Sutures didn't dissolve after tkr revision

Posted by tkrfail21 @tkrfail21, Dec 30, 2023

Had 2nd knee surgery to remove lots of scar tissue. After 6 months the sutures aren't dissolving. The are visible under the skin as big bumps in a row. Very painful as it feels like they are coming through the skin.

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I have something similar going on but mine started as a blood blister six week from TKR. The surgeon squeezed the fluid out (much to my chagrin without gloves) and gave me antibiotics. It eventually closed over. Pressing on it is not painful or hard but periodically then the knee is bent it feels like pulling/ripping and is a painful. I think mine is probably scar tissue but I'll find out at my six month appointment.

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I had a TKR a year ago. I went to my surgeon and told him something feels like bones in the knee. He felt it and told me I had 3 stitches there and that he could remove them now or anytime I wanted to get them out. I thought all the stitches was removed by him. Is this normal or has anyone had this? The surgeon said he would cut and go in right under the skin to remove them. They do hurt at times! I don’t know what to do?


Hi, I had a revision for my total knee replacement and it's been four months and I have the same thing as the swelling has gone down visible row of bumps around the inside of my knee. I saw my surgeon again. He thinks they might be undissolved internal sutures. was wondering if yours had resolved. I think they're causing some complications in my recovery and our kind of painful.

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I had my 1 year TKR appt. with my surgeon. I told him about the round things at the left of mu knee that felt like small bones, it was that hard. He felt and said they were 3 satures there and he could remove them easily now or in a year if I wanted to. They do hurt at times but I was surprised at how hard they felt. I guess they could be left in but don’t know. He sounded like it was no big deal to remove them! I just dread having to cut the knee!


I fear another cut too. My revision cut was over the same place as first cut. Now I'll have another scar on the other side of my knee. Will know more after tomorrow's appt


2 weeks ago my knee scar was opened a third time. Removed 10 large sutures that were visible under the skin. Lumps are gone and little pain. Have some stiffness again but not as bad as after tkr and revision.


It helps to know when you are going into surgery what is going be done (not just the actual procedure itself) and that would include wound care, sutures, and anything else that you could think of to ask.

I have had a few different types of sutures (for different procedures) more recently a hamstring repair.

Dissolvable sutures don't always work. I have had such sutures on my face, arm, and shoulder. I had partially dissolved sutures sticking out of my arm. I was able to pull it out no issues. The one on my shoulder turned into what is called a "spitting suture". The body "rejects" it. That was addressed. The sutures on my face was another situation. I have "bumps" that run the length of the incision line. Those are not fully dissolved. They are bothersome. Another poster discussed using Palmers. That is a direction to go.

Keep in mind dissolvable sutures may work better or worse given where they are placed and maybe how your body processes it. Try to keep notes and ask questions before, during, and after your doctor visits. Try to get the most important ones answered. Doctor times are valuable.


Some of what you are describing appears to be "spitting stitches". You can look it up on a reputable website (like Mayo's). Essentially it is a stitch that doesn't absorb and the body pushes it out (hence why it may show up at the skin). Some people also experience these "bumps" on the surface of the skin. They are not "harmful" until they are an issue for the individual. Then it is best to have a practitioner address it. If you had staples, it's a nonissue. Those come out. Again, I suggest you do some research and ask questions. I have had dissolvable stitches from skin cancer and have experienced same as some of you. Worst experience was the sutures on my face. I have bumps as the stitches had not fully dissolved. You can mitigate this from happening by being proactive and having a conversation with your provider!


Some of what you are describing appears to be "spitting stitches". You can look it up on a reputable website (like Mayo's). Essentially it is a stitch that doesn't absorb and the body pushes it out (hence why it may show up at the skin). Some people also experience these "bumps" on the surface of the skin. They are not "harmful" until they are an issue for the individual. Then it is best to have a practitioner address it. If you had staples, it's a nonissue. Those come out. Again, I suggest you do some research and ask questions. I have had dissolvable stitches from skin cancer and have experienced same as some of you. Worst experience was the sutures on my face. I have bumps as the stitches had not fully dissolved. You can mitigate this from happening by being proactive and having a conversation with your provider!

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Mine were sutures that were not meant to dissolve. Had all 12 removed 3 weeks ago. Knee had to be immobilized for 3 days. Since removal less pain and easier to move. This all started after 2 years ago and after 5 surgeries finally doing better.


Mine were sutures that were not meant to dissolve. Had all 12 removed 3 weeks ago. Knee had to be immobilized for 3 days. Since removal less pain and easier to move. This all started after 2 years ago and after 5 surgeries finally doing better.

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Post removal of the bumps did you notice any change to your flexion (range of motion). Thanks


Yes. It has only been 3 weeks si I'm not supposed to really force the bend. However, I feel like my knee has been released from tension. I can now walk more normally and I don't have tge szme psin and stiffness in the morning. So glad I had tge sutures removed. I had to wait 1 full year before my dr would remove them. I feel I coukd have progressed faster if those sutures had been removed sooner. There were 12 large hard bumps in a c shape around my knee just under my skin. Seems like using different sutures eould have been better.

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