Support Group for Those of Us Living With Mild Dementia

Posted by SusanEllen66 @SusanEllen66, Sep 18, 2023

I know there is a Dementia Caregiver Support Group.

I would like to have a group for people like me. I am entering the Mild Dementia phase from Mild Cognitive Impairment.
It’s frightening to think about my future.

Could a group for Dementia Patients be started?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aging Well Support Group.


@rolett1, I invite you to follow the group specifically for caregivers. Click the link and the click "follow for updates" and join the discussions here:
- Caregivers: Dementia Support Group

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Thank you so much, I will. 😉


Post-stroke, I was also diagnosed with Circulatory Impairment with mild Dementiaand Cognitive dysfunction.
It was explained to me, that, at different times, the circulation is not available to different parts I'd rhe brain, and it continually changes. So, rhe area of rhe Braun not receiving circulation, blood, oxygen at rhe moment, is mailed, causing mild dementia and mild cognitive dysfunction, primarily with Short term memory impairment. Long term memory intact.


Thank you Colleen, About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with MCI via the 4 hour memory test, and an MRI.

Over the past few months I’ve been having trouble with my usual organizational skills. I used to do my housecleaning, and laundry on schedules. I found it helpful and did it that way for many years.
Now, I have no idea what day I did what the week before. The crazy thing is that I don’t care. That is not at all like me!
My house was always company ready. Always. Now, not so much and my attitude towards it has changed.

The Brain MRI was done 2 years ago. I didn’t look at the results until last week. I have moderate atrophy, and generalized micro vascular ischemic disease.
The fluid filled areas are getting larger.

I have been under a lot of stress lately because I was just diagnosed with severe polyneuropathy. I have an appointment with my neurologist in a few weeks and I will bring this issue up with him.

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Deseo y me alegra que vayas encontrando y recibiendo la ayuda que necesites en cada momento. No solo es útil para solucionar los problemas que van apareciendo También es bueno para fortalecer el espíritu y la esperanza .
Saber que tenemos una mano extendida solucióna parte de los problemas.


Deseo y me alegra que vayas encontrando y recibiendo la ayuda que necesites en cada momento. No solo es útil para solucionar los problemas que van apareciendo También es bueno para fortalecer el espíritu y la esperanza .
Saber que tenemos una mano extendida solucióna parte de los problemas.

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Gracias por tus buenos deseos. Los retribuyo.


I’m not sure if this will help me but I’ve been occasionally eating Mosh, the brain bars sold on the internet and coffee from four stigmatic both with lion’s mane.


Great tip on Mosh bars….I just ordered a box…like the mission statement and story.


Deseo y me alegra que vayas encontrando y recibiendo la ayuda que necesites en cada momento. No solo es útil para solucionar los problemas que van apareciendo También es bueno para fortalecer el espíritu y la esperanza .
Saber que tenemos una mano extendida solucióna parte de los problemas.

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Few health conditions do not favorably respond to healthful habits starting with wholesome foods, active lifestyle, sound sleep, and often not mentioned is mutually rewarding social connections, this last one we often are lax as we depend on family, an obviously very small circle and who often get busy with their own lives. Besides, what friends provide is a very different kind of closeness and reliability that connection by virtue of family membership cannot as these are not meant to be Mutually satisfying. And let's not forget to keep the circle large enough so as to feel your needs are well met.

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