Head sensations, Crackling noise, Pain in head

Posted by kobe4thewin @kobe4thewin, Nov 26, 2021

Greetings! So I have some strange neurological manifestation. Neurologist at UPenn said that I’m too complicated and moved to give me anti-seizure medicine without further investigation. I have a discovery call with Mayo on Monday (11/29), but I seek to hear if others here have similar issues, which follow:
1) Head sensations (pins/needles) on sides and crown after eating or stress
2) numbness in arms and fingertips
3) loss of collagen in feet (!)
4) tingling in spine
5) reduced vision
6) symptoms are worst when seated
7) symptoms abate when physically moving/exercising

Please share if you have ANY of these issue. Nerves are idiopathic — so any mère relatedness could help.


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Welcome @kobe4thewin, Great that you have a discovery call with experts at Mayo Clinic. Also it is wise of you to query whether other members, patients like you, here may have had similar symptoms. While leaving the diagnosing to the experts, I see some members have discussed a few similar symptoms in these related discussions:

- Paresthesia, abnormal sensations https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/paresthesiaabnormal-sensation/
- Electrical shocks throughout my body https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/electrical-shocks-throughout-my-body/

How long has this been going on for you? Did the symptoms accumulate gradually or was there a trigger that set things off?


Not sure if this will help but I started seeing a NUCCA chiropractor and problems with your neck can cause all kinds of weird problems. They are not your typical bone cracking chiropractor and when you first start you think there is no way this is going to work but it does.


Not sure if this will help but I started seeing a NUCCA chiropractor and problems with your neck can cause all kinds of weird problems. They are not your typical bone cracking chiropractor and when you first start you think there is no way this is going to work but it does.

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Thank you so much! I have not heard of this sub-specialty. I will look into this in my area.

Thank you again 🙂


I have a similar complaint and GP's just brush it off. I get a loud cracking sound, not bones etc, I can be sitting very still and get a loud crack, get dizzy fall off to one side and then feel nauseous for a short while. When i get these episodes I have a pain & pressure in the top of my head,get brain fog and my eyesight gets unfocused. I have had some kind of vertigo recently after being on a cruise for 7 days. Nothing bothered me until I got off the ship 4 weeks go and now still have motion sickness. Have tried the Epley Manouvre but nothing has changed. It really annoys me that GP's cant be bothered to address the situation. My question is - what type of specialist should is see in order to try and solve this. I feel that this will lead to diminished capacity if not diagnosed. I am 70 so I feel that I dont have a lot of time to fix this. I am fit and healthy otherewise, no high blood pressure


I have a similar complaint and GP's just brush it off. I get a loud cracking sound, not bones etc, I can be sitting very still and get a loud crack, get dizzy fall off to one side and then feel nauseous for a short while. When i get these episodes I have a pain & pressure in the top of my head,get brain fog and my eyesight gets unfocused. I have had some kind of vertigo recently after being on a cruise for 7 days. Nothing bothered me until I got off the ship 4 weeks go and now still have motion sickness. Have tried the Epley Manouvre but nothing has changed. It really annoys me that GP's cant be bothered to address the situation. My question is - what type of specialist should is see in order to try and solve this. I feel that this will lead to diminished capacity if not diagnosed. I am 70 so I feel that I dont have a lot of time to fix this. I am fit and healthy otherewise, no high blood pressure

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They can't be bothered to address it because they don't know what it is. So instead of telling you that or sending you to a neurologist, they ignore you! Typical crap medicine.


I have a similar complaint and GP's just brush it off. I get a loud cracking sound, not bones etc, I can be sitting very still and get a loud crack, get dizzy fall off to one side and then feel nauseous for a short while. When i get these episodes I have a pain & pressure in the top of my head,get brain fog and my eyesight gets unfocused. I have had some kind of vertigo recently after being on a cruise for 7 days. Nothing bothered me until I got off the ship 4 weeks go and now still have motion sickness. Have tried the Epley Manouvre but nothing has changed. It really annoys me that GP's cant be bothered to address the situation. My question is - what type of specialist should is see in order to try and solve this. I feel that this will lead to diminished capacity if not diagnosed. I am 70 so I feel that I dont have a lot of time to fix this. I am fit and healthy otherewise, no high blood pressure

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Could be a vestibular migraine they can cause vertigo… although my daughters does not come w the crack noise. Beyond a regular ENT she also saw a doc called an Otologist. Could see a neurologist or migraine specialist. I’m so sorry this is happening to you, it is awful to have vertigo and motion sickness. Since yours came on suddenly, that has to be a clue for the doc… virus related? If related to the crystals in the ear, an ENT can tell that by looking at your eye movement while laying down and turning your head. Do not ignore, make several appointments right away to try to get some answers (and find a new GP 😉) God bless you and prayers for speedy recovery.


I have a similar complaint and GP's just brush it off. I get a loud cracking sound, not bones etc, I can be sitting very still and get a loud crack, get dizzy fall off to one side and then feel nauseous for a short while. When i get these episodes I have a pain & pressure in the top of my head,get brain fog and my eyesight gets unfocused. I have had some kind of vertigo recently after being on a cruise for 7 days. Nothing bothered me until I got off the ship 4 weeks go and now still have motion sickness. Have tried the Epley Manouvre but nothing has changed. It really annoys me that GP's cant be bothered to address the situation. My question is - what type of specialist should is see in order to try and solve this. I feel that this will lead to diminished capacity if not diagnosed. I am 70 so I feel that I dont have a lot of time to fix this. I am fit and healthy otherewise, no high blood pressure

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An ENT maybe can help with the vertigo


I have a similar complaint and GP's just brush it off. I get a loud cracking sound, not bones etc, I can be sitting very still and get a loud crack, get dizzy fall off to one side and then feel nauseous for a short while. When i get these episodes I have a pain & pressure in the top of my head,get brain fog and my eyesight gets unfocused. I have had some kind of vertigo recently after being on a cruise for 7 days. Nothing bothered me until I got off the ship 4 weeks go and now still have motion sickness. Have tried the Epley Manouvre but nothing has changed. It really annoys me that GP's cant be bothered to address the situation. My question is - what type of specialist should is see in order to try and solve this. I feel that this will lead to diminished capacity if not diagnosed. I am 70 so I feel that I dont have a lot of time to fix this. I am fit and healthy otherewise, no high blood pressure

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A possibility is Minier’s disease.


Hello, I have the same symptoms as you, with body numbness, headaches, and general fatigue. Do you know the reason?


I have a similar complaint and GP's just brush it off. I get a loud cracking sound, not bones etc, I can be sitting very still and get a loud crack, get dizzy fall off to one side and then feel nauseous for a short while. When i get these episodes I have a pain & pressure in the top of my head,get brain fog and my eyesight gets unfocused. I have had some kind of vertigo recently after being on a cruise for 7 days. Nothing bothered me until I got off the ship 4 weeks go and now still have motion sickness. Have tried the Epley Manouvre but nothing has changed. It really annoys me that GP's cant be bothered to address the situation. My question is - what type of specialist should is see in order to try and solve this. I feel that this will lead to diminished capacity if not diagnosed. I am 70 so I feel that I dont have a lot of time to fix this. I am fit and healthy otherewise, no high blood pressure

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I have been going through this for five months. I have been to the ENT three times and still can’t find any answers. My primary doctor has know idea but to prescribe pain medication. I have an appointment to a neurologist but it’s so far out. It is so frustrating because I feel like you just can’t get any help. I did started with physical therapy but I don’t see any improvement. If you get any answers, I love to know.
Thanks Jerry

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