Having problems post Bladder Prolapse Surgery: What helps?

Posted by brr @brr, Feb 7, 2020

I had a Bladder Prolapse surgery with a sacrocolplexy and later an Altis Sling placed under the urethra. Both have given disastrous results-incontinence, pain, total right side pain, abdominal pain, leg pain. Has anyone had these kinds of problems? Were you able to diagnose possible nerve damage? How did you get help?

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since you got uti each time you got the botox injections for urinary incontinence ,would you recommend botox for urinary incontinence ?

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would you recommend botox for urinary incontinence?


I had bladder prolapse repair surgery in April 2024. Stay inpatient overnight, was told it was a "success and everything put back where it should be". 4 am the morning after discharged, I was back in the ER with 700 cc's of urine backed up into my left buttocks which was very hard, painful and 4 times the size of the other. Twice, the nurse busted the catheter balloon inside me. Before surgery, ai tired 2 different sizes of pessery devices. One was too large and my the time I reached home, I had such back pain and leg pain that I couldn't sit down. A smaller one was inserted but fell out when I bend down to try to eleviate my back pain. After the catheter was finally removed, I became incontinent. They used cadaver ligaments. Mid July, went for a 7 hour road trip, came back and once again, ai could not sit down. Went back to the Dr who did NOTHING! Still told me his surgery was "a success". End up in the ER because I still couldn't sit down and was finally prescribed muscle relaxers and pain meds which my dr REFUSED to give me. It is now February 2025 and I have very painful urination, like I'm peeing over barbed wire. November 2024, I had the worst UTI of my life! Fever, chills, flank pain. Within a few days, I was in the ER to gain a proper diagnosis and put on antibiotics. Yet the painful urination and inconvenience continues. I went to another gyno who said it was pelvic floor damage, do legal exercises (which has never worked) and to send me 5-7 hours away to a uro-gynocologist to have a bladder scan where they painfully fill your bladder BEYOND capacity. I witnessed my 2 year old granddaughter have one and I will never forget what they put that child through. I pretty much feel like I'm at the end of my rope and I don't know what to do. I've lost full trust in doctors who say they can help you then cause more irreparable damage. I wish I never had the surgery. The prolapse was not painful and I was never incontinent. Please help. Thank you


I had bladder prolapse repair surgery in April 2024. Stay inpatient overnight, was told it was a "success and everything put back where it should be". 4 am the morning after discharged, I was back in the ER with 700 cc's of urine backed up into my left buttocks which was very hard, painful and 4 times the size of the other. Twice, the nurse busted the catheter balloon inside me. Before surgery, ai tired 2 different sizes of pessery devices. One was too large and my the time I reached home, I had such back pain and leg pain that I couldn't sit down. A smaller one was inserted but fell out when I bend down to try to eleviate my back pain. After the catheter was finally removed, I became incontinent. They used cadaver ligaments. Mid July, went for a 7 hour road trip, came back and once again, ai could not sit down. Went back to the Dr who did NOTHING! Still told me his surgery was "a success". End up in the ER because I still couldn't sit down and was finally prescribed muscle relaxers and pain meds which my dr REFUSED to give me. It is now February 2025 and I have very painful urination, like I'm peeing over barbed wire. November 2024, I had the worst UTI of my life! Fever, chills, flank pain. Within a few days, I was in the ER to gain a proper diagnosis and put on antibiotics. Yet the painful urination and inconvenience continues. I went to another gyno who said it was pelvic floor damage, do legal exercises (which has never worked) and to send me 5-7 hours away to a uro-gynocologist to have a bladder scan where they painfully fill your bladder BEYOND capacity. I witnessed my 2 year old granddaughter have one and I will never forget what they put that child through. I pretty much feel like I'm at the end of my rope and I don't know what to do. I've lost full trust in doctors who say they can help you then cause more irreparable damage. I wish I never had the surgery. The prolapse was not painful and I was never incontinent. Please help. Thank you

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@bjpapile welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am so sorry to hear about all of your suffering! You feel like you are not getting satisfactory follow up to the surgery for your bladder prolapse and now you have more problems after the surgery than you did before? It is unclear if your treatment is being handled by a urologist or a gynecologist? Have you talked to your primary doctor about these problems? Perhaps he or she could recommend a specialist you could see for a second opinion?

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