Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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Meds may contribute to weight gain. My weight has fluctuated greatly since Covid. At start of Covid I was overweight. Covid made me lose my appetite and I lost 50 lbs from 2020-2022. My docs have told me some of the meds I am now on (for seizures and mood) contribute to weight gain. Since being put on these meds a year ago I have regained 20 lbs.

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I lost my Appetite and while in the hospital was basically force fed. I was in the hospital for two weeks and almost died. Happy to be alive but not happy with the weight gain. My doctor wants me to get on Wegovy but I can’t afford that.


Have you ever gained weight before? What does the 30# weight gain represent in terms of body weight? Has it been a steady weight gain over that period of time?

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I'm so sorry. I caught covid November 2021 and by January of 2024 I had gained 60 pounds and suffered a dvt, got diagnosed with polycythemia which the oncologist ruled it was caused by covid, since then I've been prescribed a wonderful medication called topamax and lost that 60 pounds plus 10 more as of now. I encourage everyone with post covid to get tested for polycythemia, it saved my life.


I lost my Appetite and while in the hospital was basically force fed. I was in the hospital for two weeks and almost died. Happy to be alive but not happy with the weight gain. My doctor wants me to get on Wegovy but I can’t afford that.

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Topamax is way cheaper and better than wegovy, 4 months ago I was 440 pounds, currently I am 370 pounds, I started at 50mg daily and currently at 150mg daily. Topamax also put a stop to most of my migraines.
Hope this helps.


I'm so sorry. I caught covid November 2021 and by January of 2024 I had gained 60 pounds and suffered a dvt, got diagnosed with polycythemia which the oncologist ruled it was caused by covid, since then I've been prescribed a wonderful medication called topamax and lost that 60 pounds plus 10 more as of now. I encourage everyone with post covid to get tested for polycythemia, it saved my life.

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Thanks for reply. Polycythemia is a condition of where a higher number of red cells are produced, right? But it helps with weight loss which is not a symptom mentioned in Mayo's overview of the disease? Is it working through you having more energy?


Thanks for reply. Polycythemia is a condition of where a higher number of red cells are produced, right? But it helps with weight loss which is not a symptom mentioned in Mayo's overview of the disease? Is it working through you having more energy?

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Oh I wish lol, polycythemia is what covid caused. Topamax is what my doctor prescribed me for weight loss and it's been working wonderfully. I highly recommend asking your doctor about it.
I have no appetite, no cravings, very low calorie diet is very easy and have quit alcohol and coffee without even realizing it until being offered last month. When I get down to my goal weight I will taper down to the lowest mg of Topamax cause I don't want to regain the weight while eating anything I want.
Basically it forces your body into ketosis without having to go on a keto diet. It may not work for everyone since everyone is different but I hope it works for you if you decide to try it.


Yes!Covid brought on some metabolic muscular disease and the neurologists can't figure out what it is.I have gained over 100 pounds.I can barely walk because of loss of muscle strength all through my body including my trunk.I was so in shape before being attacked by the virus.I was 5'11 and 150 pounds and in my late 40s.Now I look like some kind of swamp creature.


I"m sorry, I can't follow as (below) is what both Mayo and the Cleveland clinic say about Polycythemia. I understand there can be "off label " with certain drugs? In any case I'm glad you're feeling better!

Polycythemia vera (pol-e-sy-THEE-me-uh VEER-uh) is a type of blood cancer. It causes your bone marrow to make too many red blood cells. These excess cells thicken your blood, slowing its flow, which may cause serious problems, such as blood clots.

Polycythemia vera is rare. It usually develops slowly, and you might have it for years without knowing. Often the condition is found during a blood test done for another reason.

Without treatment, polycythemia vera can be life-threatening. But proper medical care can help ease signs, symptoms and complications of this disease.


I had sever covid in 3/2020, was not hospitalised and recovered at home over a 4 week period with my PCP calling 2x daily. in June and December 2020 , I still had very high covid IGM and IGG although I have tested negative for covid. I continued to have memory fog and tiredness which partially subsuded post getting my Pfizer covid shots in 4/2021 - both shots did bring on 2/3 days of flu like symptoms. Got the booster covid shot 10/2021 - which also brought on 2 days of flu like symptoms. In 2/2022 - noticed unexplained weight gain , primarily in the stomach area which was " hard": to the touch. There were no changes in my diet and or lifestyle and I am a very fit 61 year old man who exercises daily. Post seeing my PCP, my immunologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist and a kidney specialist it was determined that all of my major organs and my blood work looked fine ( perfect was the word used) and my weight gain was associated to / connected with my unique covid history and it was suggested that I look into the Mayo clinic and MGH ( my primary hospital) long haul covid studies / clinics.

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I am a 42 year old female. I got Covid for the 1st time last October (2023) and was up to date on all booster shots. I had every symptom minus loss of taste/smell. I am still struggling with fast heart rate, high blood pressure, fatigue, brain fog, etc. The most bizarre symptom is a weight gain of 40 pounds with my stomach being hard to the touch. I "look" pregnant. There have been no changes to my diet and I exercise every day, so long as I am not struggling with heart palpitations, etc. I am in desperate need of help. Can anyone offer any suggestions? It is taking a toll on my mental health too.


I am a 42 year old female. I got Covid for the 1st time last October (2023) and was up to date on all booster shots. I had every symptom minus loss of taste/smell. I am still struggling with fast heart rate, high blood pressure, fatigue, brain fog, etc. The most bizarre symptom is a weight gain of 40 pounds with my stomach being hard to the touch. I "look" pregnant. There have been no changes to my diet and I exercise every day, so long as I am not struggling with heart palpitations, etc. I am in desperate need of help. Can anyone offer any suggestions? It is taking a toll on my mental health too.

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I have Long Covid, after having it in January-February 2023. Hospitalized in ICU for 3 weeks and on a ventilator. When I was released I weighed 99 pounds. I am very petite and 5 feet tall so that isn't real skinny for me. Within 4 months I gained 37 pounds. All in my trunk, boobs to belly. I look pregnant. I have never weighed this much even full term pregnant. No matter what I do, diet etc...I still hold at 137.
It's been a year like this and I'm very frustrated. I'm on Blood Pressure meds now because of my weight gain.

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