Blood Pressure and Chest Pain

Posted by ninidan13 @ninidan13, Jul 12, 2024

Hello. I'm having BP problems and cardiac pain and I wonder if people have experienced the same thing.

I've had high BP before (up to 150s over 90s) along with constant pain and dizziness and my medication worked for a couple years. I guess I need a new dosage now but the pain worries me so much.

I've been to the ER maybe about 10 times this month for multiple things but now my BP is a problem again. I get pain in the middle of my chest radiating to my left arms, neck, jaw, and head. I'm dizzy or off balance. I can get a little nauseous but it's like this heavy achy feeling in my chest. I went to the ER yesterday and they did a chest X-ray, EKG, and blood test with troponin ad everything came out normal despite my pain. My BP was normal at the time.

I'm still having pain today. I had a stress test before my ER which came out normal. I had a holter monitor for one day and it's being looked at. I'm at work while typing this and I still feel pain and I don't know if I should go to the ER again. I keep going and going and everything turns out fine. What also brought me to the ER yesterday was I think I was having small seizures because of my blood pressure and I have an MRI appointment tomorrow morning. I feel a sense of impending doom or I guess, a calming doom since I'm growing more accepting of the possibilities right now. I'm just scared and wondering if anybody has gone through this before. Constant cardiac pain with mild blood pressure issues? It seems mild according to some doctors?

I sent a message to my doc who won't see me until Monday.

My BP ranges from 130s/90s to 150s / 90s.

I took my BP at work and it was 128/87 but i was sitting. I work retail and I'm on my feet. All of my pulse readings are normal (70s to 80s).

My grandma has the same BP issues but doesn't seem to feel the same about of pain like I do when the BP is on the lower end.

I've already taken two doses of my medication and no change of pain, even if it lowers.

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I was diagnosed with prinzmetal angina around 2002/03, and practically all the symptoms you mentioned are what I experience as well. The leg swelling at times has been the side effect of medication. One good thing that has helped to keep my BP in check is keeping a diary. With that, my doctor has a good idea of the fluctuations and that not only helped him in deciding whether to change a medication or the dosage, but also allowing me to make minor alterations to dosage based on BP readings around a given period. I hope this helps!


I know what is really good for lowering blood pressure. If your able to eat some sweet potatoes. They have a high concentration of potassium in them. Potassium is great at lowering blood pressure.



I know you posted this a few days ago. Hope you are doing better. Have they suggest a angiogram? I had many of the symptoms you had. My blood pressure was good, my EKG revealed nothing, contrast dye study revealed nothing, But I had chest pain. Turned out I had a blockage of an artery in my heart. Luckily an emergency angioplasty was successful. So my biased mind goes there. At this point, a smart doctor would order it.


Exactly what I've been dealing with .... even though I've been prescribed many medications (and one, generic Imdur, that balanced the pain) I'm going back in for another Angioplasty soon ... We'll see! But glad my cardiologist is on top of it.


Have they ever done a tilt table test on you and maybe you need to have a tilt table test on you are a echo stress test and on you it said echo or echo stress test or maybe a z patch on you you are a patch it's like a big sticker on you and you can press the button when you're having symptoms.


Similar has been happening to me recently!! My BP started running high (150s/110s down to 130s/90s). When it gets high, my left side gets tingley, like it's going numb. But if I get my BP back down to normal range, it stops. Def. bulk up on anti-nausea I get the Zofran (that melts in the mouth so its instant). Whenever my BP has gotten around 180s/120s the hospital gives me labetalol. At the hospital, it's taken around 1800mg of labetalol intravenously (for emergency). But I take 300mg 3x a day. I'm so sensitive to BP meds that labetalol is the safest thing. It can be manipulated, by taking a 100mg or 200mg (I crush it with water and take it if the pain & stress on the heart makes me seize. When my BP starts getting high. It is the most important med. I have to keep my BP down and my symptoms will stay away, except for the pain. It never goes away, I just have to manage it. But I also wear a nitro patch, until my BP gets lower (100s/70s), then I take it off (or can wear up to 12 hrs). I also take pain medication (visodoalator) but it's secondary to those two. They are the two important med.s. I have that control BP and associated pain. Nitro .4 plus labetalol, has saved my life too many times to count. Also, O2 (even the little cans give you enough of a boost). It's a temp. relief from pain because your heart doesn't have to work as hard. And I also suggest an angioplasty, it seems like the natural next step in your process. I get mine annually. Similar tale, but not the same. It's a hard road but take it in stride. Thank you for sharing!

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