Forced physical exersize

Posted by spittendrigh @spittendrigh, Jun 18, 2024

A week or two ago I reported my personal story about working my way (almost) out of 4 years long covid.

I was still so badly fatigued I felt like I could barely walk around the house.

I forced myself outside and worked up a soaking sweat, doing yard work. Then house repairs. Then my octogenarian neighbor got some free yard work. I felt better instantly. It lasted so dud the hard work.

So here is my punchline: I have since then run into two other LC sufferers who have the same story.

Vitamins and mushroom powders did nothing for me. Soaking sweat hard physical work forced against my autonomic will, cured me. And now two others as well.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

I have discovered the same with forced exercise! Especially gardening: fresh air, digging in the soil, creativity! Just have to rest afterrwards and not overdo it.


Interesting. How bad was your brain fog/processing, etc? And had that improved as well?


Yes brain fog improved. Instantly. Early on hard work backfired. Eventually there is no change. You can work but the symptoms neither improve or get worse.

Oddly and impossible to explain, for me after the "exercise suddenly no longer makes it worse ' ....rxcerdixr suddenly began to cure everything.

And now I have run into two others who have the same story.

Excerdixe is improving ambition fuzzy thinking and energy. Big time.


When I do the forced physical labor I get so dizzy, it's either sit down or fall down. But I am defiantly happy that I got something done.


My oncologist I believe has found the cause of much of this extreme fatigue and physical collapsing after just a few minutes of physical activity. I've been diagnosed with polycythemia caused by covid which my oncologist has proven.
All of you with long/post covid with extreme fatigue and feelings of hitting a wall and feeling like your going to collapse after a minute or two of activity, I strongly recommend getting tested for polycythemia.


When I do the forced physical labor I get so dizzy, it's either sit down or fall down. But I am defiantly happy that I got something done.

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I walk with a cane out to get the mail and back and collapse on the couch for half an hour.
3 years ago I was a trucker now I'm on disability and it takes me 3 days of recovery after 3 minutes of intimacy with my wife.
I totally feel you and thank you for sharing.


When I do the forced physical labor I get so dizzy, it's either sit down or fall down. But I am defiantly happy that I got something done.

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Dizzy finally went away. Not connected to activity

I still have tinnitus and headache. In bad days tinnitus is worse. Brain fog largely gone.

I'm at 4 years so it's hard to know what is connected to what. Exercise, even against instincts, dies make me feel almost instantly better


While I'm forced exercising I can feel exhilarated, but when I return home & for several hours comes the fatigue......brain&body both.

Also I've been taking high concentration krill oil caps
nearly a month with no
brain fog improvement at all. MayoClinic LongCovid suggested omega3.
My "long haulers" followed the virus since March 2020.


How did you manage to do this without crashing for days?


Each of us has a different tolerance level. I just grit it out& drive myself to keep functioning.
I can't explain it. I am blessed, as my husband is a
stroke survivor.

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