Grover’s Disease

Posted by sharfar @sharfar, Mar 13, 2022

Hello-I am a 54 year old, active female recently diagnosed with Grover’s Disease. It started shortly after having an MRI. And it started on my neck and went up behind my ear. It is now on my stomach and back and arms. Is there a correlation between the MRI and Grover’s? I’m also a runner but have been running in freezing temperatures, not heat as suggested in much of what I’m reading.
Thanks for any help you may offer including any suggestions on helping to get rid of it.

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Do the drops taste like cilantro? Cilantro tastes like soap to me.

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Not as strong but I mix in a huge glass of water


Anyone try cilantro extract, capsules or smoothies for Grover’s Disease?

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My husband has been using a cilantro liquid with dropper for a couple of months. Good relief (not complete relief) of both rash and itching. He had been prescribed numerous steroid and non steroid creams, ETC with little or no relief. VERY grateful to have found information about cilantro on this site.


Thank you so much. What cilantro extract did you get. I see several brands on Amazon.


After seeing so much written about digesting cilantro, has anyone tried rubbing cilantro oil on the rash? I read you should mix it with your moisturizer for general great skin care but don’t know if it helps Grover’s. I am two months into this horrible journey and will try anything for relief.


Thank you so much. What cilantro extract did you get. I see several brands on Amazon.

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He didn’t know what to order, either, Mary. He finally ordered (Amazon) BioKrauter Cilantro…4 fluid ounces, high-absorption, vegan, etc. He started with .7 ml twice a day, but increased to 3 times daily when we saw improvement. Best of luck!


Thank you sooo much. I just ordered it and will keep you posted


I have no visible rash, just sunburn sensation and sun sensitivity. Dermatologist, after 5 months, aligned it with GD, which I’ve had in remission for a couple of years. Trying the cilantro smoothie this week and ordered cilantro oil which I intend to mix with emu oil that alone has offered some relief. Stay tuned.


Thank you sooo much. I just ordered it and will keep you posted

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Glad you ordered it. Most of all, I truly pray that it helps you find relief. Yes, please keep us posted!


Thank you so much. What cilantro extract did you get. I see several brands on Amazon.

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This is the one I ordered
you'll have to put amazon .com in front of that. Since I'm new, I cannot post full URLs

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