I cant sleep.

Posted by abdullalf03 @abdullalf03, Jul 26, 2024

I want to sleep as fast s possible.but i cant.i have tried everything but i cant sleep before 3 am

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Do you get any exercise during the day?

Are you a reasonable weight for your height and age?

Do you have any co-morbidities? How about sleep apnea?

Are you taking any prescribed medications, and/or are you self-medicating with any over-the-counter supplements or treatments/nostrums?

Are you in a relationship? Howzit going?

Are you financially healthy?

Are you putting off dealing with any difficult people or problems? Taxes okay? Medical insurances okay?

Are you in a stable dwelling, in a noisy shared building?

Do you have childhood trauma and unresolved issues?

Have you been assessed for early dementia?

I don't expect you to provide answers publicly to these potentially sensitive questions, but YOUR answers to them.....and....LOVED ONES' BLUNT AND TRUTHFUL ANSWERS TO THEM ABOUT YOU...may be highly instructive for you if you are honest and open to them.


For a 1 year and half I have had insomnia. Recently fall asleep, but wake up 2 hours later and can not fall back to sleep. Tried different anti depressants, natural remedies and finally 12.5 mg of seraqual. I do not want to take seraqual, is there anything out there that will get my sleep normal again?


Male or female? I am struggling the same as @tcainaru. I started with a magnesium supplement and plan to see a menopause specialist for a discussion on insomnia and other symptoms.
When I get enough exercise for my body early enough in the day I seem so sleep better but not always.


Male or female? I am struggling the same as @tcainaru. I started with a magnesium supplement and plan to see a menopause specialist for a discussion on insomnia and other symptoms.
When I get enough exercise for my body early enough in the day I seem so sleep better but not always.

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I am a male. I try to exercise, it helps a little. Do not like taking medication for the insomnia. The early wakeup is upsetting. I have used magnesium, but still not getting my sleep back to normal. You have any other ideas?


Magnesium can help, apparently, but there's a fine line between supplementing and self-medicating....the latter being unadvisable in almost all instances. Be careful!

Melatonin can help. Most commercial concoction have too much of it. You shouldn't need more than 3 mg, and in my personal experience, it will be most effective if you use it every other night, or even every third night. This works best also for sleep medications like Zopiclone.

Daily exercise, some of it quite demanding. A bit of HIT can help (High Intensity Training...you can google or YouTube it), but it is one of those things where less is more. Do it every day and you raise the risk of injury. Do it twice a week and you'll see the benefits. Otherwise, get out, rain or sleet, and walk for at least 30 minutes. After you warm up a bit, you can raise the pace if it feels natural, because an increased pace means more effort AND more distance that you move your mass...better for weight control.

Don't go to bed hungry. Eat half an apple or a handful of nuts about two hours prior to bed. Don't eat much, especially within an hour of bed because you'll raise the changes of reflux.

Go to bed 30 minutes earlier. You'd be surprised how effective that can be in resetting your sleep cycle. Every week for the next three weeks, go to bed 30 minutes earlier each day than you did the previous week. See what happens! By this I mean, Week 1, you go to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal. Week 2, you go to bed...earlier still by another 30 minutes. So, each day of that week, instead of 10:00 PM, you go to bed at 9:30. Just relax, and let your mind drift. You might be surprised to find that you sleep in later. Happens to me often. It might not mean getting to sleep earlier, but you may sleep in, which adds to your sleep.


I am a male. I try to exercise, it helps a little. Do not like taking medication for the insomnia. The early wakeup is upsetting. I have used magnesium, but still not getting my sleep back to normal. You have any other ideas?

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When I am unable to fall back to sleep I will either get up, do some gentle yoga stretches, cat/cow, legs up the wall, etc. and/or listen to a sleep meditation on Insight Timer app. If I listen in bed I wear earbuds so my partner doesn’t hear it. Often I will be relaxed enough to sleep afterwards but not always. I wish you well.


Do you get any exercise during the day?

Are you a reasonable weight for your height and age?

Do you have any co-morbidities? How about sleep apnea?

Are you taking any prescribed medications, and/or are you self-medicating with any over-the-counter supplements or treatments/nostrums?

Are you in a relationship? Howzit going?

Are you financially healthy?

Are you putting off dealing with any difficult people or problems? Taxes okay? Medical insurances okay?

Are you in a stable dwelling, in a noisy shared building?

Do you have childhood trauma and unresolved issues?

Have you been assessed for early dementia?

I don't expect you to provide answers publicly to these potentially sensitive questions, but YOUR answers to them.....and....LOVED ONES' BLUNT AND TRUTHFUL ANSWERS TO THEM ABOUT YOU...may be highly instructive for you if you are honest and open to them.

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My Dr seems to just want to put another drug on me. I feel like the drugs Im on are causing more problems


I’ve stopped drinking alcohol. It was interrupting my sleep.

I don’t eat sugar before bed. Makes me feel buzzed.

I stop drinking caffeine by 11:00 am.

It’s a hard one… 3:00 am. Do you have aches or pains? I sometimes take a Tylenol and it helps get back to sleep.

Google “Guided Meditation for Sleep”. This oftentimes helps.

I have a sleep mask.

I have a noise machine.

Everyone is different. Hang in there. Even with all this, I have occasional nights where I get crappy sleep.


For a 1 year and half I have had insomnia. Recently fall asleep, but wake up 2 hours later and can not fall back to sleep. Tried different anti depressants, natural remedies and finally 12.5 mg of seraqual. I do not want to take seraqual, is there anything out there that will get my sleep normal again?

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I have the same problem with insomnia. I was taking one 10mg CBN gummy (from Charlotte's Web) 30 minutes before bed, but since I usually fall asleep okay, now I take it when I wake up after 2 hrs of sleep. They seem to help me fall back asleep, but it takes 30-60 minutes. Also, 15 minutes before bed I take 2.5mg melatonin.


Male or female? I am struggling the same as @tcainaru. I started with a magnesium supplement and plan to see a menopause specialist for a discussion on insomnia and other symptoms.
When I get enough exercise for my body early enough in the day I seem so sleep better but not always.

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Many docs will not suggest OTC wild yam cream which has been a huge help for me. (I am past menopause and my sleep issues started only at age 50.) You may want to ask your physician about it or research on your own. I would avoid any one with black cohash though. That made the issue worse. Other women agree with me. Good luck.

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