Shifting from Prednisone to Hydroxychloroquine

Posted by charlena @charlena, Jan 22, 2020

My husband is now completely off prednisone. He transitioned from the prednisone to hydroxychloroquine. Has anyone else transitioned from the prednisone to the hydroxychloroquine? I would like to hear results of other people doing this. Thank you!

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Hi, i too am very sensitive to meds, im a fast metaboliser and if there are going to be side effects, they show up pretty soon after taking the drug. Prednisone efects start wearing off in 12hrs with breakthrough pain and stiffness requiring an am and pm dose. Methotrexate was poisoning me after 3 doses couldnt get past 6 doses. Rheumy now has me taking Hydroxychloroquine (first week) so far only slight insomnia. She said it is pretty well tolerated by most patients but didnt expect it to help much. Im glad to see that most people who take it both here in Australia and on the Mayo Clinic Connect forum, seem to be ok with it.


Can my severe lower lumbar pain be from PMR? I was diagnosed with PMR last year, finished with the prednisone after six months and was feeling fine. Now I have such severe pain in in my lower lumbar that it made me wonder if it. Outdoor be PMR flare up.


Can my severe lower lumbar pain be from PMR? I was diagnosed with PMR last year, finished with the prednisone after six months and was feeling fine. Now I have such severe pain in in my lower lumbar that it made me wonder if it. Outdoor be PMR flare up.

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Hi @reets70, Sorry to hear about the new pain. It's probably something you want to discuss with your rheumatologist or doctor. Six months seems like a very short time with PMR. There is another discussion you might find helpful.

--- PMR and lower back pain:


I developed PMR while taking Hydroxychloroquine for ax-SpA (spondylo-arthropathy). Was this a co-incidence or drug inter-action? Because Hydroxychloroquine can stay in your system for 3-6 months the reversal cannot be assessed right away. I am still in that window.
I started at Prednisone 20mg and after 3months I am down to 12.5mg but still wake up with pain and stiffness.
Has anyone else ever had this experience?


I was only diagnosed in March and my Rheumatologist worries about my osteopenia and prediabetes with prednisone so started Mr on hydroxychloroquine as I taper prednisone. Monday I'm m supposed to go from 10mg to 7.5 then down to 5 MG, 10 days after that. FYI, I still have pain on 10 but function is quite good. I take the hydroxychloroquine 2xday I m a bit concerned but we'll see how it all goes


I'm now at 9 weeks of Hydroxychloroquine (200mg). As with other DMARDS, it takes 3 months to get to therapeutic levels in the body. It appreared to help with the tapering for the past few months but now find myself 'stuck' on 5.5mg Prednisone. The pain and stiffness have ramped up a level but rather than increasing my Prednisone, I am trying an extra 100mg of the Hydroxychloroquine (the Rheumy suggested it). It has been OK so far with no noticeable side effects. My iron levels have dropped but this could be the anti inflammatory and low oxalate diet.

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