Ketamine infusion therapy during medication withdrawal (abilify)

Posted by joy1976 @joy1976, Jun 21, 2024


I recently stopped Abilify, with my doc’s guidance. It’s been rough. Nausea, fatigue, mood swings, and heavy depression and anxiety. I’m considering ketamine infusion therapy. Has anyone had an experience with ketamine, and doing it during drug withdrawal? I see my doc on Wednesday, but would love to hear from others. Thank you.

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@joy1976, your questions lead me to additional questions that you may wish to confirm with your doctor.

"Ketamine, a drug available in intravenous (IV) and nasal spray (esketamine) forms, is being actively studied for treatment-resistant depression treatment. Both ketamine and esketamine are given in a doctor’s office or a clinic, and each is typically used alongside another antidepressant." Read more from Mayo Clinic:
- Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression: What you need to know
- Treatment-resistant depression

Do you have treatment resistent depression? Is your doctor suggesting ketamine instead of Abilify (aripiprazole)? Or is it being suggested to help taper off of Abilify (aripiprazole)? I've not heard of using ketamine as a crisis or bridge treatment.

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Hi, I’m on a few medications…lamictal and trintellix are the big ones. Yes, treatment resistant. I want to get off abilify due to side effects (mainly weight gain). Ive been on it 15 years. I’ve done tms recently and ect about ten years ago. Absolutely I’ll be discussing this at my doctors appt :).
Honestly? I guess my question or the information I’m seeking is if any others have found it helpful for medication withdrawal or at times of crisis/high emotion. I don’t want to make things worse, right? But I’ll do what I can to get thru this. I want off the abilify.


I’m sorry it wasn’t helpful That’s a bummer, because it isn’t cheap.
I’ll def keep what you’re saying in mind. Thank you for the information/feedback :).

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Thanks. Should be a money back guarantee. If ketamine worked more often, then maybe they can stand behind their product and stay in business.


I had 6 ketamine Infusions a couple years ago. It didn't help with my severe depression and anxiety. It still is worth a try for people with severe depression

One thing everyone should know is that it may take you on a weird audio and or hallucinatory trip. The trips got worse after 3 increasing doses . I got through the 6 doses only because I could open my eyes and see that I was still in the room. If an infusion gets too wacky you can quit at any time. Also ketamine is not fda approved for depression.

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I tried ketamine, 6 sessions major depression 3 months ago. It didn’t help me, but I have been told it helps others with depression. It’s off label though you’re so right. The anesthesiologist gave to me. I am wondering if it’s more effective with debriefing after or psychiatric practitioners involved? It unregulated as clinic practice in MN. It is also expensive. There are sublingual doses and nasal route, but very low absorption in the body. Not sure if it helps like IV does for many.

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