Depression & grief

Posted by foxynatalia @foxynatalia, Aug 21, 2024

My cousin just lost his battle with esophageal cancer . It took him in less than a year . I was there with him as much as I could have been . I’m so sad death has never hit me like this , maybe because he was so young. Maybe because he fought so hard and was so scared. My heart is broken. I can’t seem to find happiness in my day .

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I'm so sorry about your cousin's death. That is very hard to deal with especially when you are so close to someone. My husband of 30 years whom I loved dearly died of lung cancer a month ago. I understand somewhat, what you are going through. I do know that my husband is now up in Heaven with God and Jesus and his family and our cat, Snoopy. He is out of pain and I am grateful for that even though I miss him terribly every day. I also believe that we will be together in Heaven one day. When we die is totally God's decision and in his time. No matter how good the medicine and care is. I pray to God for help to get through this time and it helps a lot. It is getting easier. Basically, I just talk to God like he was right there in the same room with me. You don't have to go to church or be "religious" to find God. Church is nice and can be helpful but it's not required.

Your cousin is up in Heaven now too with God and Jesus and any loved ones who might have passed on before him. He's out of pain and misery and is no longer scared. You will be reunited with him one day also. Be glad that you had him in your life when you did. Talk to God and tell him how you are feeling about your cousin's death. It helps! If you want to talk, just send me a message. I've got more time now than I've ever had and I'm sure you do too.

I wish you the best and will say a prayer for you to get through this sad time.


Thank you so much for that sometimes I forget to turn to god . I’m sorry to hear about your husband my heart breaks for you . I will keep you in my prayers.


Sorry to hear about your loss. I have empathy for you with the loss of my wife. I have gone from grief to joy. It’s been a journey. I took a GriefShare class, which certainly helped. Look forward and seek help and you will benefit from it.


@foxynatalia I'm so sorry to hear your grief. It's never easy when we lose someone in our life. Sometimes they were close to us, or someone we interacted with frequently. Often we feel their passing was not fair/untimely [c'mon what is a good time, right!?], or could have been prevented. I know from my own experience that it takes various techniques and lengths of time to get through it all, and there are so many ways to honor your cousin and his passing.

Here is a link to our Loss and Grief Support Group.
Please take a look at it and read from other members how they have learned to deal with their loss.


Tender condolences to you on the crossing over of your cousin. Grief is normal, so feel it. Don't start drinking. It interrupts your sleep cycle. Makes you more depressed and can lead to other illnesses like obesity and cancer. Please cry.
Plant a tree or a flower bed in his honor and memory. He is gone and your memories are still here. If your cousin was on hospice, see if there is a grief support group for you to attend or find one to attend. Volunteer and be with others or d o something in his honor- like donate blood or run/ walk/ crawl a 5 k. Say your prayers and accept this hug.


Thank you so much for that sometimes I forget to turn to god . I’m sorry to hear about your husband my heart breaks for you . I will keep you in my prayers.

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Thank you for your prayers! We can never have too many prayers; especially these days! Remember God is there for you and always will be. He is just waiting to be asked!


I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. As painful as it is, let the grief out. It's how you feel and what you need to do. Every time I've had grief in my life, it has eventually turned bittersweet. I think of people I've lost and feel that odd mixture of joy and sadness. If there's any solace, it's that grief is the price for having loved someone deeply so the fact that you're grieving means you really loved your cousin. I hope you find some peace.


This too shall pass. I've listened to many people soon after they were informed a loved one had died. One woman lost 9 people in one year. I've lost many now of my own. In my experience, how someone will "take it" when grieving and recovering from the loss of someone they loved, can not be predicted. Not when they knew the person they loved was going to die soon, and not when it was a sudden surprise. There is no wrong way to grieve, except when someone turns to violence (against themselves or others). Neither can the time it takes to process it all, be predicted either. A woman who loved her Dad dearly, was close to him, lost him suddenly. Of all those she lost that year, she grieved least about him. He'd been in great pain, was only becoming more and more disabled, and she was confident he would be going straight to heaven. We all thought his death would hit her hardest. We guessed that one wrong. Again, grief is unique, even as it has elements in common to all who grieve. Be gentle with yourself.


I'm so sorry about your cousin's death. That is very hard to deal with especially when you are so close to someone. My husband of 30 years whom I loved dearly died of lung cancer a month ago. I understand somewhat, what you are going through. I do know that my husband is now up in Heaven with God and Jesus and his family and our cat, Snoopy. He is out of pain and I am grateful for that even though I miss him terribly every day. I also believe that we will be together in Heaven one day. When we die is totally God's decision and in his time. No matter how good the medicine and care is. I pray to God for help to get through this time and it helps a lot. It is getting easier. Basically, I just talk to God like he was right there in the same room with me. You don't have to go to church or be "religious" to find God. Church is nice and can be helpful but it's not required.

Your cousin is up in Heaven now too with God and Jesus and any loved ones who might have passed on before him. He's out of pain and misery and is no longer scared. You will be reunited with him one day also. Be glad that you had him in your life when you did. Talk to God and tell him how you are feeling about your cousin's death. It helps! If you want to talk, just send me a message. I've got more time now than I've ever had and I'm sure you do too.

I wish you the best and will say a prayer for you to get through this sad time.

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Great reply PML


Thank you for your prayers! We can never have too many prayers; especially these days! Remember God is there for you and always will be. He is just waiting to be asked!

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Wish I had ur faith PML. What a gift

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