Bronchiectasis and staving off recurrent infections

Posted by emport @emport, Mar 4, 2017

I'm 54, nonsmoker, and was diagnosed with bronchiectasis and mild asthma 3 years ago after a bad run of double pneumonia. The infections are becoming so frequent -- from a few months apart before to a couple of weeks. When I get infected, I go on 14 days of levacquin (750) and prednisone (40 and taper). It seems to work, but I get sick again very quickly. The symptoms are sore throat, major sinus issues, then coughing, bronchitis and fever. Also, my ability to think, work and engage in life is greatly compromised.

Has anyone worked with someone in the immunology field to try and build up their immune system? Is this done? Also, would it help to get vitamin injections? Any other ideas? I am desperate!

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Hi, Raney - There are two kinds of rinses I am on right now. Both come from the compounding pharmacy at Mayo Clinic. I have to pay out of pocket for both as they aren’t covered by insurance. Depending on the specific problem being addressed they last quite a while and are likely temporary prescriptions, although I don’t know yet how long.
One is budesonide in a capsule form - NOT for swallowing. You break it open and add to the sinus rinse bottle along with the saline packet, shake up the suspension and rinse as usual with the NeilMed system. It is a steroid.
The second is called cefTAZidime and is a clear liquid that has to be refrigerated. It is to treat pseudomonas aeruginosa, which has been an ongoing problem. Dr. said to tilt head way back and hold in to help get into forehead sinuses, etc. I lay on the floor to do this and it is a bit of a hassle but it has helped get rid of sinus junk that drains down the back of my throat. Doc said I may be able to just add it to the bottle rinse eventually. I do all this stuff twice a day.
I hope you find this helpful!

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I read all of the different prescribed methods for the symptoms people have and wonder if I could benefit. My issues are similar in that I have chronic nasal drainage and sometimes post nasal drainage. I assume this is from allergies to dust etc. I cannot take otc meds for allergies. I'm too sensitive and get side effects. How do they connect the nasal drainage problem to bronchiectasis and frequent lung infections? Does a full work up by an ENT or allergist help? It seems like my pulmonologist, family doctor and infectious disease doctor don't work together as a team. I'm also now getting my Sleep disorder low oxygen addressed waiting for cpap titration. So many issues at the same time. mtyler


Are your sinuses the culprit? I have had bronchiectasis for 8 years, and after all the treatments and procedures it’s become clear that treating the sinuses with nasal rinses twice daily - saline plus budesonide in my case - and regular examinations with an Otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) is an important part of health management. An undiscovered infection in my sphenoid sinus, which turned out to be beyond a very deviated septum, appears to have likely started the whole thing.
The masks we all wear due to Covid have really helped. I will probably always wear one indoors.

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Similar situation here. Can't get cleared for a septoplasty because of my lung condition. Tubular bronchiectasis from repeated pneumonias which started as sinus/ear infections.


The first year I was sick, I had sinus surgery to straighten the deviated septum him so they could get the instruments in to open up the passageway into the infected sphenoid. It was a long and awful surgery and it took quite a while to recover, but it did help. I had a kind of a continuous runny nose on that side, so there was a second sinus surgery two years later which helps with that a lot of the openings between the sinus passages just weren’t draining very well. The sinus rinses with budesonide really help keep that under control now. I do that twice a day as well as nebulizing and pulmonary vest 2 times daily. It would be a big deal if I could get all this management bronchiectasis down to once a day instead of twice, but it just doesn’t seem like I’m able to do that. I think I’ve gotten away with that twice in eight years. I’m really trying to not let this thing control my life, but…..

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I can't get cleared for a septoplasty because of my bronchiectasis. It would probably help prevent my respiratory infections. Was it worth it?


I was prescribed by my pulmonologist to take Azithromycin 3 days a week and it works very well in staving off recurring infections of my BE.


I was prescribed by my pulmonologist to take Azithromycin 3 days a week and it works very well in staving off recurring infections of my BE.

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is it 250mg? I started 1 1/2 months ago and would like to know when will you start to feel and see the benefits.


is it 250mg? I started 1 1/2 months ago and would like to know when will you start to feel and see the benefits.

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Yes, it's 250 mg. I am able to stay well on this regimine until the winter comes, and I usually have 1 or 2 exacerbations then that require Levafloxamine or some other antibiotic.

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