Oxaliplatin is no walk in the park, advice for CAPOX regimen?

Posted by chinoomee @chinoomee, Mar 7, 2024

Just had first infusion today.
Felt fine and now hours later everything hurts ( numbness, tingling, muscle aches, muscle spasms upon sneezing in my jaw, muscle spasms across my eyes/temple upon tear production and of course upon water being just slightly cooler than room temp) how did you guys manage?

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I hope your doctor will listen to you and closely monitor your side effects. I was told by my oncologist that Capox was the “easier” chemo tx, but I had all the symptoms - neuropathy, cold sensitivity, severe muscle contractions in jaw, hands and legs, dizziness, difficulty focusing eyes, and brain fog along with more typical chemo effects of extreme fatigue, nausea and constant diarrhea right away after the first treatment. I hadn’t heard of all the side effects before starting treatment but tried to track them so my oncologist would at least acknowledge that side effects can vary widely in different people and consider a dose adjustment if needed. Sending you lots of positive energy and support.


I was on a Capox treatment for 8 cycles. I quit the Oxaliplatin after 4 cycles because the side effects were getting worse. With each treatment, it was taking longer for the side effects to go away. To enjoy any cold drink, I had to take a straw and drink it like a gerbal. And studies have shown that the benefits of 8 cycles vs 4 of Oxaliplatin is pretty low. I have mucinous adenocarcinoma, and this treatment wasn't effective for me and has spread. I worry about the neuropathy in my feet not restoring. Oxaliplatin is a harsh chemo. It bares contemplation whether a different chemo is a better alternative.

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