Has everyone had their Shingles vaccine?

Posted by jlo2252 @jlo2252, Jun 22, 2024

Hi there. Just had my second shingles vaccine today. I did it because I do not want more pain and I have heard that Shingles is VERY painful!!
The injection itself stung a little bit, but I did not have any side effects from it.
If you are over the age of 50 you need to do this— protect yourself!

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I was blessed with a very mild case that i would never have known was shingles based on the first symptoms. I finally had the rash on my lower abdomen but not severe. My doc said i would likely have recurrence and gave me the vaccine.

The unrecognized symptom was nerve root pain - no doubt the same nerve root where the virus went to hide after chicken pox. It hibernates if you will until some unknown trigger has it reemerge in a different but still wicked form. For me that nerve root was tied to my hip. I was about to see an orthopedist for unexplained hip pain when the shingles rash appeared. When that left, so did the hip pain.

Get the damn vaccine.


As a kid I got allergy shots. Every week for a year as I remember. Cured me of ever wanting another shot. I am one of those that will not get the vaccines. Seems like every year they come out with a flu shot and everyone gets the flu. They say well it was a different strain. I had measles and mumps as a kid. Everyone I knew had it. I have never had shingles but I understand its painful. I got the pfizer vaccine for covid to protect my wife. 2 weeks later I got PMR. coincidence?? I had a chest xray prior to covid and was clear. I had one last summer after all the covid from an emergency visit for a kidney stone and it came back and said the start of COPD. I havent done my normal research but I suppose I will. I dont know. I just try to stay healthy. Work up a sweat every day. Limit sugars. But its getting tougher.


Just an update to those interested, about 12 hours after the vaccine was given my arm got really sore! It hurt to the point where I could not lie on that arm. But I’m still glad I did it. It is only a one time vaccine given in 2 doses, so it was worth the pain!!


(Age 74).... I've had both shots.
Other than a sore arm, no negative effects.
It's the Prednisone that compromises the immune system yes.? All the horror stories about shingles about folks with normally functioning immune systems,. I hate to think how hard that would hit me! Terrific public service announcement.... Thanks!


I won’t get any more vaccines. I am pretty sure it was the Covid vaccine that ignited the PMR symptoms. From my research, I understand vaccines of any kind can kick PMR into gear. Not going to take any more chances with vaccines


Oh yea. It does leave your arm sore. I laid around the afternoon i had it. Im one of those weirdos who believe that fever means my immune system is working. So I don't take Tylenol or anything else for fever or aches.


I won’t get any more vaccines. I am pretty sure it was the Covid vaccine that ignited the PMR symptoms. From my research, I understand vaccines of any kind can kick PMR into gear. Not going to take any more chances with vaccines

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Your choice. But do take other precautions for infection control, because as you are probably aware, whether its Prednisone or a different drug, it will compromise your immune response to infections.


I totally agree! I know some are nervous or have questions about the vaccine.

But I actually got the vaccine in my 30s. I asked my PCP for it because I have an autoimmune condition and already have chronic pain including neuropathy. And the percentage of people who develop chronic nerve pain and/or scarring from shingles…no thank you, I did not want to take that risk on top of my existing pain.

I thought she might question it because of my age, but she told me she actually had shingles when she was age 10! So it’s rare for younger folks to get it, but it can happen, especially if you’re immunocompromised.

My aunt got shingles on her face, near her eye and didn’t realize it until her sister-in-law who is a physician noticed and told her to get it treated because it could affect her vision! Eep.


I got the old shingles vax many years ago, but am hesitant to get the new Shringrix, given the fact that the Pfizer COVID vaccine triggered my PMR. I'm scared of vaccines now, especially mRNA ones. I understand that the Shringrix is not an mRNA vaccine. Has anyone contracted PMR following the Shringrix vaccine?

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