What are people's experiences with spinal fusion surgery?

Posted by heatherm @heatherm, Oct 27, 2020

After trying pretty much everything, with little pain relief, my surgeon has put me on his priorty elective list for fusion of my L3/4/5, and maybe S1. I've heard both positive and negative experiences with this surgery. What are people's experiences, with this? ,

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I hope you find some pain relief soon. It never hurts to get a 2nd and even 3rd opinion. I actually got 3 opinions about my L5 chronic nerve damage. It was the 3rd neurosurgeon that said I might be a candidate for a Spinal Cord Stimulator, the other two never mentioned it. I had no idea what it was. Anyway, it's been a game changer for me. I wish you the best.

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Hi Alexis,

Thanks for.writing me.
Did you get the surgery etc for the spinal cord. Stimulator? I am scared to do the lumbar fusion. Initially when I did see what they were goung.to put in my back, I got very reluctant. The neurosurgeon said he wasnt going to give me pain meds as I take benzos. I habe grade 1/spondolethesis, stenosis and if I am correct narrowing of the canal.
When I initially did a.search and the Mayo Clinic came up, there was a link to a woman's post op info and she journaled.what she could.do and.couldn't for a year. It scared me.
I wish I could write to her but am not on Facebook.
I have barely been able to walk well or for long, (3 yrs now). I live in the country with rocky and dirt roads so trying to walk with a walker is out of the question, let alone walking down 4 stairs.
Sometimes I swim.
In 2018 I was.put out and they gave me shots in my sacral joints and the next day I had to crawl around my apt. I should have sued them.
I also have issues with my hip, and it goes out of place. Shoes are.a problem as none make my feet feel.good and.sometimes I feel my old legs feel like I have someone else's on my body. I had insoles.made and they are too tight in my shoes. The person who made.them wouldn't remake them and only accepted cash.
I used to be really active and lived in NYC where one walks everywhere. I used to be an avid scuba diver.
I dont.want to be in a wheelchair and again Leary of this op.
Pls keep in touch.


I am 67 yrs old. was told I have to get lumbar surgery L4/5. My Dr said he wouldn't give me pain meds as I take benzodiazepines for 30 yrs. For yrs I was on heavy duty pain rx. My chiro said let's find you a diff dr.

Tramadol, flexeril, Soma etc don't help my pain. I am wondering what other choices there are for me. I hear the success rate isn't very good.

There was a woman who posted her story on mayo site but I can only gwt.in touch via facebook. If anyone knows her pls have her email me. Thks

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I had a laminectomy:discectomy on L4-5. I was in a lot of pain after. Six months after I needed a fusion as it left my spine unstable and my nerves were crushed I was told at a second opinion. I would never go through such a serious surgery on the spine without proper pain meds. I would get a 2nd opinion. I am basically bed ridden now. I was warned not to get surgery and I didn't listen because I had so much pain and faith. Try if you can PRP or massages. Walking and water therapy can help. You will not want to do this at all without proper pain meds.


Hi Sunshine, Many thanks for your kind message. What is PRP? I do go to the pool at times and see a chiropractor.
Keep in touch!



Like your handle email


Why do chiroropractors and physical therapists differ in treatment? Thx


I too currently have plans for a TLIF for my L4/L5. I trust the doctor/surgeon that has recommended the procedure. I would just like to hear others on their first TLIF, how it went, if there were complications and how bad they were and also if the was an non temporary alternative and if so why didn't you go that route?

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What is TLIF?


What is TLIF?

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Trans Lumbar Interbody Fusion - aka Spinal Fusion

I had the procedure and Its nothing short of a miracle. I woke for the first time in 3 years not being in pain. Now let me say I am the exception because after all the research I have heard some patients wake up in worse pain than were before. The healing was great as long as you listen to the doctors advice.


Trans Lumbar Interbody Fusion - aka Spinal Fusion

I had the procedure and Its nothing short of a miracle. I woke for the first time in 3 years not being in pain. Now let me say I am the exception because after all the research I have heard some patients wake up in worse pain than were before. The healing was great as long as you listen to the doctors advice.

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Thank you


I fell on grapes and water 12 yrs ago. I've nvr knew that now I am getting numb in my toes, prob w/urin/bowels can barely walk at times and other ok. Steps are bad. I try and go to the pool but most of the time I'm in bed. Chiro suggested neurosurgery and PT says do diff ex exercises than chiro.
I have grade 1 spondolethesis. Some other stuff in back l4/5. C1/2. I can see how much worse I am In a year.
I didnt although I have seen pain Drs when incident happened for many yrs it stopped.
I'm now freaking out about the other options than a spinal fusion and I am freaking out. stem cell research?
My Dr one fired neurosurg and reg Dr don't want me on pain meds with benzos. I don't think they have any idea how bad the pain is.
Pls.help I sleepwalk too think all from the stress


Trans Lumbar Interbody Fusion - aka Spinal Fusion

I had the procedure and Its nothing short of a miracle. I woke for the first time in 3 years not being in pain. Now let me say I am the exception because after all the research I have heard some patients wake up in worse pain than were before. The healing was great as long as you listen to the doctors advice.

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I wasn't as lucky as theo316.
I am one of those who had TLIF L2-L5 for scoliosis and spinal stenosis and ended up with foot drop on my right foot, ongoing denervation of the peroneal nerve and consequently muscular dystrophy of the same (right leg).
I can no longer walk w/o a walker and can no longer drive.
The surgery didn't even help with my back pain but added neurologic pain like burning pain of the inside of my lower right leg, painful numbness (pins & needles, itching) and pain of my otherwise paralyzed ankle and foot. I can no longer wear an AFO because even if I take it off I feel it squeezing my ankle and lower leg.
The condition is permanent, irreversible and progressive as Iit was proved by EMG and nerve ultrasound.
I have been living practically indoors since the surgery (2 years and 3 months ago). I deeply regret the day when I consented to and went through with this terrible surgery.

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