Help for after covid vaccination

Posted by colormesoft @colormesoft, Jun 14, 2024

My daughter has been sick with severe fatigue since October 2003 after taking 3 covid vaccinations. The doctor, ENT, XRay, everything has been done and no one is saying what is wrong with her. She is 54yo, African American and I cry along with her, she is just so very tired. Last night she said she just wants to dye because it does not appear to be any help. What can I do, who can I see? We reside in San Antonio TX. Is there any doctor that can get my baby back healthy? Someone, anyone please help us. Thank you

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colormesoft, I am so sorry about your daughter. This is serious. Any Pastors in your area she could talk with about her depression?

I'm wondering if you have a Long Covid Recovery Clinic in your area that could direct you to someone that can help about COVID vaccine injury? Also, are their any Integrative Medicine Doctors that treat Covid Vaccine Issues in your area? You could call and ask.

Praying for her and you right now. Blessings & Hugs....


My heart breaks for your daughter. For me, long COVID was caused by the infection itself (I did not receive the vaccination because I had such a strong autoimmune response to my first COVID infection (03/20)), and it triggered T1 D as well. There is consistent evidence that COVID itself causes neurological changes to the brain, including depression, which only worsens the trauma from the sickness from long COVID/vax injuries. It is an exhausting, baffling process that is an “invisible” disease, and your daughter probably feels isolated and ignored by the healthcare community, because there is so little know about post-COVID syndrome or vaccine injuries.
I am not saying anyone shouldn’t get the shot, because I do not want to cause controversy in this helpful forum, but I think the most important thing a patient can hear is “I believe you” by their healthcare providers. I wasn’t told that by my former doctor, and it made me feel crazy. I was suicidal and frankly sometimes still want to die. Where I live, there aren’t any long COVID clinics, but I would recommend your daughter seek psychological help and therapy- not because her physical symptoms aren’t real, but because of the opposite- they are real, and devastating for her, and it’s a vicious cycle. Please keep us posted. Private message if your daughter needs anyone to talk to for peer support, and there are great Facebook groups in addition to this support group. Please tell your daughter that her symptoms are REAL, that she is NOT alone, and that she is a brave woman to be dealing with this. I just wish I could reach out and hug anyone dealing with this.


My Long COVID was caused by my first (and last) Moderna booster in November ‘21. I found only a few medical professionals near home in Charleston, SC and ultimately went to Mayo Rochester. A long journey but today I am better, not fully recovered, but in a manageable state.

My Wife and have always said “hope is a wonderful drug” so stay in action, keep pressing, find help and create hope for your daughter. Nothing in life is is easy, keep driving hard and I wish you the best.


I have had long COVID for 3 years after my 2nd vaccine. I tried everything and have been to too many doctors to count. I am now recovering from all my many symptoms, also too many to number. I am about 70% recovered and getting better every day after finding Rebecca Tolin and mind body healing. It’s a very different approach and at first I was very skeptical but it’s the only thing that has worked for me. I felt just like your daughter. Hope this helps her.


mikescott1970 (@mikescott1970)
I can't find your response about the Dr., Colormesoft


I have long term covid vaccine syndrome from vaccine. In remission in mimics m.s. out of remission it sets me on fire. I always have nerve damage.


Long story short, I had long vax syndrome and went through menopause at the same time. Long vax symptoms wouldn't get better for 2 years. I finally started hormone replacement therapy and feel so much better! My neurologist said that every cell in the body has receptor sites for estrogen and that estrogen plays a large role in autonomic (automatic) bodily functions like blood sugar regulation, metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate, etc. He thinks the estrogen in the hormone replacement therapy stabilized my autonomic metabolic system. I am taking Duavee. I also forced myself to slowly exercise. It took months, but it worked for me. Good luck, I hope she finds relief.


Unfortunately, doctors can't do anything because no one knows why the vaccine react differently in some people. I have LC since 2022 due to the booster shot. I am better now but I wasn't able to walk around the house because I wasn't able to breath. The only thing I have found relief for is the mental foginess because I am taking ADD medication. It's frustrating but it's our new life.


My Long COVID was caused by my first (and last) Moderna booster in November ‘21. I found only a few medical professionals near home in Charleston, SC and ultimately went to Mayo Rochester. A long journey but today I am better, not fully recovered, but in a manageable state.

My Wife and have always said “hope is a wonderful drug” so stay in action, keep pressing, find help and create hope for your daughter. Nothing in life is is easy, keep driving hard and I wish you the best.

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Curious what Mayo Rochester did for you as I am/was in the same boat and considering going to Mayo. I have improved enough that I don't need to go, but I'm wondering what tests they performed as I am still not 100%. Thank you.


Curious what Mayo Rochester did for you as I am/was in the same boat and considering going to Mayo. I have improved enough that I don't need to go, but I'm wondering what tests they performed as I am still not 100%. Thank you.

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Lots of blood work searching for markers they’ve learned are clues to proper treatment. Tilt table to measure the performance of your nervous system - looking for dysautonomia. LC does affect your central nervous system. In my case I had a local tilt table that showed some dysautonomia, and months later at Mayo showed no dysautonomia indicating I was healing. Sleep test. Lots of QA, coaching. Finally working with you to set a personal recovery plan. Today I feel better and my situation is manageable. Hopefully with time I get back to my old normal. I wish you the best.

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