Papillary thyroid cancer with lymph node involvement

Posted by camdynsmom @camdynsmom, May 7 8:19pm

Hi! My 18 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer. She had a TT and a bilateral central neck dissection last week. Her pathology report came back today and 18 out of 38 lymph nodes were malignant. We see an endo on Thursday to discuss her next step in treatment and see her surgeon for a post-op on Monday. Just looking for some reassurance/info. I feel like 18/38 is a substantial amount of malignant lymph nodes.

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Hi,do not worry about this.I am 30,I just found papillary thyroid carcinoma two month ago.I just finish a surgery.Doctor take half of my thyroid.This is not that knd of serious cancer.Through surgery and medicine can totally control

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