Discovered cancer spot on my lung after covid-19

Posted by togerm @togerm, Jul 26, 2024

I was being treated for shortness of breath which never went away after my at home bout with COVID 19 over a year ago. A scan of my lungs showed a spot which tested to be positive for cancer.
Has anyone had a similar circumstance?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


I have no one at home. My wife passed 2 yrs. and 2 months ago. My son lives out of town and my daughter would Google everything and believe it.

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@togerm, I'm sorry to hear of your wife's passing. It has to be difficult to navigate this without her at your side. How was your appointment with the surgeon? Are you moving forward?


@togerm, I'm sorry to hear of your wife's passing. It has to be difficult to navigate this without her at your side. How was your appointment with the surgeon? Are you moving forward?

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The surgeon's appointment at the CCF is this Friday, I'll let you know what he says. Moving forward I'm doing the best I can, it's been a year and 2 months. I miss her so much.


I am sorry your wife passed. That is not a lot of time to pass and walking this alone is not easy. The loss of your wife makes it harder. At the appointment let them know what is going on. They can help find a solution. If they do not, ask. Take care of yourself.


I am sorry your wife passed. That is not a lot of time to pass and walking this alone is not easy. The loss of your wife makes it harder. At the appointment let them know what is going on. They can help find a solution. If they do not, ask. Take care of yourself.

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A heartfelt thank you, your advice is well taken.


The surgeon's appointment at the CCF is this Friday, I'll let you know what he says. Moving forward I'm doing the best I can, it's been a year and 2 months. I miss her so much.

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@togerm, To clarify, I was wondering if you were moving forward with the lung cancer diagnosis process and appointments. There is no timeline for moving forward with the loss of someone so special.
Best of luck to you at your appointment on Friday. Hugs.


@togerm, To clarify, I was wondering if you were moving forward with the lung cancer diagnosis process and appointments. There is no timeline for moving forward with the loss of someone so special.
Best of luck to you at your appointment on Friday. Hugs.

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Had my appointment with the Doctor and after our discussion, we agreed surgery is the best avenue. He is expecting to only remove part of the lobe, which is very good news, so now I'm going thru all the pre-testing.


Had my appointment with the Doctor and after our discussion, we agreed surgery is the best avenue. He is expecting to only remove part of the lobe, which is very good news, so now I'm going thru all the pre-testing.

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Thanks for the thumbs up. Now is the nervous part waiting for the surgery...


@togerm, To clarify, I was wondering if you were moving forward with the lung cancer diagnosis process and appointments. There is no timeline for moving forward with the loss of someone so special.
Best of luck to you at your appointment on Friday. Hugs.

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I was to have surgery on Monday, 9/16, but after further testing the cancerous spot grew too large to remove safely. We agreed the surgery was not the correct avenue to take and he is setting me up for Chemotherapy and possibly radiation...time will tell.


I was to have surgery on Monday, 9/16, but after further testing the cancerous spot grew too large to remove safely. We agreed the surgery was not the correct avenue to take and he is setting me up for Chemotherapy and possibly radiation...time will tell.

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@togerm, This disease likes to keep us (and our doctors) on our toes. I'm sorry that you received this news. I'm hoping that the chemo is quickly effective for you and well tolerated.
@sueligthart posted some info about her experience with chemo. You may find some of this useful;


Well, I feel i finally received, what I feel is some positive news. My three doctors reviewed my case, the Surgeon, Oncologist, and the Radiation Oncologist and all concurred that radiation was the best avenue for my case. Size and location were explained to me in depth. They all feel 1 to 3 radiation treatments (further testing is needed) will eradicate my cancer. Best news, I feel very positive with this avenue and the time they spent with me at the Cleveland Clinic.

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