Can PMR be induced by Exercise

Posted by mcarso @mcarso, Oct 7, 2023

Just a theory; I been treated for PMR since April 2023. It began after I stated new exercises for my legs (which I haven’t done for years) mostly the consisted of sumo squats among other exercises. Right after I stated this routine I stated to develop pain in my leg which I just thought was muscle pain, mostly my adductor tendons between the legs were the major problem. This soon spread throughout my legs back shoulders, arms; yo know the symptoms. I was finally diagnosed with PMR in May by my rumo Doctor; placed on 15mg of prednisone and currently done to 7mg. I started my normal weight lifting routine around 4 months ago starting with lifts weights working up to my normal weight. Around a 2 weeks ago I started doing the leg routine again just doing the sumo squats very light weight (10 pounds) working up to 30 pounds. I stopped doing these due to my adductor tendons acting up again.
Could this be the reason why I got the PMR in the first place? Seem very coincidental. Now I run on the elliptical and walk hills all prior to doing these latest sumo squats.
Just throwing this there. I’m 70 years old never had RA or arthritis of any kind all X-rays on joints are normal. My only current pain is very mild in my fingers on both hands in the morning. Weird

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Yes to light exercise! And the stretching afterwards. I am convinced there are major psychological rewards as well as the more minor physical ones.


Back in September 2023 I was in the gym ready to do a class at the UFC gym and began warmups. I was stretching doing a same type of stretch and felt a twinge in my hip flexor area. And continues class. It worsened in 2 days and ended up in the emergency room A shot of pain killers and went home
10 days later my back went out on that same side. Back to the emergency room. A shot of pain killer and 2 weeks later. Pain throughout my body namely my hands, couldn’t get my ring off. Ordered blood work and sure enough got diagnosed with PMR
Been 8 months now, from 30 mgs of prednisone and down to 10 mgs
Gonna start metbodextrate in 2 weeks to ween off the prednisone. Struggling. But I’m in the gym doing classes again 3 days a week with a healthy sweat
I’m 61 years old
Let’s connect


Capt Mike keep it up. I’m off prednisone for a little over a month been a long road hopefully I won’t travel down it again. My rumo prescribe me hydroxychloroguine 200 mg a day, I only have minor pain in my finger joints. Thought I give it a try and if I get Covid it will help👍.

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