Desperately NEED providers or clinic for my Long Covid: Denver area

Posted by thegoldenmidwife @thegoldenmidwife, Jun 10, 2024

Hello all,
I am in need of a care team to help me heal from Long Covid. I am seeking a clinic in the Denver-metro area. I am having extreme heart rate variability, decreased oxygen saturation, memory loss, and SEVERE neuralgia, which is very painful. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated l!
Gratitude~ SJ

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I'm having the same problems with other symptoms too. I'm being seen at National Jewish in Denver.


I went to national Jewish in Denver. They are great and very organized. Unfortunately I had to move out of the altitude to raise my oxygen.


Long term covid clinic in milwaukee


National Jewish,in Denver, is one of the best respiratory clinics in the country. They are thorough and can help you in many ways. They were my team until I had to move to a lower altitude.. You will not be disappointed!

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