Lost my ability to sleep and other serious issues

Posted by hello123yes @hello123yes, Feb 5, 2022

Hi everyone,

Here’s my story in hopes that someone can help me.

Prior to Nov 25 I was taking Lions Manes mushroom and on the 25th I smoked marijuana which gave me a panic attack. Now I believe I developed Central Sensitization syndrome (due to lions mane increasing NGF which can lead to CSS under the right circumstances) due to this because that night of the panic attack I was wide awake and up all night. Now it’s like my body and mind won’t shut off. There’s too much activity in my nervous system.

Since that night I haven’t been able to sleep more than 1-2 hours per night even with a benzo. The past week I haven’t slept at all. I’ve been to the hospital and they couldn’t help me. It’s like my brain won’t shut off and there’s too much activity in it. It physically feels like I’m drinking coffee hourly which I’m not. This has all been happening for over 2 months after supplementing with Lions Mane and then having marijuana.

I’m not sure if the Lions Mane mushroom daily for 2 weeks then taking marijuana that one day had an adverse reaction with each other or not, but ever since the morning after I haven’t been the same sleep wise among other issues. The other issues I’ve been experiencing are internal vibrations for the past month, twitches in my neck, legs, and hands, diahrrea every day, sore legs, and disorientation. The internal vibrations worry me that I may have a neurological disorder. I have an appointment with a neurologist in two weeks. The main issue is I’m not sleeping at all, it’s like I’ve lost that ability.

I feel somehow the Lions Mane and marijuana could had given me brain damage because after Nov 25 I haven’t been the same person. I don’t know how or if this is true but my life has been turned upside with all my symptoms.

Does anyone know whether I might have a serious issue or how I can further look into why it appears I’ve lost my ability to sleep?

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I used to only sleep 2 hours every night. That was ten minutes here and 5 minutes there. Since I was fitted for an APAP machine and a nasal mask with a chin guard, I now sleep 7 to 8 hours every night. It might be worth a try to get a sleep study.

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Sounds like great advice! Thank you!


Hello., Wow...I don't know what Lions Mane is.....but it obviously did some damage to you! If you can't sleep for night after night....eventually the hospital has to help you! They will make you sleep.....not sure how they do it ....but for people who are unable to sleep for long periods of time.....they can help. I pray for you and wish you all the best of luck. Have you tried the Benzo Flurazepam or Ambien? Both will definitely put you out! 30mg Flurazepam or 10mg Ambien. GOOD LUCK.


I'm in Canada and wish we had something like the Mayo Clinic here. The healthcare system is free, but it's incredibly slow so if anyones in need of help fast then it's too bad. Also, doctors here don't seem to care about things they can't see in my case.

Thank you for the advice. The thing is with my issue and because of internal head tremors it feels like my eyes are shaking somtimes so it's become extremely hard to stay focused on reading and staying still. I was completely ok 3 months ago. I still really don't know what happened, but believe the mushroom/marijuana did something to me. I think I'll never find out exactly what happened, but that's ok.

I do enjoy being outdoors. I'll take a walk later 🙂

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Man that sounds like demons to me
Call out to Jesus
Prayin for u 🙂


Hello., Wow...I don't know what Lions Mane is.....but it obviously did some damage to you! If you can't sleep for night after night....eventually the hospital has to help you! They will make you sleep.....not sure how they do it ....but for people who are unable to sleep for long periods of time.....they can help. I pray for you and wish you all the best of luck. Have you tried the Benzo Flurazepam or Ambien? Both will definitely put you out! 30mg Flurazepam or 10mg Ambien. GOOD LUCK.

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Ambien is not a benzodiazepine.


Ambien is not a benzodiazepine.

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kawanhee... I didn't say Ambien was a benzo. I said Flurazepam was a benzo.


To hello123yes, I’ve been where you are far as being unable to sleep and the resulting anxiety and I know how frightening and life altering this can be. Sleep deprivation alone can cause most of the symptoms you are experiencing. If you do not have access to a Naturopathic or holistic doctor, I recommend reading The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. A sleep doctor once told me “sleep medicines (prescriptions) are not the answer to insomnia but sometimes we need a bandaid until we can figure out the cause. I tried Ambien, Xanax, Trazodone, Mirtazapine and Belsomra at different times and they all helped me to sleep but generally gave me too many side effects so I have had better results using Tryptophan, GabaCalm or powdered inositol. If you can’t find an in person naturopathic doctor you may want to contact brendamarshallmd@google.com. I did some telemedicine visits with her and she used to charge around $300 per 1 hour consult altho that was in 2020.


I started on this Lion Mané today. I smoked weed aswell, I’ll see how it turns out, you still having problems?


I started on this Lion Mané today. I smoked weed aswell, I’ll see how it turns out, you still having problems?

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This whole post is literally about a person who has been takin Lion's Mane, smoked weed, and had a permanent bad result...

But let me know how that turns out.
I was literally about to start the same thing until I read this post.
I can't afford any adverse effects. Anymore Neuro issues, and I'm getting my will notarized.

I have "Organic Fermented lions mane" by "Solaray".
Not sure if it's worth the risk i've read about here. I think there are usage guidelines that have not been established. (Dosage, duration, and interactions)
As with all great things come great risks, and I think the OP unfortunately figured that out.

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