What are people's experiences with spinal fusion surgery?

Posted by heatherm @heatherm, Oct 27, 2020

After trying pretty much everything, with little pain relief, my surgeon has put me on his priorty elective list for fusion of my L3/4/5, and maybe S1. I've heard both positive and negative experiences with this surgery. What are people's experiences, with this? ,

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Most surgeons do not want to touch a spine if there are any issues with a surgery and post op healing. I think they are afraid of taking on legal risk. I have been holding off doing L3-S1 laminectomy and fusion because I am afraid of my pain being worse if something goes wrong. I have been getting spinal injections to help manage pain but they don’t work so well anymore. I will be trying PT again to try to strengthen muscle because I now have bilateral gluteal tendinopathy and bilateral hamstring partial tears. Not sure when and how this happened.

If you would like to copy/paste your recent MRIs (minus your personal information) for us to take a look to see what stands out, I am happy to review (I have a knack for reading MRIs in detail and have spotted things people may not be aware of such as fusions that did not heal but the surgeon to the person everything was “healed” and brushed off even though he was in worse condition than before the surgery. That may raise flags that you need to get an attorney involved, especially if you can’t get other surgeons to touch your case to “fix” anything.

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Suddenly last March, I experienced so much pain and my R leg lost power. I saw the Xrays thatvwere sent to him to prove my condition. My surgeon got me in asap to perform a laminectomy and fusion at the L4-5 area. Following that surgery, my R leg was normal again. The nerves are waking up so for months I've experienced some numbness and tingling in my feet. Immediately post op I began walking with a walker, then proceeded to a cane. I keep the cane in my car now but don't use anymore. I began p/t 3 weeks ago and it's tough work but do the exercises daily. I also have some major gut issues which predated the spinal stuff, and my bad gut rules over the spine. It is often difficult for me to tell, on bad days, if it's my gut or my back when I have some mobility issues. I'm battling the gut with a new G.I. doc so we shall see. On my good days I tend to overdo it, esp with the nice weather, and then suffer a bit afterwards. It certainly is a journey I never guessed I would be taking.


I had adult onset scoliosis. My lumbar turned 60 degrees which made me a candidate for spinal fusion. I was 61 and good health. Went for 3 opinions and used a wonderful doctor from Hospital for Special surgery in NY. I was fused from T9 down to L2 with two cages and they placed a titanium rod in lower back. . I did very well, went to physical therapy and back at work 3 months later. Two years later I had complained of compression around the back and under the breast. New Cat scan showed my upper discs were collapsing and I had a herniated disc laying on the spine that needed to be taken care of. Went back in hospital and they fused T3-T-9 and put another titanium rod in the thoracic area connecting to the bottom rod. I continued to have mid back pain and complained for two years of heaviness and compression in the mid back. Doctor said 3 veryabrae did not fuse which might be giving you this pain. In addition he saw a small slippage of the upper rod.
Again went back for additional surgery and my thoracic area is worse. Very difficult area to be operated on. First surgery was a breeeze. Second and third surgery I am still
In a lot of pain and no one can tell me why. Rods and screws in place and I have severe compression mid back. Getting the right doctor who does these surgeries day in and day out is critical. But the back is extremely sensitive area with no guarantees. Anyone who has this problem please feel free to


I had L3-4-5 spinal fusion surgery on 5/22. Prior to that I had a Laminectomy done due to Sciatica. I am now 5-weeks post-op from spinal fusion. Progress is slow, I am still on pain medications and muscle relaxants, using a rolling walker to ambulate. I wish I were further along in the healing progress, but I know that this recover can take 12-18 months, so I'm taking one day at a time and not pushing myself to hard.


I was fused at L3-L4 with a disc replaced in 2002 then went in for a big mistake I mean L4 -S1 fusion April 2023 I was accidental twisted by an older gentleman that didn’t know I had surgery 3 weeks earlier. I seen the Nurse practitioner a week later and was told I could lift up to 30lbs, bend, twist . I went home that night and bent forward after showering and felt a burning across my back which has never improved. Last 4 visits I was in a wheelchair because I couldn’t walk thru the building to get to the Dr. office. He said everything is structurally good, healed didn’t recommend no more surgeries, there’s no scar tissue causing problems , no damaged nerves and considering he’s worked on Peyton Manning he said I could go play football. Now 3 more surgeons later no one wants to do anything, they’re looking at the same MRI’s. My legs are numb, burning, stinging, stabbing, I can rub my tailbone and pain goes to the testicle and he says that’s not it it’s something else. The nerves were mainly bothering my left leg now they’re in my right leg. Just because his repairs healed doesn’t mean he should neglect any additional problems like he did me . Good luck


Life changing… After years of pain and fear of surgery this spinal surgery L3-4 L5-6 was the best decision I ever made. It was done in 2020 at age 71. I am pain free and as good as new after 4 years. That said, I had an extremely experienced and competent Mayo surgeon. Wishing you the best with your journey.


Suddenly last March, I experienced so much pain and my R leg lost power. I saw the Xrays thatvwere sent to him to prove my condition. My surgeon got me in asap to perform a laminectomy and fusion at the L4-5 area. Following that surgery, my R leg was normal again. The nerves are waking up so for months I've experienced some numbness and tingling in my feet. Immediately post op I began walking with a walker, then proceeded to a cane. I keep the cane in my car now but don't use anymore. I began p/t 3 weeks ago and it's tough work but do the exercises daily. I also have some major gut issues which predated the spinal stuff, and my bad gut rules over the spine. It is often difficult for me to tell, on bad days, if it's my gut or my back when I have some mobility issues. I'm battling the gut with a new G.I. doc so we shall see. On my good days I tend to overdo it, esp with the nice weather, and then suffer a bit afterwards. It certainly is a journey I never guessed I would be taking.

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I was told I need fusion at l4/5 and scared. My docs.say they won't put me on pain rd as I take benzos. What did your Dr give you?. I read someone journaled their symptoms for a year. All horrible. Like she could barely do anything for a yr. How long did it take to make u walk wash hair make toast etc? Thks


Well, let me begin by saying that I was in excellent shape prior to surgery however I am 67 with gut issues. I rejoiced when surgeon said my incision was healed enough to not use saran wrap in shower and then was allowed to take a bath. That was around 1-1.5 months post op. My gut issues are worse than my spine issues. However, I am almost 3 months pot op and am walking okay and swimming. I am in p/t and that hurts. Oh boy am I sore. I refused to take ANY painkillers post op as they make me sick and constipated. I was in considerable pain, but therecwas no other option and I am tough--to a point. Actually, I am impatient more. You are supposed to abide by the BLT rule: NO bending, lifting, or twisting. Well, I think I blew that and panicked a bit. No worries, said my surgeon. Just take it easier, he said. I laughed. That's my story. I need major help with my gut!!


Well, let me begin by saying that I was in excellent shape prior to surgery however I am 67 with gut issues. I rejoiced when surgeon said my incision was healed enough to not use saran wrap in shower and then was allowed to take a bath. That was around 1-1.5 months post op. My gut issues are worse than my spine issues. However, I am almost 3 months pot op and am walking okay and swimming. I am in p/t and that hurts. Oh boy am I sore. I refused to take ANY painkillers post op as they make me sick and constipated. I was in considerable pain, but therecwas no other option and I am tough--to a point. Actually, I am impatient more. You are supposed to abide by the BLT rule: NO bending, lifting, or twisting. Well, I think I blew that and panicked a bit. No worries, said my surgeon. Just take it easier, he said. I laughed. That's my story. I need major help with my gut!!

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Sorry to hear about gut issues, you don’t specify type of guy issues.
Had gut pain endoscopy showed ulcer and gerd so Dr put me on Pepcid, been good for 5 years.
Regularity is important at least once a day Dr says.
This works beautifully for me to remain regular Metamucil capsules, miralax powder, and George’s aloe Vera water. Trial and error worked for me. Im not a Dr and unqualified to recommend anything. These solutions for me are all over the counter. Good luck
If it’s loose bowels don’t use these suggestions.
Always see a Dr first and study you condition.

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