Does all alcoholics have withdrawals if they go cold turkey?

Posted by tiredcat @tiredcat, Jan 18, 2024

My friend, an alcoholic 30y. because of blood clot issues, his Dr. Requested that he stop drinking. He stopped Cold Turkey. It’s been 7days without alcohol. My question: why hasn’t he had any withdrawal symptoms? I read it’s very dangerous to ColdTurkey,. Symptoms can be severe. All I’ve noticed, he gets angry easily. Can they still happen?

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Not all alcohol using individuals will have a physical withdrawal syndrome. Most will experience Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS), which one can Google for signs and symptoms of the syndrome. ☮️


I didn't but some people do and it can be dangerous. It took several times for me to completely give up alcohol. I went both cold turkey and did a tapering schedule by drinking a single beer gradually every 12 hours until I could sleep without needing it. Eventually I got sick of hangovers and gave it up entirely. Now I can sleep well and actually have dreams again. When I used alcohol it would knock me out but I never dreamed. I feel astonishingly better after giving up alcohol completely.


The first few days of withdraw is when he would be a the greatest risk of DTs and seizures. Afterwards it’s less likely. Anger is a typical response to withdrawal and not drinking. He would be helped if he went to some form of group therapy or 12 Step program that Sal with alcohol abuse.


Thanks for your answer! Getting him into therapy.


Going through the hell of watching a loved one suffering from Alcohol Use Disorder. Won't accept help from family or doctors. Fell and is in hospital for a bleeding head injury. Wants to leave ama, we can't affect their behavior at all. My question is: are there any ONLINE support groups I could vent to? I am older, still working, and a caregiver for my elderly parent, also. I really don't have the ability to go to groups in person. Thank You! I just need somewhere to vent. It's a loss, as you know, so so so painful.


Hi tiredcat, the answer is it depends. If he does not have the shakes and halucinations good for him.
Quitting is easy. Staying stopped is the hard part.

I know it's cliche' but AA for him, alanon for you is the best things you both can do.

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