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I am a 47 years old Hispanic female that was diagnosed with MM last year and I am being recommended a Bone Morrow transplant by my oncologist and a team at MOFFIT. According to test result the medication I am currently on is working very well my KAPPA went from 9 thousand to 22 in less than a year. I was told that this is a good time for the transplant but I am still a bit scared and confuse on what to do.

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Replies to "I am a 47 years old Hispanic female that was diagnosed with MM last year and..."

Good morning, @myangels514 and welcome to Connect. There are quite a few members in the forum who have had autologous stem cell transplants (using their own cells) for MM and other blood conditions. It’s another helpful treatment to keep MM patients in remission. I know it can be confusing when you feel conflicted about what to do. Your doctor feels you’ve had a good response to your medication and is suggesting a stem cell transplant to help you stay in remission longer.

I want to introduce you to a couple of members who have shared their stories. I’ll post their links below. Hopefully you’ll feel a little more at ease about the decision to go forward.
I also wanted to make sure you’ve seen the very encouraging reply @dkandalec wrote to you here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/1096104/

@jstpeachy has shared her MM journey and transplant experience in this post:

~My Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Journey - Mayo, Phoenix
@jiminmorris was caregiver for his wife during her MM/SCT journey in this discussion:
~Helpful suggestions as we head into BMT? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/helpful-suggestions-as-we-head-into-bmt/

It can be so helpful to be able to talk with others who have been through the same experiences. So don’t hesitate to ask questions here. What is concerning you the most about going ahead with the transplant?