Daily headache pain: How did you get relief?

Posted by shack @shack, Jul 21, 2024

My wife has a daily headache, nothing seems to help but a steroid shot in the neck will give her a couple months relief, only allowed 3 of these in a year, then its back every day. Can anyone tell me if they have had this and how got relief.

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Are they occurring on one side of the head or your entire head? I started with "hypnic" or "alarm clock" headaches occurring around 3-5 a.m. in my late 50s. Initially, I thought it was a new manifestation of migraine syndrome. Neurologist assessed and gave me this answer. Only on L side of head, ever. They are sometimes managed with extra melatonin in a supplement. That worked about 2 or 3 years. Then the recommendation was a cup of decaf coffee after dinner. The caffeine is limited but seems to help. Lately, due to new rx for statin, I think, they have been much more frequent so that's frustrating. Not sure if it's the statin drug or the fillers used in their manufacturing. I also find they are occurring earlier-- from 1 a.m. and later, to 6 or 630 a.m. They can result in 2-3 hours of lost sleep. It's good I'm retired now. I also have a 4% lidocaine nasal spray which can sometimes interrupt the cycle if I catch it promptly. And sometimes excedrin for migraine will short circuit it (possibly the caffeine?) Until now, no good direct medical/medication available

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Excedrine for migraine helps me often when I am trying to not use my rescue migraine meds too often during the month!! The ingredients aren’t magic but somehow the dosing seems to do the trick.


For 30 years, I took Esgic for my headache pain and it was a great help while we resided in Mississippi. However, since I moved to Alabama in 2020, the physicians (all neurologists) in this area refuse to prescribe it for me. Their reason is that Esgic is habit-forming. Well, that's not unusual for many, many medications. Alabama has some draconian laws about prescribing any controlled substances, but they fail to realize those medications were developed to help patients where over-the-counter meds simply don't provide relief. I, too, am taking Excedrin for my headaches but it just does not always work.


Excedrine for migraine helps me often when I am trying to not use my rescue migraine meds too often during the month!! The ingredients aren’t magic but somehow the dosing seems to do the trick.

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Thank you.


For 30 years, I took Esgic for my headache pain and it was a great help while we resided in Mississippi. However, since I moved to Alabama in 2020, the physicians (all neurologists) in this area refuse to prescribe it for me. Their reason is that Esgic is habit-forming. Well, that's not unusual for many, many medications. Alabama has some draconian laws about prescribing any controlled substances, but they fail to realize those medications were developed to help patients where over-the-counter meds simply don't provide relief. I, too, am taking Excedrin for my headaches but it just does not always work.

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Thank you.


Excedrine for migraine helps me often when I am trying to not use my rescue migraine meds too often during the month!! The ingredients aren’t magic but somehow the dosing seems to do the trick.

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the question i have is, why are you not using your rescue migraine meds? and what is the brand name, dosage and how often are you supposed to use it? @danny5


the question i have is, why are you not using your rescue migraine meds? and what is the brand name, dosage and how often are you supposed to use it? @danny5

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Rizatriptan 10 mg 1 at onset and another after 2 hours if needed. Max 2 a day max 8 treatments a month so i usually use my rescue but I’ve had times when I had a lot of migraines and I was nervous that I would out use my max monthly useage. I’ve talked to my dr about changing my base usage method but most months this all works so the rare times that side use age of the excedrine is a winning method so far.


i suffer from chronic headaches and Migraines. i take a monthly shot of Aimovig (erenumab-aooe). 70 mg/mL. without it i get physically sick. vomiting, the migraines will last for days. plus i take Rizatriptan Benzoate Tablets 10 mgs. as a backup if a migraine should start. Barometric Pressure changes trigger mine. is the headaches localized to certain spots of the head? @danny5

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My adult son with disabilities takes the Aimovig shot at home monthly and Maxalt/Rizatriptan is one of the 4 pills he takes PRN for migraines. He has them sometimes 3 day or more in a row. Worst is 10 days. Barometric pressure triggers most but also heat triggered. We are running out of options. ER for “migraine cocktail” by IV when really intense.


Rizatriptan 10 mg 1 at onset and another after 2 hours if needed. Max 2 a day max 8 treatments a month so i usually use my rescue but I’ve had times when I had a lot of migraines and I was nervous that I would out use my max monthly useage. I’ve talked to my dr about changing my base usage method but most months this all works so the rare times that side use age of the excedrine is a winning method so far.

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i use Rizatriptan too. works pretty good too. i can tell a Migraine is coming on when the right side of my head gets hot. then i take one caplet. it usually works best. have you noticed if your head does this too?


My adult son with disabilities takes the Aimovig shot at home monthly and Maxalt/Rizatriptan is one of the 4 pills he takes PRN for migraines. He has them sometimes 3 day or more in a row. Worst is 10 days. Barometric pressure triggers most but also heat triggered. We are running out of options. ER for “migraine cocktail” by IV when really intense.

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@colbalt, thankfully i haven't had 10 days in a row. that is really awful for him. and yes the Barometric pressure affects the Migraines. trouble is i don't know if it's from it going up or down. does he get them more in the summer or winter? mines more in the summer. i rarely get them in the winter. if mine are intense it makes me vomit. then that makes the migraine worse. good luck. @danny5


My son has mostly been waking up with migraines so he doesn’t even want to get out of bed or eat breakfast. So often he gets a migraine med in bed and another 20 minutes to see if it will start working. Often just getting up, dressed and started eating seems to help the migraine get better if not done with. We mostly figure out he’s got a migraine by his behavior not by him telling us. Very loud, nasty and agitated until a med works and he’s just fine.

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