Signatera testing: Has anyone had this done?
I have been given an option to take the Signatera residual disease test. I have heard mixed opinions that it is not a good source for pancreatic cancer specifically. Has anyone else been given this option and what their doctors have said about it.
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Still good!
@mse, you may wish to follow the Colorectal Cancer Support Group here:
What did you learn from the biopsy? How are you doing?
Hello Colleen ~ liver biopsy was two days ago and was a LOT more painful procedure than I was informed. Still very sore and swollen. Don't expect to hear back regarding results until early next week due to 4th holiday. thanks.
I just got my first positive result today. Went from 0 to 0 to .13. My resection (colorectal cancer) was in January of last year, and I did four rounds of CapOx after surgery. I guess that puts us in the same boat, sort of. I’m waiting to hear from my oncology team, as my result came through MyChart and says they haven’t reviewed it yet. Let’s stay in touch, okay?
@darrincag, have you had an appointment with your oncology team to discuss in the meantime? What are the next steps for you? How are you?