were healed.. remember.. everything GOOD comes from God everything bad does not.. it's really a spiritual attack on our bodies..I hope I have made you feel better..I'll pray for you!! You're not being punished for not going to church ...please forgive me if I have overstepped in any made me so sad to see how you feel and are suffering so.. big hugs ...

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By His stripes we are healed is talking about being healed from sin. God does not always heal in this life but can use our suffering to grow us. Please read my third post on the message of grace and how to have a relationship w the Lord. I will pray for you in your battles. I am so sorry you are suffering too.

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