Kidney transplant - trace bacteria in urine analysis
Hi Transplant family!
I am a kidney transplant patient and for the first time I see "trace" bacteria in the urine analysis results. When I googled, it says asymptomatic bacteria in the urine is normally not treated. But with kidney transplant, it is sometimes treated. Has anyone had any experience with this test result and was it treated or retested or something else?
Thanks everyone!
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@hello1234 I haven't had a kidney transplant, but my husband has!
It is only my opinion, but I would check with your medical team to get their thoughts. Based on what kind of bacteria this might be, it could be cause for concern. As someone with a compromised immune system, you need to stay on top of things, don't you! I'm glad you saw this result, and hope you get some good response from your doctor.
Thank you so much @gingerw 😊
Do you know if your husband's urine analysis ever came back we with a result that said "trace" bacteria? I am not sure if the lab will automatically culture the urine for a "trace" result or not. I assume my doctor will be contacting me next week when he receives a copy.
Thanks again Ginger for jumping in to help me. It's always wonderful to hear from you
@hello1234 we haven't seen any results showing that, but truthfully, he doesn't have a urinalysis done very often. We watch his tests carefully.
It is my thought that anyone with a compromised system, for any reason, should stay on top of things. We have to be our own advocates!
Hi to Hello1234
If you don't see WBC in your urine - but you are seeing bacteria in the Urine Culture tests, Then as long as the bacteria is not a serious type where medication is needed, then it is a function of Hygiene. I had a similar situation as I work a lot in my garden and some times I am so engrossed with my garden that hygiene gets a bit compromised.
So as I became more alert & conscious of this hygiene issue .. the next urine test .. there was no more bacteria
Good Luck
Hi @l0lag0lag0b3 😊
It's so great to hear from you! I hope all is going well with you. Thank you so much for your response and education about the WBC. Your information is always so helpful. My doctor called the day after and asked me to retest the urine. He said the same thing that you said. He told me to make sure and use two towelettes before taking the catch. I am happy to report that the bacteria came back "none seen".
I still have +1 blood but I am hopeful that may clear next time too.
Thank you so much for responding to my post discussion. I really appreciate getting your valuable advice.
Best of everything!