Grover’s Disease

Posted by sharfar @sharfar, Mar 13, 2022

Hello-I am a 54 year old, active female recently diagnosed with Grover’s Disease. It started shortly after having an MRI. And it started on my neck and went up behind my ear. It is now on my stomach and back and arms. Is there a correlation between the MRI and Grover’s? I’m also a runner but have been running in freezing temperatures, not heat as suggested in much of what I’m reading.
Thanks for any help you may offer including any suggestions on helping to get rid of it.

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The body responds to an MRI with inflammation, which triggers Grover's. It is the inflammation that's the culprit. Any inflammation can trigger a Grover's flare.


Anyone try cilantro extract, capsules or smoothies for Grover’s Disease?


Anyone try cilantro extract, capsules or smoothies for Grover’s Disease?

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Tried cilantro capsules (2) and one chlorella capsule daily for 5 months with no noticeable improvement.


Tried cilantro capsules (2) and one chlorella capsule daily for 5 months with no noticeable improvement.

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Practically no one this site has had much luck with capsules. The oil and the fresh cilantro are much more effective.


I have been using the cilantro drops from herbpharm for several months, along with other anti inflammatory supplements - my Grovers has improved, but it might also be the change of seasons. I’m going to stick with it and will know better in a year! I will say the drops are a nice break from capsules. I just put it into a big glass of water which I use to swallow down my other supplements.


In my experience, it’s more about the sweating than heat. Not sure if that’s helpful. Good luck!!


The body responds to an MRI with inflammation, which triggers Grover's. It is the inflammation that's the culprit. Any inflammation can trigger a Grover's flare.

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I have had many MRIs without triggering a recurrence of my Grover’s. I believe what triggers the outbreak is the contrast agent used in connection with most MRI exams (Gaddolineum).


Did your MRI exam involve injection of a contrast agent such as Gadolineum?


I have been using the cilantro drops from herbpharm for several months, along with other anti inflammatory supplements - my Grovers has improved, but it might also be the change of seasons. I’m going to stick with it and will know better in a year! I will say the drops are a nice break from capsules. I just put it into a big glass of water which I use to swallow down my other supplements.

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Do the drops taste like cilantro? Cilantro tastes like soap to me.


I have had many MRIs without triggering a recurrence of my Grover’s. I believe what triggers the outbreak is the contrast agent used in connection with most MRI exams (Gaddolineum).

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Have had two MRIs with contrast in the last year with the last one being a week ago. I haven't noticed any increase in itchiness.

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