cymbalta for pain

Posted by srwolfe @srwolfe, Sep 19, 2023

I was prescribed cymbalta to help with overall body pain. After a week i was walking my dog and realized my pain was way down to almost to a livable pain. But the sweating was non stop. Especially at night i soaked my pillow and bed. My Dr had me stop cymbalta and my pain came roaring back. Anyone that can help me with this please let me know

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I totally agree....I tried 30mg of Cymbalta and while it made me feel amazing after taking it for 5 days I had no bowel movement and was miserable. I already take Amatiza for constipation issues and I can't deal with feeling miserable from the constipation it gave me. I even tried going to the 20mg daily and it did the same thing so I had to stop taking it as much as it helped the pain and arthritis I have. I can't take nsaids and so other than cortisone there's not much I think I can take since I can't take things like Cymbalta and Nsaids and Tylenol doesn't really cut it and I don't want to take any pain meds because they also constipate if taken too much. I wish you luck and keep us updated how the every other day works for you. I never tried taking it this way.

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I take 30 mgs at night to minimize brain fog and the it is constipating. As a result, I take Dulcolax liquid and eat a high vegetable diet, which controls it.


I’m very dismayed to read about constipation. I already have that. But I need something for the pain from my B12 deficiency. Burning is intense…intermittent. I can’t tolerate Gabapentin. I guess I’ll have to resume taking Miralax. And, give. Cymbalta a chance.


Sorry about the constipation issue I have been on Duloxetine generic Cymbalta for 8 years. I have spinal stenosis and arthritis in my spine So I have a lot of neuropathy drug definitely helps I have tried to get off of it several times And as previously mentioned the pain definitely comes back I have not researched the long-term implications of being on it I’m into quality of life not quantity


I take 30 mgs at night to minimize brain fog and the it is constipating. As a result, I take Dulcolax liquid and eat a high vegetable diet, which controls it.

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RB, what is Dulcolax liquid? I'm only familiar with the pill for. Also, are you referring to the Dulcolax product with bisacodyl? Thanks!


You have to be weaned off an antidepressant like cymbalta VERY slowly. Did you get any help with this?

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my neurologist upped my Cymbalta up from 30 mg to 60 mg once at night before bedtime because i came into his office for my checkup right after having an argument with my husband and
i was so upset that i had been crying !
Anyway the big problem was that I was already on Carbadopa /levodopa for Parkinsons !
for me it was a lot easier to com off of the carb/levo than the Cymbalta!
i have been looking for another neurologist !

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