Seeking information from people who have had meningioma biopsed

Posted by elisabeth007 @elisabeth007, May 30 7:54am

i would greatly appreciating hearing from
those who had their meningioma biopsed. Thank you.

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Hi @elisabeth007, I read in another message you made here that you've been living with a meningioma for about a decade, but recently there have been some changes that your team are watching.

Has it been suggested that you get a biopsy? What kind of information are you looking for about a biopsy for meningioma or what questions do you have?


i was told the only way it will be know if the tumor is malignant is by having it biopsed. However, we have decided to avoid all invasive procedures until at least after the next MRI scheduled for Nov 6


I was diagnosed with a brain meningioma Feb 2023.
Surgeon assured me it was probably begnin.
Pathology came back and it was malignant.
New diagnosis: solitary fibrous tumor of the CNS. Wow!
6 weeks of daily radiation.
Go next week for PET and MRI to see where I am now.
Small piece of tumor had to remain, too close to major vessel.
Pray for me.
What symptoms did I have previously?
Nothing except some balance and pressure when I stood up, I thought it was sinus or allergy issues. No headaches. My tumor was on the right side, affecting my left side.


Hope you have good report. Surgeon told me biopsy is required to know if menongioma is being or malignant.


Same. I’ve had the MRI that stated most likely Meningioma and neurosurgery consult. He wants to take it out with a big craniotomy and “lift my brain”. I talked to people that were unhappy with that and others that said find someone that does it through the nose. Anyone have information on that? It’s by my pituitary gland


Hope you have good report. Surgeon told me biopsy is required to know if menongioma is being or malignant.

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Same to me. Must have a biopsy and “debulk” as much as possible but can’t remove it all.


Same. I’ve had the MRI that stated most likely Meningioma and neurosurgery consult. He wants to take it out with a big craniotomy and “lift my brain”. I talked to people that were unhappy with that and others that said find someone that does it through the nose. Anyone have information on that? It’s by my pituitary gland

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I had the craniotomy,
Don’t think I could tolerate going thru my nose!


Hope you have good report. Surgeon told me biopsy is required to know if menongioma is being or malignant.

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No matter if it is benign or malignant, doesn’t it still have to be removed?
Don’t think I could wait until November. .


Same. I’ve had the MRI that stated most likely Meningioma and neurosurgery consult. He wants to take it out with a big craniotomy and “lift my brain”. I talked to people that were unhappy with that and others that said find someone that does it through the nose. Anyone have information on that? It’s by my pituitary gland

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its seems the top places eg Mayo offer the nasal option. UCLA also offers a non invasive ablation option. i don’t know under what circumstances the nasal option can be done. i would prefer it too. What’s a “lift”? Wishing you all the best


No matter if it is benign or malignant, doesn’t it still have to be removed?
Don’t think I could wait until November. .

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The drs think it can wait. It does not appear to be disturbing any of my body functions and there are strong reasons not to do it now

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