Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Tylenol is a joke when your pain level is sky high.
I wonder how many doctors when in extreme pain just take Tylenol, very few is my guess.
Its getting harder and harder to get the opioid pain meds a lot of us absolutely need just to get by, thank you all you junkies for doing this to us people who actually need and don’t abuse narcotics.
I should stop rambling on now.

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Thank you kfc1. I never thought of the fact that you brought up. I agree, there is no way any doc in severe pain would take tylenol. It is inhumane to expect a patient in severe chronic pain to suffer.


Hi, I'm James. I've had several lifting injuries over the years (former EMT/RN...occupational hazard), and I've taken lots of different pain meds over the years. Some successfully, some not so. Usually they'd give me Vicodin and Motrin (generics, of course) and they helped as much as anything could. Now my PCP's group won't give Vicodin and I was sent for a lumbar MRI. Turns out I have several misplaced vertebrae and bulging discs with encroachment on the spinal nerve. Plan is to have spinal surgery probably later this summer. I can't sleep flat so I have to sleep in a recliner since it takes the load off my spine. I'm scared, but hopeful about the surgery.

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I am hopeful that your surgery will go smoothly and be 100% successful. I am going for a long-overdue MRI today. My pain in lower back, buttocks, legs, ankles, feet has ramped up to a solid 8, making it almost impossible to walk any distance. Pain doc just manages pain pump, which has never helped in the year that I've had it. I decided to take the bull by the horns and start chasing my own medical help. Again, prayers for your recovery and greatly reduced pain.


Hi, my name is Barb. I have been seeing a pain management Dr for 3+ years. Had an SNS placed in lumbar spine from failed back surgery 15 years ago. I have Osteoarthritis up & down my spine. Also have had TKR's done 11 years ago for same issue. Also had ruptured Left quad tendon (3months post op) repaired twice which didn't work. Now having shoulder pain due to same issue. Had a scope of shoulder showing I shredded a biceps tendon & severe Osteoarthritis. Am scheduled for reverse total shoulder the end of October of 2024. Probably will need Right shoulder done in a short period of time for same problem. Try to stay on top of pain with Tramadol & Acetaminophen(as I can't take anything else). I feel like I'm falling apart with no end in site. I need some help & encouragement to keep on going. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


I am hopeful that your surgery will go smoothly and be 100% successful. I am going for a long-overdue MRI today. My pain in lower back, buttocks, legs, ankles, feet has ramped up to a solid 8, making it almost impossible to walk any distance. Pain doc just manages pain pump, which has never helped in the year that I've had it. I decided to take the bull by the horns and start chasing my own medical help. Again, prayers for your recovery and greatly reduced pain.

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If your pain doc is only managing it with a pain pump and you haven't had an MRI. thank goodness you're finally getting one! I wish you the best of outcomes.


I understand this completely. Until I started taking Gabapentin for my pain- I was probably suicidal. Fifteen years of pain - surgery, then more pain. When I was waiting for the stimulator that is now implanted in my back I would just stand and cry and honestly believed that this just wasn't worth it any more. With the stimulator, 2 Gabapentin a day, and a few Motrin- I am now tolerating the pain I still have. Tylenol does absolutely nothing for pain - can't believe it even exists on the market. I have spacers between many discs, a 20 degree curve at the bottom of my spine, a cage around my spine just above the curve, and now arthritis that has set in because of the surgery. They went in through the front, and the back - about 35 stitchces total. Still have pain in the hip/pelvic area that nothing really seems to help- and no one can figure out why. Now I also have a heart condition, colitis, diverticulitis, and fluid build up in lower legs and feet from being pumped full of fluid during an abscess that broke in the diverticulitis. They didn't put any stockings or anything on my legs for the whole week I was in the hospital. I'm 70. This all happened in the last 3 years.


Hi, I'm James. I've had several lifting injuries over the years (former EMT/RN...occupational hazard), and I've taken lots of different pain meds over the years. Some successfully, some not so. Usually they'd give me Vicodin and Motrin (generics, of course) and they helped as much as anything could. Now my PCP's group won't give Vicodin and I was sent for a lumbar MRI. Turns out I have several misplaced vertebrae and bulging discs with encroachment on the spinal nerve. Plan is to have spinal surgery probably later this summer. I can't sleep flat so I have to sleep in a recliner since it takes the load off my spine. I'm scared, but hopeful about the surgery.

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Hello James, PLEASE get another opinion, go to the best Spine surgeon!YOU CAN FIND BUT YOU MUST KNOW A LOT OF Research, I did not!
I was nieve, You would understand what the surgeon did to me.
He removed S-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUNED MY LIFE!! FUSION FAILED. I HAVE A PAIN PUMP IT WORKS!!
I can't sleep flat on my back, sides those days are over. Pain med. and pump helps me to sleep
Wishing you the very best!!!!!! Did you try a stimulater?


Goodness. Sounds like you've really had an awful experience. I'm sorry to hear that. I live in a major metropolitan area, and while there are three neurosurgery groups around here I'd trust, I picked someone who specializes in my particular issue at a neurological institute I know and trust. As far as what I've tried, I've had numerous trigger point injections and nerve ablation unsuccessfully. While I have not tried a stimulator, I do use a TENS unit that gives minimal temporary relief. I'm glad your pain pump works for you.

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