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I also have cmvd. Balance issues are definitely one of my major issues, but I haven't experienced weakness problems. If you have access to your MRI report it should show which areas of your brain are affected and you can look them up to see what functions are likely to be compromised.

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Replies to "I also have cmvd. Balance issues are definitely one of my major issues, but I haven't..."

Keith I am not sure how to read the MRI report. How can I figure it out. The neurologist does not tell what areas are damaged. This whole thing has me upset.


Here is a copy of report, what does it mean?
matter both cerebral hemispheres likely representing chronic ischemic
changes and likely secondary to chronic microvascular disease. A
discrete lesion involving periventricular white matter adjacent to the
frontal horn on the left is again noted. Is not characteristic of a
ischemic lesion may represent a subependymal nodule.

2. Discrete vascular malformation involving the mid pons, possibly a
capillary telangiectasia or DVA.

3. Ventricular size is normal as is the CSF Q flow study. No evidence
for an obstructive or non obstructive hydrocephalus is seen.

4. Probable small intermediate lobe cyst in the pituitary.

5. No changes noted when compared to the patient's most recent MRI
scan from 09/08/2023.

A moderate degree of T2 hyperintensities are seen involving white
matter both cerebral hemispheres likely representing chronic ischemic
changes and likely secondary to chronic microvascular disease. A
discrete lesion involving periventricular white matter adjacent to the
frontal horn on the left is again noted. Is not characteristic of a
ischemic lesion may represent a subependymal nodule