Clinical trials for Brain cancer (Glioblastomas or GBM)

Posted by cure @cure, Sep 20, 2016

Anyone know of a promising clinical trial for brain cancer (GBM)?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Brain Tumor Support Group.

Duke University has one under way, using modified polio viruses to mark cancer cells so your immune system can find them and attack. I don't have contact information on this, but I have seen several news stories over the past two months about the trial.


Hi @cure. Welcome to Connect.
I moved your message to the Brain Tumor group ( so that you can connect with other people talking about glioblastomas like @js119 @ljsandlin @adri @eaglesview @dawn_giacabazi @patc.

You can find current clinical trials on these 2 databases:
- Mayo Clinic Trials

Cure - have you been diagnosed with GBM or are you caring for someone who has?


Duke University has one under way, using modified polio viruses to mark cancer cells so your immune system can find them and attack. I don't have contact information on this, but I have seen several news stories over the past two months about the trial.

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Thank you.


Hi @cure. Welcome to Connect.
I moved your message to the Brain Tumor group ( so that you can connect with other people talking about glioblastomas like @js119 @ljsandlin @adri @eaglesview @dawn_giacabazi @patc.

You can find current clinical trials on these 2 databases:
- Mayo Clinic Trials

Cure - have you been diagnosed with GBM or are you caring for someone who has?

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I'm the patient.


Hi @cure
How are you doing? When you feel like sharing your journey, I am here.
My mother battled GBM. What kind of treatments if any are you undergoing?

Best wishes


Hi @cure
How are you doing? When you feel like sharing your journey, I am here.
My mother battled GBM. What kind of treatments if any are you undergoing?

Best wishes

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Thanks for your post. I had surgery, radiation, chemo and I wear a device called Optune that sends electronic signals into the brain to retard tumor growth.


Hi @cure, @colleenyoung provided some great resources to clinical trials. I just wanted to add that the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) may be another resource for information. They have a clinical trial locator too:


@cure, I am sorry you have GBM, and wanted to let you know that there are some long-time survivors! Cheryl Broyles has a website and facebook page to provide tips and encouragement for others. She just recently posted "YES I’m alive and it’s been 16 years and 4 months since I was first diagnosed with the ugly grade 4 GBM." Also, one of my best friends in is a 3 year survivor, doing well (surgery, glial disk, chemo). Living in the south (US), she became a patient at Duke University and visits there periodically for scans. Her husband wanted to be ready for clinical trials if ever needed. They are open to consider any trial, anywhere, depending upon the type of trial and whether or not she would qualify.

While it is anecdotal to assume that what one person does would benefit another (everyone is different) she follows an organic diet, and for the first year after diagnosis of GBM limited her diet to 10 foods (organic) purported to be anti-cancer: olive oil, lentils, ginger, fresh cranberries, gluten free bread & bran muffins, green tea, anchovies, and cruciferous veggies. Her resection surgery rendered her unable to walk unassisted, but she exercises daily, meditates daily, employs positive thinking, and has a massage once per week to assist circulation.


These are all old posts. What about The imaging incorporated the use of 18F-DOPA PET and contrast-enhanced MRI. "18F-DOPA PET is an amino acid tracer that can cross the blood brain barrier, and it can accumulate within the glioblastoma cells itself," says Dr. Vora.

Is this available now as a treatment? Is the study completed? Mayo will not talk to us about this. You have to go there and be diagnosed and treated by them. They won't even say what the criteria is for being accepted for consideration.

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